I appreciate your comment. You can tell that I'm a skeptic. The distinction between public health policy and individual well being does not escape me. Public health officials think in terms of herd. I think in terms of me :))Hello @flemingfarm,
We lost a friend to COVID at the beginning of the epidemic and then a few more acquaintances. I take this disease seriously and weigh what I know about risk/benefit (not much). Then I make the best decision I can. At least, if something goes wrong, it was my choice.
I'm back from getting the shot and so far, immediate consequences are almost nil. We'll see.
On another note: I'm sorry you have to deal with chronic disease. It's a rough deal. Blogging is a great, accessible outlet, I find.
I wish you peace.
The most important thing is making an INFORMED decision and you have tried to do your research which is more than many have done. I truly don't begrudge anyone for doing what they feel is right for their own medical situation, that is each person's right and we need to help ensure that it stays that way.
I'm sorry for your loss, it is never easy. My family have had friends die from the flu over the years but we have not had anyone from covid.
I hope that you and everyone else has no ill effect from the shot, our health is one of the most precious things we have.