small town maybe just what you need, many may thing your crazy and should be downsizing, but we didnt when we moved here and its all a matter of what works best for you
and yes indeed those views are amazing love them
Grandkids are here now so a good day for us :)
Sounds like a perfect kind of day! I am going back there on Saturday with a checklist of things so look at ... it is hours away, about three of them, so I am going to be running late on the markets!
Ohh it was a great day
Thats a bit of a trip but hope it all goes well
Yes, I just got home this morning, so longer than I thought. I think it was a perfect house, but, the medical facilities are lacking. This morning, pulling up to my house, the ambulance flew by and stopped up the street at a neighbor's house. The parents are visiting and the father was rushed off to the hospital.
The hospital. The nearest one to me is more than a rush away. Who says God doesn't speak to you? So, just has me thinking. Not overthinking, mind you. Just considering.
Hi @tattoodjay!
how close a hospital or emergency services is to a property one is considering getting is a factor to consider for sure