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RE: Market Friday - Minerals in Galena

in Market Friday2 years ago

I love crystal and fossil shops! So many shinies. Lapis and turquoise are some of my favorites. Did you find any galena in Galena? If you didn't know, galena is a metallic silver-blue mineral that lead (and small quantities of silver) are extracted from. I would have both some quartz points. I'm short on those.


I didn't even know there was such a thing as a galena mineral. I know that town was started as a mining town so its probably a lead type of mineral right? I wanted to hike around the mines of spain in dubuque but it was too rainy.

You are correct!
Exploring old mines is great. I once went to the Valenciana mines (named after the Spanish city) in Guanajuato, Mexico. Lots of crystal shops in the vicinity too!

One day I want to see those giant crystals in Naica, those things are huge.