Venice…an interesting experience

in Market Friday2 months ago (edited)

I’d like to say that I fully researched Venice before I went there but I didn’t.

I wanted to see Venice without any preconceived ideas.

It is of course astonishing to think that people built this place hundreds of years ago with little or no technological help.

I have no idea what these photos are of but I’m sure someone will tell us in the comments or maybe not?

What I can say is that this was not an easy trip. We arrived in the middle of a heatwave and left in the middle of a storm.

The first problem was the heat and humidity. It was like being trapped inside a furnace with no escape.

Second problem bridges everywhere with many stairs.
The first bridge you encounter is the equivalent of a mountain for anyone who is not fully fit.

My wife Linda has mobility issues and she has difficulties breathing.

Venice is not built for people with any disability. There is zero wheelchair access anywhere that we could find.

There are many ancient buildings in various states of disrepair that are rather sad looking considering that they were once very prestigious places.

I know people who would gush excitedly about Venetian architecture but they probably haven’t been there in person.

Seeing another bridge is like seeing another mountain to climb.

Another bridge another challenge to overcome.

I suppose the only way to think about this whole fiasco is that we survived it.

Another example of how badly organised Venice is when it comes to transportation.
We took the train from the mainland onto the islands that make up Venice. All super modern and up to date with cheap train tickets.

Walk down to the quayside and a crowd of taxi boat operators from the 16th century will tell you how great their service is until they see Linda’s walking issues and suddenly they all disappear.

I get it. It’s difficult to get into the boat and getting out is even more challenging. We saw a rather large woman go down trying to get out of a boat and her husband looked horrified that she might fall back into the boat.

The boat owners don’t want to be responsible for anyone getting injured plus it slows down their ability to make money.

The quayside is ancient and dilapidated and not built to modern safety standards.
It might be authentic but it is incredibly dangerous.

It was not a good experience to be honest in fact it was touch and go if we would all make it out alive….seriously.

Linda was getting progressively worse and we had no alternative way to get out of there except for walking which was really hard for her.

Listen I’m not saying we walked miles. The total distance covered was probably less than a mile but in that heat and humidity it was like climbing Everest.
I’m fairly fit and it done me in as well.

Fortunately in the early evening the heavens opened and the rain poured down cooling the air. At least now we could breathe and move a little easier.

A 3 minute walk to a restaurant took us 25 minutes. When you cannot control your body temperature it is just a matter of time before you die.

Thunder and lightning was never so welcome. We got out of Venice and headed back to our hotel.

Venice was an interesting experience and one that I will never forget but for all the wrong reasons.

Key points to take from this article.

Don’t visit Venice in a heatwave.
Don’t visit Venice if you have mobility problems.
Do your research before going.

Venice needs to get a lot better in terms of how it caters to people with disabilities. It’s just appalling.

My idea of just getting a unbiased opinion about Venice by not researching it as I usually would was a mistake. Huge.

Below is a map showing the city and its surrounding areas.

Would I visit Venice again? Yes in spring or fall but never again in summer. It’s just unbearable and once you are on the islands you are stuck unless you get a miracle like the thunderstorm that saved us.

Remember to hydrate regularly during heatwaves and stay indoors unless you absolutely have to go out.

#marketfriday is curated and organised by @dswigle

Edit: typo


It just occurred to me that I ndver got back to read this.

Poor Linda! I completely understand. As my MS grew worse I had to
give up traveling in Europe. The cobblestones and unaccessible facilities made it too difficult. I was still able to travel around the USA. My mobility scooter could go most everywhere here.
Great pictures though.

Hi Mel, yeah I was more than a little surprised by the lack of accessibility of many places in Italy and Germany. Seems like they have a lot of work to do to improve the situation for travellers with mobility issues.
Thanks for the indeed 👍

Ancient buildings and streets. It's probably easier to make things handicap accessible here.

You're probably right. I should have done my research before we visited. 🤦‍♂️😂👍

The older I get, the more value value I place on good accommodations. Safe stairs with handrails, or better yet ramps and decent restrooms too!

Public Restrooms have vanished in the UK and most of Europe. If you need a toilet you have to find a restaurant or shopping centre and of course buy something 🤦‍♂️

People who have mobility problems are not catered for these days.
It seemed to be getting better for disabled people in the last few decades but the tide has turned in the opposite direction it seems to me.

I still haven't been to Venice yet, the over tourism puts me off, and I heard they're trying to stop too many tourists going as well. Seems like the love is mutual.

I hope the rest of your Europe trip experience was much better

Yep it's a tourist trap for sure. The boat operators are like sharks circling their prey.
Tourists have to pay a tax to visit the islands 22 euros per person.
Rest of the trip? Watch this space lol. It's been a comedy of errors.

Oh the memories of Venice. I can feel the humidity from your photos haha.

You had the right idea. Get in early before the tourists and blazing sun. 😂😂👍🏼

Sending you an Ecency curation vote for now and will be back later to read more carefully.

Thanks Mel for the indeed vote. Much appreciated. 👍🏼

I'm sorry you had such a horrible time and glad you got away safely.
I went a long time ago, (it was on my bucket list), but in March and it was wonderful.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your journey.

Hi Shani, I'm sure Venice would be fantastic in any other season but in a heatwave it was unbearable.
I had high hopes for the Venice trip. Looks like I'll have to come back again in autumn. 🤦‍♂️😂👍🏼

I see Sir @molometer that the place have a lot of bridge. The place is beautiful and there's a lot of store, restaurant, and amazing architecture around the corner

Thanks for your comments. Venice is one of those places that everyone should visit. The problem is that everyone does visit lol.

I went as a kid and don't remember much about it. It seems like a faded version of its grand past, but still attracts the tourists. I've heard it's pretty expensive generally. I wasn't planning to go back and your review has not changed that. I hope you had some good experiences on your travels.

The movies make it look good.

Hi Steve, if you looked up tourist trap in a dictionary you'd see a picture of Venice lol.

Very expensive very smelly and very uncomfortable for anyone who has mobility issues.

We are having a great tour apart from the Venice incident.
We heading home today from Colmar. Eastern France.
It's a beautiful town. I'll do a blog on it when I get a chance.

Edit: Most of the movies water scenes were filmed in the London docks 😏👍🏼

@molometer! @melinda010100 Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @melinda010100.

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Thanks for the support @melinda010100 👍🏼

I have visited Venice 3 times in the past and always hated its smell... 🙃
Sorry to hear about the lack of care for the disabled but I think this is the case in a lot of cities... we dont have pavements in my city... How are these people supposed to go somewhere?

Yep Venice is a no go area for people with mobility problems. Sucks big time

@molometer! @melinda010100 Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @melinda010100.

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