Firewood on sale.

in Market Friday2 years ago


Another fantastic day to present a market scene on the hive blockchain. Today's edition of my #marketfriday event features a street market. This isn't your typical marketplace where individuals purchase and sell their wares. As is customary, most streets are decorated with market scenes. In Ghana, people may view on many different streets.

This week, I began a series of visits to Ghanaian communities. This was in relation to the surveys I conducted in the communities that requested us to participate in the hive borehole project. I stumbled upon this market scene while traveling across several villages that had requested the hive empowerment initiative. I didn't realize the objects on the streets were for sale until I got closer.


These are dried timbers for sale that have been placed on the streets. Trees are utilized as a fuel in our numerous houses in Ghana. In recent years, conventional fuel utilization has been replaced with gas in cylinders. These firewoods are used for cooking and a variety of other purposes. Most Ghanaians still choose to utilize traditional firewood for cooking and other purposes.

Due to the price rise of gases, residents in Ghana's communities continue to enjoy utilizing firewood. Some people may also use firewood to make charcoal. This firewood is preferred by commercial users and food merchants. They are relatively inexpensive and convenient to use; nevertheless, they emit more smoke.






 photos by @mcsamm

These prepared firewood pieces are sold on the streets. People travel to this village to purchase these products in bulk, according to the sellers. I was startled to learn that each bundle of firewood costs 1ghc ($0.13). People will be able to buy more firewood as a result of this. It is less expensive than using gas or even charcoal for cooking.

Each bundle has roughly four pieces of dry wood arranged in it. Even though I was unable to purchase any of the firewood, I spent some time conversing with the dealers of the firewood. This is a market scene that I'd like to share with all of my readers today. Thanks to @dswigle for making this a great moment on the blockchain. I wish everyone a wonderful weekend.


In the villages they are very cheap but if they were conveyed to the cities the owners would have have made much more. Thanks for sharing this experience Sam

That's true. Transportation cost will increase their prices too.

Great to see they are using other means for fuel now. So they can keep warm. And that it is less expensive as gas or charcoal. Thanks for sharing this experience with us @mcsamm 😁

Thanks too.

You are welcome 😁☀️👋🏻 Enjoy your weekend!

We may have to collect firewood in our garden for cooking soon! Energy prices are going up and up!

That will be very helpful.
