Crayfish as something prickly, brilliant! @hopestylist 😁
I'm glad you had fun during your hunt.
Your tonsillitis sucks though. One time I lost my sense of taste and smell (it was just extreme cold not covid lol) cooking food and not being able to taste anything was absolute torture so I can actually imagine what you are going through.
I hope you get well soon though ❣️
Yes it was a really brilliant one 😁😁 and yes I had so much fun 🥰.
Yes the tonsillitis really sucks badly, I wasn't able to eat anything yesterday but guess what, I'm eating now, I feel a little better now, I think the drugs worked.
Thank you so much for stopping by and your concern, I really appreciate it 😘😘.
Hey Hope!, I'm sorry for the late reply 😪
It's great to know that you are getting better and by now you are probably totally least I hope you are🙂.
You are welcome ❣️