You really do have your space planned out well to fit in as much as you do. It is so hard to prioritize! Not really, I am just whining for you, so you don't have to.
So, you know when you run out of floor space, you have to go up ! That means plastering stuff all over the walls.
As much stuff as I have let go, you would think I could fit the stuff that still made the cut (so far) in the space I have, but alas I can't and prioritizing what gets to be out and what doesn't isn't fun. I want it ALL out. ha ha.... If only I didn't like so many things !
Yes! But, then you have all those paintings and they already rule! And those are hard to prioritize because I like them all. So don't touch! I keep cleaning closets and cupboards, and yet, I still have stuff left. I am not a packrat, but, I do like my stuff. I decided that if I cannot have it all out, I need to gift it. The house has a little bit of room to reshift, so it has survived most of what it has. So far.
You really do have your space planned out well to fit in as much as you do. It is so hard to prioritize! Not really, I am just whining for you, so you don't have to.
Oh thank you ! LOL
So, you know when you run out of floor space, you have to go up ! That means plastering stuff all over the walls.
As much stuff as I have let go, you would think I could fit the stuff that still made the cut (so far) in the space I have, but alas I can't and prioritizing what gets to be out and what doesn't isn't fun. I want it ALL out. ha ha.... If only I didn't like so many things !
No thanks needed. :)
Yes! But, then you have all those paintings and they already rule! And those are hard to prioritize because I like them all. So don't touch! I keep cleaning closets and cupboards, and yet, I still have stuff left. I am not a packrat, but, I do like my stuff. I decided that if I cannot have it all out, I need to gift it. The house has a little bit of room to reshift, so it has survived most of what it has. So far.
Yup. I want it all. Gimmee! Gimmee!