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RE: Healthy Eating, Getting Back Into The Gym, and Budget Planning

'Youre what you eat.' There are a lot of people who visit us in the clinics with aesthetic complaints. The complains are usually the same. Acne, hairfall, dark circles and a lot of other complications related to the face. Oh yes, let me mention it beforehand that dentists nowadays are focusing a lot on aesthetic demands of their patients. Not just the teeth but the face as well.

Anyway, I have always consulted them to have a proper diet and to hit the gym. I know it's hard. It's hard for me as well, going to the gym. But I have to a realization that if you consider gym as a chore you'll always quit it during the first month. You should be enjoying going to the gym in order to be consistent. Talking about the diet, people usually have this misconception that if they take vitamins and other medications it'll have an immediate affect on their face. That's not how it works. Infact, pills would do you no good if you don't have a healthy diet. For example if someone has a complaint of acne on his/her face and they tell me that they have been using this cream for the past one month without any results, I'll always ask about their food intake. In Pakistan, we have a lot of oil and spices in our food. It gets unbearable sometimes but it is what it is. So, you can imagine why the acne is not going. So yes, healthy food with a healthy routine does the trick.

Talking about budget planning, I don't live alone but I haven't asked for a single penny from my dad for over 5 years now. I have never planed my budget during this period and somehow I haven't ran out of cash completely. Maybe it's just God having mercy on me or idk what 😂

I don't buy clothes myself a lot, infact I mentioned this in my recent post as well. Mosttt of my money is spent on food and that too isn't planned. It's like, I am off to play cricket or football somewhere and after the game the boys feel hungry, I spend on food. I feel bored in the hospital and there's nothing to do, I order food. Maybe thats why I am having a hard time losing weight 😂. Need to add balance in my life.

I was shocked to see that I still managed my 20kg-ish weight loss

I think I got it wrong. You managed to lose 20 kg without hitting the gym? Dude, how? I need tips