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RE: Summer Is A Long Way Away, And Yet...

in Market Friday2 years ago

This does look like a spectacular trip! I can totally understand the nostalgia of the seasons, I get it whenever winter rolls around myself and each day as it gets colder I say under my breath "when is spring coming? I'm freezing here". I don't think I could survive a climate where it's winter all year round...don't know how people do that.

The trinkets you buy on beautiful trips like that end up having such sentimental value. I have so many memories tied into things I bought when I visited the shores of Madagascar, I get emotional looking at them sometimes.


Thank you! It wasn't just one trip, it was memories of three consecutive trips to the same place that I love and hope to go there again. Until then, you're right, I do look at the items brought back from there and dream... beautiful!