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RE: Market Friday goes House Hunting

in Market Friday3 years ago

I have looked at the energy bills for the last three years on this house. The top hits around $136.00 and averages about $96.00which are pretty incredible for the electric and less than 1/4 for the gas. That sounded too low, but, I saw it with my own eye. I would put some solar panels on the roof, should it be mine. It has a perfect roof for it. There is a well already and no issues with the house.

The windows! I love all the light, but, realize it makes it less energy efficient. Still... those windows! :) All those little squares. I won't lie. If that got too much to do them, I would hire it out, but, even now, with this house. I have two kids living at home and everyone, myself included, does a window a week, and the windows never need to be done. It makes it so simple to do it that way.

That is so great that you already have the solar panels up. Not only a money saver but, not so dependent on the utility company. I want to be in that place!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Mick! @stresskiller

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