I almost fell off my chair laughing! LOL I will show you forty photos of the beach, just not five of the same picture!I Not kidding! Ha! I can never take enough pictures of Bermuda, I hope you get to go there someday if you cannot get home. It is small and beautiful, much like many of the Caribbean Islands, except perhaps a bit more industry and business (that means jobs!)
It is so easy to imagine oneself here, playing in the sand... for me, I lay down at the waterline and let the water pass over me, cooling me down. I was on the beach for hours, probably 4 or 5? I walked the beach trails, swam, and took a few pictures, to keep the memory. To be honest, I don't need the pictures, I can remember every detail of it. Thank you so much. It delights me that you enjoyed the photos.
I am disheartened and didn't want to say anything about no comments on posts, as a matter of fact, most of the people that it pertains to didn't even read my post, but dropped the link. It is a bad habit I allowed to happen. I should have addressed it right away, and yet, I had hoped it was one of those things people would discover themselves. Do you want to have a friend here? You need to be a friend. (they don't get that!) I read every single one of their posts and I do it willingly. I work, I have a family, a house on the coast that needs to be taken care of and I sometimes volunteer, although not since covid. Some days, you just have to take the time and factor it all in.
I am not complaining, I am just wondering why that seems so hard?
You are hilarious! Everyone is in their element today! :) Just don't send me blurry pictures!
Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, some people here have to told what to do. Some are just desperate for the vote, that they just don't have the patience to read and comments; but , well, there is when they have to receive a "notice".
4-5 hrs at that beach? Good time to enjoy it. And yes, sometimes it is better to keep the phone or the camera in your beach bag, and just enjoy the beauty of nature.
>You are such a wonderful admin.
There always needs to be a time when you just enjoy the moment. I do that often. Capturing the moment can be fun, but, honestly, some moments can never be repeated, so just enjoy it.
Haha! No, you have never done it. Not one time. 😁
I wish I could tell those people that are desperate for a vote, that they will get all the votes they need if they take their time and build slowly and gradually. Not try to break all the barriers. Relationships take time, so does building trust and comfort.
Nicest thing anyone has said to me all day. Thank you!❤️
My entry for last week's post . Just a little late
(1/5) sent you LUV.
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@francisaponte25, @dswigle