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RE: What Can You Buy For $10.00 in Your Market Friday?

in Market Friday2 years ago

Hehe! Oh, Dan! @bluemoon I am sorry you couldn't benefit from the promotion, but, life happens. I also wait until the last moment, as is my habit and I rarely make a post early. I did it a few times and it was wonderful!! I keep saying I need to do it again, and yet, I don't!

It did have that effect and I knew it would. It is a standard fallback, although a couple of people used things they needed like shampoo and other personal items. Some people read the posts, others don't but, I guess that is where we differ. I always read the posts of contests. You might miss something if you don't.

The water was terrible. On my daughter's birthday! :( So, I was in the middle of making a black forest chocolate cake, and lucky I was home! It burst and I heard the water running upstairs and I ran up there! Good thing too. Minutes had passed. Just minutes and all that damage. All the mess, moving everything out of the room, calling the insurance, The water mitigators coming, For hours! Anyway, there are ceilings downstairs torn out from the water, and The tiles on the bathroom floor. baseboard... Oh, the mess. But, I made a nice dinner, had cake and birthday songs, and presents helped move more furniture out of the room, played a board game, and gave the workers something to eat and drink. Eventually, they left and I started #MarketFriday and finished at 4 am, and trust me, I was exhausted.

But, I lived to tell.



Happy Birthday to your daughter! She will probably remember this event for a long time...
Really lucky you were home, otherwise, there would have been damaged I can't even imagine.
You behaved wonderfully. You had the strength not to let it affect your daughter's celebration. I don't know why such things happen at the most inopportune times.

Fortunately, such damage can be repaired and you can get over it.
Have a nice Sunday and a bit of relaxation!

P.S. I'll have a slice of that cake. I'll have a slice of that cake. Happy Birthday to your daughter and thanks to mom!