Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive. Today we are in Boston, Massachusetts.
South Market is in Boston, Massachusetts, one of my favorite towns in the United States. It is such a beautiful mix of history and modern, every corner you meet at.The Quincy Market, North Market and South Market are all located downtown close to where the waterfront is. To this day, it is still a market, just like it was in 1742. It is an amazing place full of retail/office and mixed use in terms of festivals, right there in the square. I have never been disappointed. And yes, there will be lobster today.
I walked a little bit further down the street and picked up the way of the Freedom Trail. If you follow it, it will bring you to the “the Cradle of Liberty” Faneuil Hall (1742). This building was given to the city of Boston by Peter Faneuil. There were many meetings and protests, all which led to the American Revolution.I can almost see myself going there for a protest, just to get the feel of it.
Currently, an entrance ticket to Faneuil Hall Marketplace costs USD 5.00. Guided Faneuil Hall Marketplace tours start around USD 5.00 per person.
For 275 years, Faneuil Hall remains a site of meetings, protests, and debate right up to this very day. Because Revolutionary-era meetings and protests took place so frequently at the hall, successive generations continued to gather at the Hall in their own struggles over the meaning and legacy of American liberty. Abolitionists, women's suffragists, and labor unionists name just the largest of groups who have held protests, meetings, and debates at Faneuil Hall. source
I frequently stalk the light, the thing that brings life to a photo, leaving an artistic taste in my mouth. The perfect time and place to capture it. I am in favor of color peeking out from the urban landscape, making it a softer, gentler place to inhabit.
The cobblestone street gather the tiny yellow leaves, filling in the cracks. They make such a pretty sight for someone looking to take pictures, otherwise, what a mess they make as they can get slippery when wet.
Cemeteries bearing gravestones of people we only read about in history books and people who are a little infamous. There is no denying that it is rich in its own history also, for famous American patriots like Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams. Would you believe it is also the final resting place for Mother Goose? There is always more. Boston is not huge, but, it is packed with wonderfulness. There is so much to see here, but, this trip was for family reasons, so I didn't get out much. This is the Boston Ship Repair, right on the harbor.It is convienantly located in Boston Harbor, seven miles from open sea.
There is the balcony that the Declaration of Independence is read in its entirety, every 4th of July since it was written in 1776. At the top of the building are the lion and unicorn, which are symbols of the United Kingdom. They were forcibly removed in a protest and burned in a bonfire. The lion and unicorn made a return when the building underwent a restoration project in 1882. So much protesting during that time.History is so full of confrontation.
I didn't know that the Old State House in Boston had a gift shop the first time I came.I am not sure how I missed it.I think I was so interested in the history of it and admiring the architecture, trinkets were the last thing on my mind. But, when I went back, I went in and enjoyed many of the items they had in there, although most were laced in sarcasm. Yes! All sorts of political paraphenalia!
Question: What can be swallowed and also swallow you?
Answer! Can you guess??? The answer to the riddle is Pride. Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure/satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. Pride can be swallowed, but it can also swallow you. Therefore, the answer to the riddle is Pride
Rules of the Road
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
- Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
- Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.
State House
Tours: Adults $15
Seniors (65+) $14
Students $14
Children (12 and under) $8
Members FREE
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower
Christmas will be coming sooner than I imagined. In keeping with the Christmas Countdown, I give you one seasonal picture and the day count! There are 6 days 00 hours 07 minutes and 27 seconds.

Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what an amazing world we live in, people. Some days, it is not so easy to see, how truly wonderful it really is. Always remember,kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

Here we are @dswigle I have it done for you enjoy the colorful festival 😊
There is an amazing amount of history there. Love those old buildings and the stories that go with them!
You are correct, photography is all about light. The most interesting subject in bad lighting just wont look good at all.
Finally got my Market Friday done before midnight. Yikes!
Congratulations! You are doing better than I do some days. Oh, I see a Target Post coming up! :)
I do love Boston but, I only got two days here. I love it more in the spring and summer, but, yesterday was nice. I never really cared about light until one day, it was like a switch turned on and it has never been the same since.
Bring me the light!
Thanks for joining #MarketFriday! I hope you are having a great day!
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Love your Christmas balls Denise, they bring a bit of Christmas excitement to come feeling. I think it is time to play Christmas carols so I can fill the house with happy tones of the festive season.💚
We have started here! :) November 1at there are three stations that play it 24/7 We don't do it that soon, but, quietly play one or two, until one day, it is full-tilt boogie. All Christmas!
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think that I am slowest chip in the wood heap Denise as I have never post the link to my @marketFriday post on your post😐. But I can see you found me anyway! A first time for everything so they say, next time. Wishing you happiness as always my friend. 🌻
That is the great thing about forgiveness. Free to give. I am always happy to see you. Link or not, but, don't spread that around!
It is amazing! If the walls can only talk!
Isn't that the truth? Everytime I'm here, I wonder what it would be like to meet some of them !
Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping you post!
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Always enjoy visiting places steeped in history, still enjoyed and nurtured to this day.
Oh that riddle is so true, great reminder Denise.
Thanks for delightful tour, sadly we never learn and much will go asunder when people are angry or in disagreement again.
Isn't that the truth, Joan? @joanstewart I always think we will learn from our mistakes, but, we do it over and over. That is just ignorant on our part. :(
I like when history unfolds as your walkabout. I lived close enough to Boston and NYC growing up and I thought all places were like them. I don't mind digging for history either, but, this is too easy and I do like that they incorporate it into the town so that everyone can enjoy it.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words, always@
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Not quite sure how defacing old buildings resolved anything, but then who am I to say... We have some great places still standing not sure how much of the history is in tact.
I still dig into history when something of interest pops up anywhere in the world 😆
Oh, wait! Did I agree to that? Defacing old buildings? Noooo, never resolves anything.
I love digging into history, as you know, I don't care where in the world it is... that is the joy of the internet.
Defacing old appears fashionable in some countries whereas others a taking care of what they have inherited. Cannot alter the past only learn from it so makes no sense in destroying what you have.
Written history gives us a good idea of where we came from, too many conjure up tales of old told, they hold no bearing yet get treated as truth.
Buildings, content within, normally hold great stories framed over time, this makes your visit into Boston a wonderful day out.
View or trade
Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.Follow the light to get a good shot - note to self.
I answered "water" and thought for once I may be right ... huh!! wrong again haha
You know I have no idea what I'm talking about, right? Hehehehe. Kidding. I answered wrong too. How about that? I am usually better than that.
Hey you! Good to see you! I hope you are having a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
And me loves you right back <33
WOW amazing the market has been there for so many years, your posts of Boston always want me to visit there, but this year it did not happen for a variety of reasons but next year for sure I plan a visit or three there
Here is my post for this week, and do not be shocked it is a real market as in a Mall even if the shops weren't yet open when I was there LOL
Oh, my! Stop shocking me like this! :) You aren't allowed to do real markets, it was a deal we made.LOL
You will get to Boston and you will never be the same. It is one of those cities that keeps pulling me back, and I grew up with it, yet, it still fascinates me. It is not even large and grandiose, it is just where so much of the countries beginnings come from.
Thanks so much for always participating!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I was thinking about Boston this morning and almost ordered a fish eye/Ultra wide lens which I always wanted for exploring around cities and its a cheap one at $235, but I thought whats the rush LOL
Sorry if I broke all kinds of rules for me sharing a real market LOL
Oh! Oh, you are Nikon. I was just going to ask you if it was a Canon. :) I think that once you go, you won't be able to stay away. When it is warm will work best and I rarely drive there unless I am staying, usually at a relative, but, I will park there. There is parking, but, I find it easier to hop on public transportation.
You little rule breaker! :) Now, don't go and get all kind on me, you thug. :)
Lol neither canon or Nikon I am a Sony user
But it’s a third party lens I was thinking if a TTartisan 11mm
Ohh yes I suspect I will fall in love with Boston and want to there many times
I will always be a thug
I bought a 10-20 2.8 but wish I had bought prime. Can you believe I ALWAYS forget it when I go to cities??? :(
Yeah that’s a nice range the Sony 12-24 one though isn’t cheap I think just under 3k
Oh, yes!
#MarketFriday still loves you!
That's quite a historical and beautiful Friday you had Denise. You learned that the balcony was the place to declare independence because it was encrypted there or you already knew?
By the way, I noticed you passed my #marketfriday post last weekend. I just thought you didn't like it but I know you're not like that so, of course, I know that you just missed it.
Thank you, Paul! @mrnightmare89 I do love Boston. Actually, it is one of the things we learned in school, showing the balcony where it was read. It is actually quite exciting when you actually see where history was made. We did a field trip in grade school, and middle school, and finally, high school. I had relatives that lived there, so I got to see it a lot. :) There is a plaque outside of the building telling you that and there is a talk by park rangers inside.
I can't believe I missed your post! I still keep calling it up and it doesn't appear, but, I went to your profile and there it is. There were three that were missed. So sorry. I am going to read it now and rectify it! Thank you for telling me! Never hesitate to tell me before it pays out!
#MarketFriday loves you!
That is expensive. No wonder that the place was almost empty (there are only a few people on your photo). I would rather spend that (or rather even less than that) on a good lunch. And I actually did it today for $4.61 USD:
I tried Thai food for the first time in my life - #MarketFriday (2021.11.19).
I don't usually go for tours, especially guided tours. For someone visiting there, I recommend the tours, but, I grew up with Boston being less than two hours away and I had relatives living there, so it was a place that I would go to.
Most of what they tell you on the tours, I already know or have heard in twenty different ways. Generally, people that go on vacation have extra money built-in for these types of things. (I am not on vacation, so it doesn't count) The place is empty because I went when it was just closing so I could get pictures. They let me stay a few minutes later to snap a few. It is usually pretty full. That is why they have ropes. During Covid, much of this was closed and people are still not out like they used to be and people are not VACATIONING in cities. :)
That is awesome that you spent it on a nice lunch! Good for you. And Thai food is delicious! I love the spicy! Thanks for being a part of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hello @dswigle! What an enlightening post. All these history right there in Boston, Massachusetts! It's a beautiful place. Lovely photos.
I hope you are having a relaxing Friday. I went shopping for gifts. Here's my link-
Well done and good morning! 😊
Thank you so much @kemmyb! There is so much of our history surrounded in Boston. I love going there and poking around the side street, where many surprises lie in wait.
I am having a lovely Friday, busy as usual, but, the weather is cooperative and the wind is blowing the leaves all around. It is a wonderful sight. :) You are way ahead of the game, shopping already! That is awesome! Good morning from Boston today!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Looks like a beautiful city Boston I love the old mixed in with the new and lots of history to be seen there an city I would love to visit. I am sure you would have enjoyed that lobster one of my favorite seafood dishes.
Am running behind will try and get my marketfriday in by tomorrow have a nice day @dswigle 😊
Haha! I am always running behind. It seems to be the way it is now. I did have lobster, how can you not? It is one of my favorite things to eat, along with clams and mussels and crabs - and scallops! If it swims for a living, I will eat it!
Boston and New York City are equal distances from where I grew up, so we spent many good times in both.
It is cool that both of those incorporate history with modern living. It feels right when you go there. Thanks for stopping by! Always a pleasure to see you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I knew you would have enjoyed that lobster and I am actually getting on my my marketfriday post now just finished edited the photos. I have been a little under the weather the past couple of days due to some parting this weekend because of a Thai festival which I am going to write about now.
Have a great day @dswigle 😊
8nothing captures memories like photos and structures such as this....most times when i encounter ancient structures i imagine once upon a time how this place was bursting with life,....listen close you can still hear the echos of their chattering ,laughing, shouting and argument resounding thru the ancient walls that were laid hundreds of years before us....its really beautiful....i applaud you for keeping track of time.....
here's a link to my entry
It feels amazing to walk through buildings that were used in our history lessons at school years ago. I look in awe at the buildings, trying to imagine just what those people were feeling. Strong? Confident - or were they scared and hoping they did right? I am pretty sure they were confident and a little bit angry, but, then, I can only imagine.
I looked at the Leaning Tower of Pisa and wondered if they ever imagined it would be famous one day. :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words behind - and dropping your link!
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😁😁😁😁 you should be a're so good with words......most times, this buildings and artifact inspires us ...say to write?, ask question?, go back memory lane and engage times....and our imaginations began to work without our permission😂😁😂......history is really beautiful, its unto us to breath life into them once more by writing about them.....
thanks alot for bringing this side of me ....with much love 💝from Nigeria🇳🇬
OMG! So you were just down the road from me (give or take about 60 miles)! I haven't been back to Boston in way too long - I think I mentioned before on one of your other Boston posts (at least I think it was you) that in high school, we used to take the T from Gloucester to the city so we could hang around Quincy Market/FHM. We also occasionally went to the theater (like, we saw "A Chorus Line" at the Shubert, if memory serves). I've never done the tourist thing though, and gone through historic sites - really need to do that someday soon-ish. Thanks for sharing all this piece of East Coast awesomeness, sister New Englandah! 😂
I was at a funeral so it wasnt much fun. That's why I have been scrambling for time.
It was me! You did say that. You know I will next time!
I still have lots of relatives there, so I make my way there. I'm such a good tourist! I always bring people that have never been!
I love places that are so steeped in history! Like @silversaver888 so rightly said:
Fascinating blog @dswigle!
Forgot to add my #marketfriday link:
Bless you, sweet @lizelle for stopping by and leaving your words. If walls could talk, how many would really want to hear the words of those times? Revolutionary War? I am not sure. But, it definitely would be interesting, for sure!
Thank you and thank you for dropping the link!
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Hi, my participation
Thank you for stopping by to read my post and leaving your link behind!
#MarketFriday loves you!
@dswigle. Nice. The post i like this,
Thank you! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your link behind. It is important to geet all the links so that nobody is missed.
Thank you so much! Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It is here again and it is #marketfriday. Thanks so much @dswigke for that great opportunity to share the various markets around the world. You have given us a beautiful writing today. This is my entry.
Thank you, Sam! @mcsamm I am so glad to see you and your market and more than happy to share what I have got! Thank you and have a great day!
I appreciate you dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow how old this market is !!! Indeed, this is a real story. The building inside is magnificent and looks very majestic. The pictures with yellow trees are amazing !!! Is the color of the foliage really that bright? Oh, I got it wrong this time; I decided that it was an resentment.Resentment can be swallowed (i.e. not react to it), but if you don't, it can consume you. ok, so next time I'll be more lucky 😀
Believe it or not, those pictures are not edited for color! Just cropped a little bit. You couldn't add saturation, if anything I could have desaturated! :) I got it wrong too, as a matter of fact, I couldn't think of anything. I failed again! LOL Next time, we both might get lucky!
Thank you for dropping your link! I apologize for not getting your scarf post until today! I have no idea how it was missed. :(
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh, I am back with my Friday rendezvous
Oh, you are so awesome!! Do you want to rendezvous? :) I couldn't help it! It rhymed! Yes? LOL
Thanks for stopping by and for dropping your link!
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Hey ! Very nice room. I really liked the yellow autumn.
Thank you so much! Autumn is beautiful around here! The colors are brilliant and always shockingly bold. Thank you again!
I appreciate you dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my link for market Friday @dswigle
Thank you for the comment and for dropping your link here. Much appreciated. I hope you are having a great week.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks for always loving me @dswigle
It's always a pleasure!
Thanks dear
Nice political paraphernalia and other architecture photography.
Here is my entry :
Thank you so much for the words and for dropping your link! I hope you have a nice weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I've heard that Boston is a very cool town to visit because of the history and architecture. Faneuil Hall sounds interesting. There so much history there. It's cool that it was still being used for protests long after the revolution. Very cool.
Isn't that a hoot? They really do!!! I was born and raised in Connecticut, with many of my mothers' family and extended family in the Boston/Fall River and Rhode Island area.
It's funny, but, they are their own people there and honestly, I have to say that I love going there. It was a short ride (because New England is so small!) as was New York City, so I feel like living in Connecticut was a real boon.
The Granary Cemetery where so many of our forefathers are buried is so epic to walk through and even see Ben Franklins' parents. It is a must-see, truly. Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
What a beautiful market you have @dswigle
Thank you. Boston is always and forever a really fun place to go to. Full of history and architectural delights! Many of our forefathers are buried there. I would live there if it wasn't winter for so long there. :) I need my summer too!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wao I love to be there some day @dswigle
That would be nice if many of us could visit some of the places that we have seen in people's posts! There are many parts of your country that I would love to go to and someday oh, when the world is a better place perhaps I will. In the meantime, we will just keep on sharing our culture in the way that we do!
Smile 😊 @dswigle
@dswigle, beautiful building and historic buildings, wich funtioned for multifuntion. In addition to market can also be attraction, thank you for commenting, greetings from indonesia.
Yes. The historical building is used for multifunction purposes with the markets and with entertainment for the many people that usually come.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Greetings from Washington, DC
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@hsidik You should always drop your link to the post with your comment, so it is not missed! Thank you!
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Thanks for the pizza!
lol I wish we could have that market run together but I’m stuck here😂
Yeah, wouldn't that have been fun? I must warn you, I have the advantage as I know the market well and all the side streets, some that lead to nowhere... but yes! Let's go! :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
Those trees in the Autumn <3
Thank you! They certainly do color up nicely!
The leaves in between the grooves of the rock is a cool picture.
Almost forget to land my homework:
Beautiful market Friday post, @dswigle. I love Boston. So much history! I didn’t experience and appreciate it enough when when I lived there, and must go back.
I love what you said about stalking the light in your photography. I do the same thing, and now I have a name for it!
Here's my entry
Beautiful pictures of leaves in autumn.
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer ! Much appreciated!
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