Admittedly, these Black-eyed Susans are some of my favorite flowers! They are obnoxiously happy and come up every year, which makes it a perennial. They last all summer long, cheerful as the day is long. What can you say about a flower that never whines or dies off to spite you? I bought these a couple of years ago, it was a scrawny plant but look at it now. Its beauty is abundant! They just give and give. These were another plant that was bought a couple of years ago, I am not sure what I paid for them, as they were much smaller, it was most likely under @7.00 and the rest is history. I have half a garden's worth and they keep spreading and I keep dividing the plant and giving some away. This is a perennial and will keep giving a new plant to me, every year.

And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower*

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
1.Go to any type of market, or anywhere where you pay money for a service. It can be a museum, a movie theatre, or an auction. Be creative!
2.Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? We like to compare prices, otherwise, it is just pictures of a market!
3.Post the pictures! No out-of-focus ones, please! Tell a little bit about the pictures that you post. Having many pictures to scroll through does not make a better post without explanation.
5.Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
7.#MarketFriday post should be submitted sometime on Friday UTC
8.The post MUST be in English
9.Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
4.Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) If you don't, then #MarketFriday should be your first tag
6 You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

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This time it's about flowers, but not just any flowers. About the flowers in your garden.
From the start, I have to say that I love all the flowers you talk about here!
Sunflowers. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't like this flower. A little sun on the ground, grown from the earth. Although it is one of the hardy plants that are not too pretentious about living conditions, I have not managed to have specimens that please me. I must have done something wrong because I don't want to believe that the flower I like so much might not like me...
Petunias, likewise, I love both the multitude of colors, the velvety petals, and the invaluable fragrance, especially in the evening. I'm still not happy with how they grow in my pots.
Phlox, the flower of my childhood (I saw, with pleasure, that it is the flower of your childhood too!). My grandmother had a garden full of them. I remember with much nostalgia the evening games among these flowers, enveloped by the slightly sweet fragrance, as you rightly say. I don't have Phlox in the garden now but I really must put some in next year. Whenever I see Phlox I am reminded of my childhood, of the best part of childhood.
Black-eyed Susans. I have them too but they are suffering this summer from the excessive heat. I also have memories of them as a teenager, when I used to paint and they were a favorite subject.
Geraniums are my wife's favorite flower and she is handling it. We generally buy new plants in the spring.
Clematis. I especially love climbing plants, even though I am sometimes annoyed with them for being so cruel to the other plants that they sometimes suffocate. Clematis is, of course, perennial but they have something I don't like. The older stems are very brittle and because I usually (but I know it's not good) move plants in the spring, I have lost many clematis because the stems have broken.
Which do I prefer more, annuals or perennials? I think the perennials, not only because they are more advantageous as an expense, but more because these plants, bushes, and trees, growing over several years become more beautiful. Besides, every spring I pay a lot of annuals for the pleasure of having those flowers or to make certain arrangements.
The perfect market topic at this point, Denise! I enjoyed seeing your flowers and was glad they triggered nostalgia and memories of the beautiful and unique childhood years at my grandparents.
I can't put, yet, the link to my post, because it is now in the "throes of making"...
What a thorough comment! You didn't miss a thought. I hoped nobody minded that they are the flowers in my garden, but, it is one of the things that I am passionate about. They are only flowers, but, I like that it makes the house more cheerful. They really do. I took pictures of one of the gardens before the flowers came up and today. What a difference a few months make. Can you believe we are on the other side of summer? I cannot! I know it is the hottest month and then suddenly, it will go away.
Seems like we have similar childhoods, one filled with the sweet smells of summer! The phlox we had were wild, we dug them up from the fields in back of us. There were cows there once upon a time and there was a forest across from the front of our house. It was beautiful growing up that way, but, when I look at pictures from my childhood, I can see that things were a little different in my head. :) Anyway, my mother put those phlox in her gardens, whatever we brought home to her. Goldenrod, daylilies, wild roses, lupine, and marigolds. She always had the prettiest gardens.
I love the clematis and it is growing up my mailbox right now. I have perennials and love them. I let them come up in the spring and when I see where they are again, I might move them but let them grow a little and then put some annuals to fill the spaces left. I get a nice mix and the garden is always being moved around, just like me. :)
Thank you for such a kind and thoughtful
postcomment. :) I always look forward to your comments. :)I see that I am so late, you already dropped your link! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFRiday loves you!
I understand now that your passion for flowers comes from your mother.Well, it was all about the flowers, @dswigle! That needs to be looked at as closely as possible, especially since they are some of your favorite flowers. I'm sure your gardens are wonderful and bring not only joy but also much beauty to the house.
What a beautiful passion it is that reminds you of your mother!
I'm glad phlox brings something common to our childhoods, I'm glad we can both better understand those times gone by, just with the help of a flower.
Mixing annuals and perennials is the best solution for a beautiful garden. Annuals can make up for the lack of flowers when perennials are still in their prime.
Thank you, Denise, I can't tell you how glad I am that you appreciate my comments. You are my teacher in this regard.
I wish you a pleasant new week!
Thanks, Dan~ bluemoon I am so far behind this week, I didn't even start the Markets! How does that happen?
Thanks for such an always wonderful response to my comments. I hope you are having a great week!
I'm late in replying again, otherwise, you might not recognize me. Sorry!
I'm replying after I found out you said stop to #marketfriday. Reading your various comments reassured me that nothing bad happened to you.
It's a logical consequence, which I somehow expected, remember when I asked you to write shorter comments to our posts? You've reached exhaustion. It's not normal to waste nights responding to everyone with so much detail. I noticed when you started writing only one post a week, it was a sign that something was not right.
I hope you choose more relaxation and less work.
We're waiting for you, @dswigle. As you said to me, often, if it's not fun, it's not worth the effort.
The crepe myrtle are in bloom here. I really like all the colors. I am saving my money to get one some day. I even saw they had crepe myrtle bushes at Lowes but they wanted 26 bucks for them! Pfft not unless they give an AARP discount!
I have several of them here and a done of them at the shore. They are beautiful and I hope you do get one or even two. Although, a Rose of Sharon somewhere would be pretty too. The flowers are glorious and long-lasting. It will self-seed and you can take one of the babies to your next house.
I'm sure they might give an AARP discount. Nope! Just looked it up and they don't although they do have a military one.
Anyway, look under the sofa cushions for the $25. I am sure you have some stashed somewhere.
Thank you for stopping by and hopefully reading the post. Have a great week ahead!
#MarketFriday loves you!
you must have such a beautiful garden with all these flowers each one so beautiful
here is my post for this week https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@tattoodjay/market-friday-50s-night
It is actually quite eclectic looking, but it is always full of color1 Thank you so much for your thoughts and words! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link.
If I remember correctly, it is your time with the grandkids today. What a great way to kick off the weekend! Have fun!
#MarketFriday loves you!
The place must smell nice after the rain.
Sorry, forgot to put my ramen here earlier.
Step out the door and it always smells heavenly. I usually have something that calls my name planted. Sometimes roses, sometimes basil. :)
No worries, Ace~ I got you covered!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh, gardening is truly getting expensive, isn't it? A friend of mine told me that I can save the seed pods from my marigolds and plant them next spring. I'm going to try it!
I do buy a lot of perennials. I love the fact that they come back every year. It saves me a ton of money! But I also like some annuals, and of course I plant tomatoes and a few other vegetables every spring. It's always several hundred dollars to get everything planted in the spring. So the idea of only having to buy a few annuals is enticing!
Oh, those sunflowers. They are just stunning. They always seem to be looking at you and smiling, don't they?
Thank you for hosting Market Friday! I'm back after a few weeks off! https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@jayna/market-friday-family-vacation-in-the-small-town-of-spicer-minnesota.
Have a great week!
Gardening is getting quite pricey! That is for sure! It has really only been since Covid, but now it is still ramping up. I'm not sure where this is going to end, but, for sure there won't be any reduction in price, so does that mean that we will be stuck forever with this?
Perennials are the way to go for me in the big gardens, they grow bigger and every couple of years, I split them and get two plots of them, plus it helps stimulate growth. I need to do my black-eyed Susans and Plox and some of my coneflowers and Rudbeckia... okay, most of them.
I always plant my marigolds from the seed pods. I don't think I have bought them in forever. I usually pick a lunch bag full after the first frost and dry them, then plant after my perennials come up. I just threw some of those seeds in the garden yesterday, it will give me great fall color. I don't get frost until maybe February next year. Sometimes not at all.
We missed you, so glad to see you back!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I love sunflowers! When I had a vegetable garden, I always planted a few of them :)
One more post from the past this week:
Hi, Stefanos! @fotostef It is the farmer in you! All the farmers here do the same. I thought it might be a secret between all of you farmers. :) I guess they just like them.
Oh, I will take it! Another post from you! Thank you and thank you for stopping by and dropping the link!
Have a wonderful weekend! My best to both of you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I haven’t planted in a while.
Actually I give up in planting because they always end up dying.But if I do, I would choose annual so I could still enjoy them before they die. And also, it’s hard for me to care for them all year because sometimes I forget to water them or I forget they exist. So I’ll just go with the annual for now 😅Learned about flowers and the sunflowers. I didn’t know sunflowers are like that. They have an expiry date 🥲 But they’re very beautiful once they’re in bloom.
Sorry for taking time to drop by, here’s my post link https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@wittyzell/tokyos-asakusas-shopping-street-souvenir-hunting-along-nakamise-dori
Happy #MarketFriday to you!
Don't be silly! I am way more behind than you! I was surprised when I learned about sunflowers, but, how awesome to have those thousands of flowers inside each plant!
I think we all get to a place in our life where we make time for flowers, or at least have time for them. I was so busy earlier in life that I didn't make the time, as I didn't have extra.
I have every faith that you will get there!!
Thank you for dropping by and leaving your words and link!
#MarketFRiday loves you!
Those are all for me aren't they? I knew they were. I love your words; raining sunshine before the rain. So beautiful. Those black eyed susans are a show! I've never seen yellow before. Ours are only orange. I have them all over the place. I've planted them in the ugly areas to cover walls of shale. They are so hardy and a continual show. So, on that note. Yes, definitely perennial. Have a weekend of sunshine.
They are everywhere!

Beautiful! I love the pink. They look so much like my echinacea
Hehe~ They are echinacea. I have 6 plots of them.
SIX PLOTS! That's amazing. Do you make tinctures?
Yes! I have six because I divided them a while back. A little tea, a little something for the cold/flu season. :) How many plots do you have? Make me jealous. :)
No. I would never want to make you jealous. We all have in different ratios and I have learned that it is exactly what we can cope with. We count in hectares here. So we have....um....a few. As far as the amount of black eyed susans go not even a teeny plots worth. We only have a few and they make the uglier areas beautiful
Aren't those just gorgeous!? Orange ones? Oh, you will have to show me a picture! I cannot believe that yours are such a beautiful color! I have mine all over the place too, and at the shore house too. They cover a multitude of sins! The show never ends, does it?
I do love perennials, but, have made it a contest of wills, trying to collect seeds from the annuals and planting them in the spring. I do mostly perennials, it makes good sense, but, the colors are always calling my name.
I do love the clematis!!!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! You are in my thoughts and prayers. coco
Have an amazing weekend!
#NarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful flowers, which you yourself chose and planted. It must be glorious... sunflowers, petunias, phlox, black-eye Susans, geraniums, and clematis!!!
You bring smiles to our day!
!LADYAh... you are surrounded with beauty, sweet @dswigle! Here's my #marketfriday post!
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Thanks so much! It is a joy for me to walk through the yard and see the beauty! I never get bored over it... I should have gotten a job where I could play with plants all day. :)
I love the clematis and when I lived in Texas, I had a lovely plant called the passion flower, much like the clematis, it comes in red, purple and white. It went wild the year I moved and its viny little hands were all over the place! Good thing the people after me loved it. :) There was so much of it when I was leaving.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! Enjoy the weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here's my #marketfriday post https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@steven-patrick/ilsley-library-marketfriday. I started my post with some flowers then finished up and came over here to see your beautiful post with all those beautiful blooms 😍 I tend towards as many perennials as possible but do plant a few annuals like sunflowers and marigolds. We have lived here for almost 2 years and our perennials are just getting rev'd up 😊 it so fun to watch their progress year over year.
Is that all you have been there? I think your garden looks good. I am trying to think of where I saw it, but, I did. My perennials are awesome now, I just split some this year! That was exciting, It is like a BOGO sale! One plant slit and you get two plants, by the end of the season, both have gone wild. They love splitting.
I put some annuals in between or wherever it is a little lonely looking. This week I picked the marigold spent flowers and put them everywhere, I just let them go where they flew, in the garden, of course. By September, they will be growing big and will last through October/November. I like to keep the garden full until it is too cold to grow anymore.
Do you spread the marigolds freely later in the season so you will have some flowers later?
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!! I surely appreciate it!
Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I do now! thats a great idea 🌻🌻🌻
You are in Vermont, so it get colder earlier. I spread more (again) yesterday so I will have color all fall, probably until late November or December. I save them again after the season and sow them in the spring! Another greatbonevto do? Zinnias! They sow freely and are beautiful!
Blooming beautiful I would say, each and everyone creates a beautiful display.
Sunflowers plant themselves when the birds drop seed, every so often one pops up to delight in surprising places around the garden, perhaps it is time to actually plant some!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 45/75) Liquid rewards.
Sunflowers grow well here because they (supposedly) love the optimal temperatures and sun exposure for growth and beauty. However, I must say that I see them in all parts of the world with the same beauty, so I think they just are one of these plants that sprout where they are planted.
I think that you always have something exotic coming up, or perhaps foreign to me, which makes it exotic in my eyes. Although, having to share with those naughty monkeys must be a challenge. I do have to smile at their antics most times, although when I was visiting in Panama once, one came off a tree and came on my balcony. It fussed up my breakfast and ran away. Still, it taught me to be more careful. :)
I hope you get those sunflowers planted!
Thank you for the tipu, Joan!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Always smile when people get taken totally unaware of monkey business, it happens here so often, they are super clever.
Seeds plant themselves with bird feeders everywhere. Sure both the birds and monkeys poo them out all over the place, see a foreign plant know how it arrived... !LOLZ
Have a glorious weekend Denise.
That's right be on the lookout for a small medium at large.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart
@dswigle, I sent you anLOL
They are super clever, aren't they??? The seagulls aren't clever, but they are good thieves when it comes to food!
That is exactly right, it is reformatted and planted. What a great way to share!
Thank you again!!! I hope your weekend is great also!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Seagulls and baboons are more of a Cape Town problem.
Our seagulls have not yet learned the art, stay close to the beach only tag fishermen, monkeys don't go onto the beach that I have ever witnessed yet....
!LUV and happy day to you and yours.
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(no space) to get help on Hive. Infowow what a beautiful and bright this post of yours!!! so many flowers!!! I can imagine what beauty will be in your garden! we buy annual flowers because we never know how long we will live in another apartment. I used to try to transport perennial flowers but they often died because of the move so I gave it up. the clematix flower is beautiful! but to be honest, I don’t even know what kind of flowers it belongs to.
That makes sense, although I move all the time and take my plants with me. When I moved from Texas, I had a little kiddie pool and I dug up my plants and put dirt in the pool and planted them in there so I could take them across the country and they lived! I lost 2 or 3 but the rest lived!
The clematis is one of my favorites! It grows and flowers profusely and then comes back the next year!
Thank you for dropping your link! I hope your weekend will be great!
#MarketFriday loves you!~
So beautiful all those flowers. I love the sunflower 🌻 it is like little sun rays ☀️☀️☀️
I like perennial flowers and plants. As they grow and come back each year.
If I need more colour in the garden I will buy some annual ones. 😉
The clematis is beautiful and you can train it well in your garden. Let it even climb high.
I haven’t been able to write a post today. Busy busy…
We went today with the car for testing /importing to a center about an hour away with all the paperwork.
We have to wait for a code to be send by sms now and go back again next week. Hopefully when all is fine we get the Irish number plates next week 😁 🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀
After that we went for a walk around that area… turned somewhere wrong and without knowing ended up on a loop that was a bit longer. When we realised we were off our walking trail… it didn’t made sense to turn around hahaha so it added about 6km to it. !LOL
Now having a drink to warm up as it started to rain 🌧️ before heading home 😊
Have a fantastic Friday Denise 👋🏻😊 almost weekend.
Bigg !HUG
I agree about the perennials. My garden base is all perennials now, with a few new ones every year. This year, I only bought two and maybe two or three annuals. The garden is really growing!
At least the car is not a nightmare, right? Shhhh! Let's not jinx it. So, tell me how everything is! Do you feel at home almost? We will have to think up a nice little Irish nickname for you. :)
Oh, yikes! Remind me not to walk with you! Sounds like you will take me the long way home! How is the weather now? It will be getting cool here pretty soon for you, but right now, it is probably perfect weather! Rain? LOL Say it isn't so!!!
Thanks for stopping in and leaving your words! I hope that life is unfolding in a most wonderful way, Jackie! Have the best weekend!
Love and Hugs!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @dswigle, you just got hugged. on behalf of @littlebee4.
Hehe! Thank you!
A depression.
Credit: theabsolute
$LOLZ on behalf of littlebee4
@dswigle, I sent you anLOL
Wow I didn't realize flowers have went up in price so much since COVID. That's crazy anyways I love the sunflowers and I will see fields of them when I visit western South Dakota next week for some much needed vacation time.
I managed a back to back #MarketFriday appearance, I think it's my first. Here's my article for this week: https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@coolmidwestguy/good-times-at-a-farmers-market
How exciting! You will get to see sunflowers in the Dakotas! Sounds like a Kodak moment! :)
The prices of flowers have gotten ridiculous, another reason to plant a couple of new perennials every year! If I get annuals, and I always do, I harvest the seeds and plant them in the spring! I did petunias and marigolds last year!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a great weekend and If I miss you, enjoy South Dakota!
#NarketFriday loves you~
I think it's fine to buy anual flowers. They come and go like our lives and that makes it a beauty I must say. Actually, I haven't remembered that I see a closer of a sunflower until now in the photos. I'm amazed how you're knowledgeable about flowers. Some are pretty and some are elegant but what I love the most are those geraniums even though it's new to me. By the way, here's my participation. https://peakd.com/@mrnightmare89/home-away-from-home-embracing-the-rest-house-experience
It is fine to buy annuals. I buy them also, they make a nice mix with the perennials that come up every year. You can change them out every year, move the perennials - whatever! And they always make everything more cheerful!~ (to me!)
The geraniums are gorgeous and I have them year-round, although, in the winter, I bring them inside. They bloom profusely! Thank you for joining in! I hope you are doing well in your new life! :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
I so love the idea that each sunflower has a thousands of little flowers. I so love the flower photography and you captured them so well dear Denise.
By the way, here is my participation for this week’s Market Friday:
I have always found that quite fascinating, the many little flowers inside the large one, on the large heads, it literally seems like thousands!
They are so large, they have to be planted in a spot where they can be enjoyed and not look out of place. Sometimes, I don't mind looking a little out of place for the short time that they are at peak beauty!
I hope all is well in your world and thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ah, those blackened susans really take me back to my youth! Nice photos! I've got another market Friday post for you!
Yes!!! I love those black-eyed Susans!! You are too cool! Another MarketFriday mash-up? I am really loving them!
Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping the link!
Have a fabulous weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks, you too!
Hello Denisse :) Your plants are beautiful, it's sure a shame that they end at the end of the season, but enjoying them colorful for as long as they last must be great. Personally, I would prefer one that lasts all year, whatever the cost.
On the other hand, I leave my publication of this Friday here. I hope you like it.
Good weekend 😃!
Nooo. Most of the ones that I have are perennial! I plant some annual as it is nice to have a different look from year to year, but, I collect the sees of the short-lived ones and plant them in the spring!
Best of both words then!
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link~ Have a great weekend ahead!
#MarketFriday loves you!
What a difficult choice... I think if I had my own garden, I would plant a variety of flowers, both perennials and flowers that grow for one season. I'd probably have some favorites, and I wouldn't want to part with them. But at the same time, I would like my garden to look a little different every year.
My entry for this week:
That is a great way to think. I have many perennials, and I split the plant every couple of years and make two out of them, That is how I have so many. This year, I split the black-eyed Susans and my lavender. I also move things around during the season and make a new look. The best is to add the annuals once everything starts growing.
I do love to play in the garden. I need more time! :) Thank you for stopping by and dropping the link! Your words are always a welcome addition! :)
Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good evening @dswigle thank you for the reminder to share link here.
Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping your link! Much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you!
That is a very interesting fact about the sunflowers! Thanks for sharing that!
We are more into perennials. We moved into a new home just over a year ago, so we are still looking at new options, but my wife especially loves her Inka Lilies.
You will find my post for this week here.
I love lilies of all kinds but, I understand about planning the options. I never have, but, I would have loved to. I have the dubious adventure of being moved every two years because of the job. But, I have been here for longer than usual (in part because of Covid) Anyway. long story short, I have a mishmash of flowers, but, it is okay in an electric sort of way.
I agree with the perennials, but putting a few exotic annuals in between for interest. Such an easy way to make a house beautiful. yes?
Thanks for dropping your link! Have an amazing weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I can imagine it will become a challenge when you have to move every two years. Seeing the start of new life every year also has a similar effect on you when you have to move so often. Am I right in saying that?
As you say, it's all about making a house beautiful!
You must have an amazing weekend too!
I have done it since I left home years ago! It has been interesting and has given the children an unusual upbringing with different cultures around the world.
Bought a house so that the kids would always have a home base that is permanent, so when out of the country, we still had a place. I would move plants there to keep them going. :) They fared well as my neighbor at the shore house waters them when needed! Not all the time, but, enough to keep them living. :)
Yes! Keep the house beautiful!
Enjoy your day ahead!
That sounds unusual indeed as you say! Yet, I think that gave your children such great opportunities and exposure. And the best part, it was under the guidance and protection of their parents!
It's great that you were able to buy a house to always have that home base though!
Enjoy your day!
Hello denise. Here's the link to my #marketfriday post. Thank you so much.
Thank-you so much for stopping by and dropping the link!
Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you too.have a great day too
i have purchased many perenials that died due to draught , i prefer to use wild meadow seeds in my garden these days among the perenials that survive the draught , and let nature decide what should be there instead.
have a great weekend :)
I threw some wildflower seeds in one of my gardens and some did really well and the others never germinated. Not sure what I did wrong, but, I like your idea of letting nature have its way. It does so much better that way.
Hi, Mick! I hope life is treating you well and you are a little cooler than we are. It has been a hot and humid summer, but, this week has been much better! Thank goodness!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
2 bucks for all those beams of sunshine, now that is what I call a bargain Denise!
As for your clematis I am sure it gets bigger each year...
Actually, I popped in some flowers into my marketfriday post today.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
It was a true bargain, Ed! #tengolotodo One seed packet and a little patience and there is happiness all over the place! The Clematis comes back with a vengeance and I love how they weave their way in and out of places. Mine is growing the pole to my mailbox, as it seems to thrive in the sunshine!
Thank you! Flowers are in the post today! That is awesome! You know how I just love to see a flower now and again! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You have a lot of flowers there @dswigle . Your garden must be a lovely sight.
Here's my entry for this week's #MarketFriday ☺️
I have to admit, I love my garden and most gardens I see. There is always something beautiful in the blooming of flowers.
Thank you for stopping by and dropping the link! I hope you have a most wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful, simply beautiful !
You remind me that we should plant some sunflowers too in our garden :)
Here it’s raining too in Brittany, but the sun will arrive soon.. so they say haha
There you’ll find my article for this #MarketFriday :)
Have a good weekend in advance 😘
Aren't they the happiest little pieces of sunshine @anttn? The rain is negligible during the day, most deluges come in the still of the night. There are times I don't even know it happened until I step on the grass.
They promise everyone sun, but the truth is, I have never seen it rain so much - around the world.
Thank you for dropping the link! It is always appreciated!
A good weekend is expected on this end! May you two see one too!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Definitely ! The weekend here worth twice :)
The rain is a pleasure and here it's the kingdom of it so it's preferable to don't come if it's a problem haha !
You're most welcome 😇 Have a lovely day !
i participate this week, here is my entry
Thank you! It is good to see your participation! Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping the link!
Have a good weekend!
#MarketFriay loves you1
Those are really beautiful flowers. I'd love to have them in my garden too. Well, annuals or perennials I'd buy them both. It wouod be nice to see a variety of flowers and every flower has its own charm.
I agree! Every flower has its own charm! I let my perennials come up every year and then fill in the empty places with a few annuals. It gives it more variety this way. I agree~! I love the variety!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my participation for this week
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#MarketFriday loves you!
My entries
Thank you for stopping by and dropping your link!
Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Are you welcome😉
My link:
Photography within photography
I made it and I'm glad I can tell you that.
Have a wonderful weekend!
You did make it! Woo-hoo!!! Thank you so much and I wish you also have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Let's hope we both have a good weekend.
I went to the supermarket to buy chicken and ended up seeing almost the entire store.
Sounds like you had a pretty nice day of it! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words, then dropping the link!
Have a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Each sunflower is composed of thousands little beautiful flowers.
See here is my entry
It is the truth! Isn't it so very cool looking when you can see the beauty of that little world? Nature is such an amazing thing, and if we don't look carefully, we will miss it!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
Enjoy your weekend ahead!
#MarketFriday loves you!
All beautiful flowers 🤩 I love them all but to be honest I never seen clematis before. Not sure if they grow here. I've only seen Plox once in the highlands and I've fallen in love with them. Also not sure if they grow in the lowlands where temperature is horridly high. And to answer your question, I prefer perennials, I'd go sad if my plants go after a season. ☺
Thank you so much! I love them too, so I know how you feel. Many have said they never have seen clematis. Where do you live? Plox is so sweet smelling, we used to pull them up and bring them home for my mother to plant. :) They were out in our fields.
The clematis does well in the heat, but, need to be kept moist and their roots protected.
I allow my perennials to sprout in the spring and they grow bigger each year. Then I put in s few annuals to fill in the spots. It is a little sad to see them go, but, I harvest many of their seeds and plant them in the spring! :)
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
Have a nice weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think the amount of money in which you used to plant them is still okay
The money is not that bad
The flowers are lovely
The money isn't too bad for the enjoyment that I get out of them. Thank you so much for the comment. I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
I did not know about sunflowers , I mean they are annuals , some people say that sunflowers are those flowers that always smile , I agree with this , if we take a good look at them , they somehow bring out an admiring smile in us , I focus more on these flowers, but they are all beautiful.
I wish you a happy weekend
They are annuals, but, they also self-seed, so chances are, if you don't pick them and let them go to seed, you will have plants next year! I think they smile all the time, I am one of those people! :)
I am glad you like the sunflowers! I hope you have a beautiful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
What a spectacle of our nature.
Thank you, they are quite beautiful, I agree!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
It really feels that you put efforts in your garden, that's why it's look lovely due to presence of beautiful flowers 🌼
Happy #marketfriday
Thank you! It gives me great pleasure and peace of mind to tinker in the garden.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful planting and beautiful flowers to have a garden always beautiful and colorful. Greetings.
Thank you for your words! Please drop your link here, so it can be easily found! Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Today I have just posted about Friday market how is the market inside Pakistan and as we see in your picture this flower is very beautiful and sunflower is my favorite flower.
Please post your link here so that it can be easily found! Thank you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here's is the link.
Thank you for dropping the link!
!MarketFriday loves you~!
Most welcome.
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Thank you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful photos of flowers, truth be told sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers and my mom's favorite.
Sooo beautiful… 🌻… where did you go ? I miss your Flower photos … 😢
Congratulations on a job well done! We are thrilled to see the outstanding results you've achieved. Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and it's inspiring to witness the impact you've made. Keep up the fantastic work, and know that your contributions are valued and appreciated.
Very beautiful flowers