You are on a trail, in the woods and what do you see but a public telephone? You pick it up and it is fully capable of making a phone call. The stone wall, the dense brush and trees, and yes, none of it makes sense, but, I kind of want to call somebody, just because... a phone box in the woods. Have you ever seen a phone booth/phone box out of place? Somewhere it didn't belong. Little known fact: Did you know that many phone booths have been repurposed into wifi hot spots or little libraries where you bring one, take one? I have even seen one where the phone is free and is in a tourist spot. To avoid roaming charges, they have a free phone to use. Cool, right?

A few friends and I went camping for a couple of days up in the mountains. We wanted to hike a section of the AT (Appalachian Trail) and take a break from real life, if only for a moment or three. I am pretty sure nobody expected me to take you to the National Park for a #MarketFriday, but, why not? I paid an entry fee, and we count that as a market of sorts. That is the way it works.
Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe, often as unique and varied as the countries themselves. I always look forward to seeing what you send me. Come. Sit down. Relax. Enjoy the shortest trip around the globe you ever experienced, taking in a market from somewhere different than what you have. And always remember #MarketFriday loves you!
We drove from the Washington, DC Metro area to the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest. It took about three and a half hours to drive there, which was not bad at all. I can be stuck in traffic for that long, and we were all looking forward to it. Some things in life are worth the wait.
As you can see from the sign, there is a $3.00 a day fee required to sue that park. Hundreds of miles worth of trails, rivers, hundreds of developed campsites, and then some undeveloped interspersed around the forest area. What I like best is their world-class trail system, hiking, fishing, off-roading, horseback riding, mountain biking, and hunting. We have taken the horses up there for a little Rest and Relaxation.
This was Crabtree Falls which was a wonderful hike. Observation Decks are fairly easy trails with a few challenging sections, but, all in all, a great day. Three dollars! What a deal! Having Nature at your fingertips? Priceless. You can camp there also, the only thing you have to be mindful of is that it is prohibited to be within 500 feet of the trail or parking areas. Other than that, pick the rock you want to lay your head on. If you have never done it, you should! You haven't lived until you do.
We are heading off into the woods (again) and actually headed uphill. The coolness had moved in last night, I could feel the cool sneaking up on me. I actually didn't expect it, but, brought warm enough clothes. I was not about to be undone by the weather on these few days. Have you ever been caught away from home with the wrong clothes? One that was too hot or too cold?
Just what I was looking for, The trailhead to the Appalachian Trail. Only 3 1/2 miles! Let's go! Are you with me? The forest floor is soft and mossy underneath. Can you imagine how fertile that ground is?
The trees are letting go of some of their leaves. My leaves are mostly green at home, the upper elevation here is at peak, and the lower elevation is still mostly green. It matters not, wherever you look, there is beauty. Autumn is definitely here, which has been a nice change of scenery for me. What is your favorite season? Do you have seasons where you live besides hot and hotter?
The roads meander throughout the valley where they connect towns, farms, and even wineries. I found a new Meadery and many apple picking places, even a Cider making place. A cidery or cider mill. New flavor I discovered? Apple Pineapple Cider. Delicious!!!

You can follow or wait here for me to get back. There is a bench you can rest on. There is another waterfall right beyond the trees and even though we just got here, I will be ending the post here and picking it back up tomorrow or the next day! I want to thank you for coming and I hope You had a good time!
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
National Forest Foundation
Bldg 27, Ste 3, Fort Missoula Rd
Missoula, MT 59804
T 406.542.2805
F 406.542.2810
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower
It is almost gone, gone, gone - and yet, there is beauty in the demise of things.
Proof Positive!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

I hope to get on the AT at some point if only for a little ways. A through hiker I am not. Like Clint used to say, "A man has got to know his limitations". I think I could manage a few miles here or there, but for the night a cozy hotel room with a bed and a Bible is just good enough for me. I hope you all made some noise as you went along. I could envision a snake or three under some of those leaves... Yikes. Oh and plenty of bear spray! The OldGuy doesnt want to tangle with any black bear, no matter how friendly they look!
Cant wait to see more!!!
I am sure you will. In most ways, it is just like the walks you already take. You will see when you get to one of the trailheads. Some places are more challenging than others, but, Virginia has a nice mix. You will do more than a mile here or there. Especially if you have Ben with you. Those younguns really challenge us. I don't think mine would find it funny if they had to carry me on the way back. :)
Oh, you haven't lived till you sleep under the stars. I have to admit, I think you probably already have, just in a different location. You can hike to a campground, the Trail weaves in and out of towns. Oh. Snakes. Thanks for the heads up. 😳
I have only seen one bear this year and he was more interested in running away than running toward us. And it was up on Skyline Drive, not on the trail. You didn't watch Yogi and Boo Boo? Did they look treacherous? All they wanted was a picnic basket.
PS The fun thing about the AT is being able to hike it for the day, in sections, or go for an hour. It is kind of cool and I know you will love it. I lost one of my poles this time. :( It was too creepy to put my name and address on it, so I kissed it goodbye. There are falls everywhere!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I always wanted to see at least part of the Appalachian trail and what you shared is so beautiful
I have seen odd phone boxes and phone boxes in odd places but never in the woods
I actually joined this week
Yay!! I already looked at the new lens post! I was so happy to see you and we sure miss you around this place and on discord!
Isn't it bizarre when you see a phone box out of place like that? In the woods was right up there with one of the weird ones, although it makes sense. :)
The AT goes through parts up there on the West side of the State. I only do it in sections and sometimes not even a whole section at a time. Thank you for taking the time, JJ. I know you have some much on your plate right now! ❤️
#MarketFriday loves you!
I forgot to tell you: Thank you for dropping the link!
No matter where you wander you will pay, by alighting your vehicle to go from A to B you paid petrol/gas. Sadly many parks that were open and free in yesteryear charge today, perhaps it keeps some away who don't respect nature.
Lay me down on fallen leaves, with a tree at your head, place a pebble on your head and be one with nature gazing up through golden haze, relax!
Hands down winter is my favourite time of year, you can plan clothing add layers, you can never strip down enough to keep cool in summer months.
!LUV - Will send you Pineapple Cider when I find it....
Psst this message took all day to get through with content written when fiber optic internet line went dead....
(1/10) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily NFT for Peace
Thanks for the LUV!
That is what I love about you, Joan! @joanstewart You truly understand nature, it is so much a part of your soul. I don't think you grow to love it, it is inbred in a person. That deep-rooted feeling, some don't even know what to call it, but, they can definitely feel it.
Our Parks are free in some places, most are free to hike and no-frills camping, but, the token fee helps defray the cost in some of the parks. I am okay with that.
Have you ever had pineapple cider? 😍 I picked apples a few weeks ago and made some applesauce with them. I love it fresh from the tree.
It was a relaxing time and it is getting too chilly up in the high elevations, either that or I am too spoiled with creature comforts. :) I prefer cold over hot any day. I am like you with layers, but, stripping down is verboten. ;)
Thanks always, my friend!
#Marketfriday loves you!
Parks along rivers we used to walk daily with dogs over the years, now no longer safe. Entrance fees may keep the 'riff raff' out, sadly does not benefit everyone being able to enjoy nature.
Pineapple beer is made more frequently over here, have never tried neither beer or cider, perhaps one day I should! Fresh Granny Smith Apple sauce is most definitely top of the hit parade with pork over here, must have crackling as well.... wish I still had all my teeth.
Till we chat again, have a weekend to remember!
The fact that it is no longer safe makes me want to encourage you to go with your children. Why not? You once said you were too old to move, but, that is not true! If so much of the joy has been sucked out of your life?
Yes!!! Fresh applesauce (I used Honeycrisp, Braeburn, or Granny Smith with Pork - always a hit and outstanding leftovers! I have been apple picking for a month now! Crackling!! Oh, my family would love you! :)
Selectively implant teeth where they would work best. You won't need them all, but, perhaps they would make life better. ❤️
Have a wonderful weekend, Joan. I think of all of you warm-hearted wonderful people in South Africa and my prayers go out to you for all that you put up with at this time - and for so long.
Never too old to move, our currency would not get me a caravan/trailer in another country, although I would be happy in a Kombi camper lost somewhere where they would leave one alone.
Planted those teeth, some rejected me !LOLZ what a pity our design never allowed for new ones to grow.
Always save like crazy affording weekly breaks to ensure sanity, driving anywhere is insane, always capable of running the gauntlet to get out of town irrespective, life carries on.
I agree with you, taking a break from it does give my soul new life.
Things are worse here than I ever imagined they would be. What happened to my wonderful country? It makes me so sad to watch it go down the tubes.
Attitude of people is what is dragging the nations asunder, weeping silently for past 14 years watching mayhem happening here....
Phone boxes would not work like they used to, no matter where they are, cabling, phones plus anything else is stolen/destroyed.
Hahaha really a phone box right in the middle of nowhere 😳 haven’t encountered that one yet.
Funny funny… but somehow, also cool for many reasons. And it did work too.
Such a great trails around there by the looks of it and 3 $ a day isn’t much for what you are getting.
So beautiful… everywhere you look.
Love the 💜flowers are stunning, such a great photograph Denise.
Thank you for taking us along… I will join anytime.
I’m a bit late today with the MarketFriday post.
But here is the link: “Market Friday” ~ Pumpkins 🎃 other accessories for your garden for fall 🍁🍂and Halloween 👻 , my US adventures 😎 🇺🇸
Have a wonderful day further 👋🏻☀️🤗 Bigg huggg 🤗💃🏻😉
Enjoy your weekend! It’s almost there…
I know! Isn't that kind of silly looking in the middle of nowhere!?? Everyone insists that it is a great idea, and I guess it really is! :) It works! That is the most bizarre of all. People have said there are more throughout and I did see a couple in odd spots, but this was the oddest.
Thank you, the flowers are a wild variety and we also have domesticated ones in the garden. They are called salvia here. Thanks for coming along. You are always a lot of fun!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It sure looks silly in the middle of nowhere. Even more of them… very interesting. Never seen it.
You are welcome Denise 😊👋🏻 Thanks for the name of the flowers. Beautiful.
Always happy to join in.
Have a great Saturday further 🤗🌺☀️🍂🍁 and you too 😁
Salvia nemorosa, the woodland sage, Balkan clary, blue sage, or wild sage, is a hardy herbaceous perennial plant native to a wide area of central Europe and Western Asia. It is an attractive plant that is easy to grow and propagate, with the result that it has been passed around by gardeners for many years.
Flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. Deadhead or cut them back to spur new growth/flowers.
Many names it has Denise. Thanks… sounds like a great plant that is robust.
And it attracts my favourite insects… 🐝🦋
Thanks for the further info.
Enjoy your evening 👋🏻🤗🥰
(1/3) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily NFT for Peace
Thanks for the LUV!
Lovely autumn colours you have there , and stop calling me in the midle of the night 🤣
Autumn is shifting into high gear and there are more oranges and reds now. Thank you.
Wait! Should I call you in the middle of my day? Hehe!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi, Mick! @stresskiller
you can always call me don't know if i will answer , but i did made a marketfriday post
Drop the link here, so everyone can find it! :) I'll call you! ;))
Thank you for dropping the link, Mick! @stresskiller 😸
How awesome! I've been on part of the Blue Ridge Parkway and have fallen in love with it each and every time. Did you actually get to go camping off the trail? Please tell me you did and had fresh fire coffee in the morning. That coffee is the best after a chilly night, even if it tastes like hobo coffee.
Campfires are not permitted in the backcountry. Because of this, campfires are only permitted at park-constructed fireplaces found at Appalachian Trail huts and day-use shelters. First come, first serve. We planned around it. And they really are off trail, so to speak. It was a moderate hike, lots of rocks but, hello! What a thrill. :))
Hobo coffee is so underrated!!! At that place and time, it is like liquid gold!
Hello, Victor! @wwwiebe
I am impressed by how well-organized this Appalachian Trail is! Everything seems easy and invites you to travel and walk. The only thing that could damage it would be if it were crowded, but from what you say and from the photos, it doesn't seem to be.
A big advantage is that it is quite close to your home.
Thank you, Denise, for letting me find out about this place. I think you should make a trip there at least once a year.
My post is late again, but not too much...
Life Is A Beach. Life is a beach?... or, Life is a b...
This particular place is three and a half hours from home. Not too far, not too close. It isn't really crowded as there are over 2,200 miles of trails. :) Lots of space.
This particular part of the trail is considered moderate as there are lots of rocks to climb up (stairs) and the elevation. Also, the way down is on an incline. But, it is not impossible, just not flat ground.
First set of stairs, but at least there were stairs. In many places, just rock stairs to climb. See how that incline goes straight up? It gets better! :) But, there are paths too. It is a mix and although I probably hike different parts of it a few times a year. This year, about 5 times. It is challenging to me and I enjoy getting out.
Of course! I love the beach! :) Thanks so much, Dan! @bluemoon I hope you are having a good day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It's a worthwhile place to get moving and the fact that you've been going there for a long time makes it easier because you know the best route. From Bucharest it's 100-150 km to the mountain, I, unfortunately, didn't make a habit of going there and now I'm sorry. It would have been good an alternation mountain - sea, as you do.
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Thank you for sharing!
#MarketFriday loves you!
my pleasure mam, I wish you an awesome friday over there! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! :)
Wow, what a lovely trip, @dswigle. I have never hike the AT, though I’ve walked parts of the Pacific Crest Trail. This is such a gorgeous time of year to spend time in the woods!
The phone in the woods is a new one. How amazing is that? I once read an article about a pay phone that was installed for people to speak to those they had lost. It was not actually connected. It was placed in Japan in an area where many people had lost loved ones in the big tsunami. Many people found it to be a source of comfort to envision calling their lost loved ones to speak with them one more time. I thought that was so sweet.
Thank you as always for hosting Market Friday! Here’s my link:
The Pacific Crest Trail in a thru-hike is definitely out of my wheelhouse, especially at the beginning of the hike on the Mexican border and in Washington State. As amazing as it would be, I no longer have that need to do everything I think is awesome. :)
Isn't that phone in the woods hilarious? I can imagine that in Japan where the mindset is very different than here, where Shinto ruled for a while and Buddism took over, the teachings of impermanence, where nothing lasts forever, and emptiness (that nothing really has its own substance) became ingrained in Japanese thought. I have to believe it shaped philosophy, art, and literature. They are able to accept this in a way that most Americans cannot.
I think that is truly heart warming.
Thank you so much for being part of the challenge! It is always fun to hear your view on life. :)
Hey! You know #MarketFriday loves you!
Very interesting thoughts about the teachings of impermanence and how that affects culture and thought, @dswigle. I will admit to not having solid knowledge on the topic. But my son has become fascinated with Japanese culture and wants to travel there, so maybe this will be my opportunity to learn!
Hmmmm, forest in autumn is such a wonderful thing. I never ever saw a phone box somewhere in the wild! But we have some old phone cells, wich also are used for bring and give away old books, need to think of take some photos for a post one day.
A great contrast to your forest journey for sure is my marketfriday post:
Isn't autumn just beautiful? I have to agree! I have never seen a phone box in the middle of nowhere either, so it was quite amusing, but, people have pointed out reasons for them to be useful.
There is a lack of signal for the cell phones, so in an emergency, it would be essential!
I look forward to your post! Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful time of the year! I miss autumn.
It really is, isn't it? I can only imagine how different it is for you. I lived in the desert for a couple of years and I remember when I moved there, I thought the trees looked dehydrated and everything was dead looking.
Now I know I eventually discovered its unique beauty, but, I still longed for that other place.
Thanks so much for dropping your link @maestroali !!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Looks like a great place to hike and camp! Interesting that there was a telephone out in the middle of one of the paths!
Check out my post about the mall we recently visited in Panama. It was so empty and sad.
Ha! Exactly! That is why I took that picture! I had never seen one in such an odd spot~
Of course, I will check out your post! :) Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow! What a great outing...and that for $3.00! And then also $3.00 per vehicle and not even per person! That's awesome!!
Yes, the ground must be very fertile there!
I have always preferred summer when we lived in Johannesburg, but since we moved down to the coast, I think spring is becoming my favorite!
You will find my post for this week here...
Enjoy your weekend👍!
I can see why that is. I have a house on the coast and one close to the city here. The coast is more humid, so I love the spring and summer there. But here I Love spring and fall and even winter.
Who am I kidding? Spring has always been special as it allows you to begin again.
The ground is super fertile there! And what a deal that is, right? Many of the parks are free, which allows them to keep track of how many people may be up in the backcountry, so it helps account for them.
Thanks for reading and for your participation!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hahaha...that is so true. Everything feels fresh and as you say, it feels as if you can begin again...with renewed energy!
Yes, that is a great deal indeed! And maybe I can add what else impressed me...the fact that you can camp there and spend the night under the stars...and be safe.
Sad to say, I would not feel safe doing that in South Africa. Yes, we have beautiful places, but to spend the need the safety of a proper camping site, where there is safety and security.
Many years ago, we could enjoy that kind of freedom here as well, but I doubt if that will ever happen again...
Enjoy your weekend, @dswigle👍!
There is safety among campers, hikers, and people that enjoy nature in general. I did have a tent, but, chose to sleep under the stars, as did another friend. Two others slept in their tents, which is fine. They were colder. :) It is sad that our world has become like this.
You can camp on it too as it passes through other places and another before it meets up with the trail again. People do a thru-hike, meaning they hike the whole thing, which takes about 6 months. People hike it alone, most go with a parnter.
That sounds wonderful!
Wow! 2200 Miles! That is a long trail. That is some serious hiking to do that whole trail!
I checked the Wikipedia article you mentioned and found it very interesting. Some of those obstacles seem to be serious obstacles, from animals, snakes, and rodents, to weather conditions.
Thanks for sharing this information, @dswigle, that also made for some very interesting reading...learning more about your side of the world!
For the most part, it is a fun place to hike... until it is not! LOL
Of course, 99% of people, myself included, stop and start, hiking only small sections at a time. Some will never finish it and others try their best. But, it really doesn't matter I have come to realize, It is all about the journey, not the destination. ;)
There is another one in California that is a real challenge also, it runs the entire length of the state and is called the Pacific Crest Trail. Talk about another challenge!
Of course, Africa has some really amazing hikes!!
The fun part for me is important. If you're not having fun, why are you doing it?
I agree with you 100%! I believe that is even true for living your life in general too! I love that approach!
Thanks for the link to the Pacific Crest Trail. That also seems like a great trail. Wow, and another long one!
We don't have trails stretching over these distances. But one of the most popular trails here in South Africa is the Otter Trail. I haven't done the Otter myself, but my youngest daughter and her husband have done and they really enjoyed it. They actually want to go back and do it again.
Have a great day, @dswigle👍!
Hahaha... great idea to have a phone booth... in case you don't have your cellphone with you, or you ran out of batteries!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙 Wonderful colors of leaves! Autumn is delayed here in California, as expected. But, I get to enjoy it early enough in your blog! Thank you @dswigle !
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Thanks for the tip @silversaver888
Autumn was delayed in the DC area too, although it is starting to look pretty. These are in the higher elevations where the season starts early. As you descend to lower levels, it gets greener and greener.
The phone booth really caught my eye. :) I am guessing that the phone is more for people whose phone is out of range (remember you are in the mountains and it happens frequently) than running out of battery, although, that is a possibility! The leaves are a brilliant color, although I still think back home in New England is much more vibrant and colorful. It is the difference in the variety of trees.
There are a lot more Maple and red-colored trees up there. It really pops the pretty!
Thanks so much for flying by @silversaver888 ❤️ I hope you are having an amazing weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
A real phone in the woods!!!! Here it is yaaa!!!! 😃 you had an amazing trip! nature in the forest is beautiful. yes, I miss the bright colorful autumn. there is no such autumn in our country. There are so many ways to have fun! there are even horses! did you take food with you or were there shops or cafes along the path (although this is probably impossible to find in the forest)? 🤔🙄😃 link to my post:
There were little stores, sprinkled throughout with some food, although not too much. Near the campgrounds, they always have provisions. Hiking, you don't want to have too much food on you, you have to carry everything.
It is the woods :) No cafes although the little stores will have coffee, but, you would not find it good. I don't :) But, on the grateful side, it is coffee!
It is very colorful and it is now starting to get the leaves changing at home! Yay! Wasn't that phone in the forest funny? :) I am so sad that you do not get Autumn in Israel.
Thanks so much for dropping your link @tali72 !!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, I understand, you can’t take a lot of food with you. it’s probably good to take light and nutritious superfoods on such long trips. I'm not a big fan of long hikes, but I like to walk in the forest (unless, of course, there are ticks there) 🙄😃
Here is my link for market Friday @dswigle
Thank you so much for dropping your link. Much appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Sure i do @dswigle
Hello. My story of Friday Market in a new Ukrainian supermarket
Please remember to drop your link on the #MarketFriday post whenever you join. Thank you! @mellanna
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, of course. Thank you for your support.
It is my pleasure! I hope you have a great weekend!
Lovely forest walk! The colours are just refreshing and soothing. I wanna go hiking in such forest in autumn too! It’s getting dry and humid here as the train my season had ended.
My link to this week post:
Have a splendid time among nature!
Thank you so much for the words. Hiking into the wilderness is calming to the soul. The rainy season is done? I am sure that it is a relief to you. Now, you can enjoy the beauty of the season once again.
Thank you for dropping the link! Much appreciated. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Now the rain has gone! But I need some rain, at least once a week so we wouldn’t have to water the plants!
Must try to find a way to persuade Mother Nature to shower my garden once a week!
We don’t have the autumn colours here. But we don’t have snow either. So, that’s life!
Stay well and healthy.
Hehe! That is true, but, honestly - I love the snow at Christmastime. For a while. In this area, we don't get much, if any at all. :)
Wow ! It seems you had a nice walk there :)
Love those wild and preserved landscapes !
This little phone cabin at the beginning is really funny ^^
Thanks you for sharing, I wish you a nice weekend !
It was a nice hike! I could have one of those every day of the week. Most of the parks like this are well preserved.
The phone box was so funny!!! :) I agree~
My pleasure! I hope you have a great weekend too! Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you so much for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I've never seen a phone box in the woods!😊 Beautiful track and surroundings, worth escaping from real life for a while.
And here is my entry. 😊
Many greetings to you!🤗
I have never seen a phone booth in the woods either! This was my first! It looked a little funny in the middle of nowhere.
It really is nice to escape from real life, if only for a few days! Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Great idea to have a pay phone in the middle of the woods, I always loose phone service when I go for hikes. Beautiful area you went to, the photos turned out amazing!!
It's true! A lot of people go out of range in the woods, especially with those mountains. So, they have phone boxes every once in a while. It is a good idea, I agree!
Hi, Shaun! @shaunf!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Another awesome Friday just begin here, you have shared awesome photos for #MarketFriday as always. I loved autumn and these colorful leaves. Thanks mam for sharing this and remind us its Friday today and need to be prepare for market Friday blog! Have a blessed day!
Autumn is such a pretty time of year, isn't it? I love the colored leaves also. I am happy that you remember you must go to the market today! I always forget that Friday is a holiday for you!
Enjoy your afternoon!
#MarketFriday loves you1
yup mam autumn is pretty no doubt and I'm glad that you remember that Friday is my weekend and I've to go to market to purchase some foods to make my Friday special and I'll share market friday experiences too with you!
That is awesome! Thank you!
Wow, that looks like a beautiful hike! It is interesting that they allow you to do those things but they ask you to keep it away from the trail. Smart when you think of it I guess. I was at a softball game a couple of weekends ago where I really should have dressed differently than I did. It was kind of miserable!
Exactly! I mean, you enjoyed being there, but, there is nothing worse than being cold. I am more tolerant of too hot than too cold. I have suffered my fair share of colder than I thought it would be with three active sports minded/ band minded itineraries.
I already know you are a supportive uncle/school supporter/all round fun guy and you probably went to more than I did.
Yikes! That is a lot! ;)
I like the way they allow that freedom here in Virginia's Parks. Believe it or not, they are well kept and I never see them trashed. We have brought the horses up too, so it is such a wonderful place to have available to us.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Very cool. I wouldn't have even thought of bringing horses, but now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense! I do what I can. I feel like I a lot of the time I am just the driver going where my wife tells me to. It's better when she controls the schedule!
I always hand the reigns over to the best-suited. I always say: know your strengths. It makes a perfect team that way.
Horsea and 4 wheeling are really big. Of course, hiking rules.
As a teenager I had two dreams related to USA. Visit New York and make a coast to coast road trip. I have done the first and I gave up on the second but now a third one came up. The Appalachian keep poping up in front of me, in books, in the internet and now in hive and I am starting to develop the desire to see what is it all about, in person :)
Oh!! You would absolutely love it, except it is hiking through beauty and amazing pieces of nature. It is not for the weak at heart, if you did a thru-hike, it would take you 6 months, so most people, like me, have done it in sections and not in order. :) It is called the AT (Appalachian Trail) I like your wishlist. I worked in New York City, so that is close enough, and done Coast to Coast 13 times. I will finish the AT someday :) You may finish before me! A different trailhead on another hike.
By the way, it would take way less time to make a coast-to-coast trip than to hike the AT! However, it would be a lot cheaper! :)
Just something to keep in mind @fotostef
Wow girl, don't you ever stand still? 😃
A six months hike? That's way beyond my capability. But a lovely task to dream of! I would be perfectly happy if I manage to walk for a few days out there, it must be truly mesmerizing!
Well, I have relatives on both coasts and when I moved away from home, I promised both sets I would visit them, especially if I had children to keep them close.
It is beyond my capability too!!! But, fun to think about. I do exactly that! A few days here and there, sometimes years apart. I hike different parts of it as there are day hikes in all 14 States I look for the trailhead and hike in.
I am not a die-hard hiker. I like it, but, I have enough obligations in life to do it for fun, and the mix of nature is splendid!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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Thank you for the notification @hivebuzz ! Much appreciated!
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So you have been here, in these woods. 😍
Stunning place and the colours that I see here are making my eyes and mind happy :))
Happy Friday and a small contribution to market Friday came by me to the community 😌
Enjoy the day and the upcoming weekend @dswigle 🙂
The woods, the beach, I love it all! Just give me a piece of Nature and I'm there. It is such a peaceful existence. Thank you for making the effort to put in a contribution@ We always enjoy your view! :)
I hope your day is going wonderful!
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I assume it's not just coin operated, otherwise it's probably not much use too.
Can ET phone home?
Went out for lunch today. Got food and became @busybody plus other things.
Even with the continued decline in payphones, there are still more payphones in the country than McDonalds or public libraries. For the curious, the State with the most payphones - it is Hawaii! You didn't see that coming, did you?
Ir is $0.50 or you can use a credit card or phone card.
Oh! We are going to lunch? Yay!!! :) Thank you for supporting the challenge!
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Well, credit card should works. I doubt if people carry a phone card nowadays. I don't think we even have that. anymore.
Believe it or not, they exist!!! You and I wouldn't use them, but, people actually use them still!
You buy phone cards to make long-distance calls. These phone cards might be called prepaid phone cards or international calling cards. The cards usually cost between $1 and $20. You pay for a certain number of minutes.
That used to be how it was like here too but the rows of these public phones in the train station has disappeared leaving the space behind and one I know in the previous work place was young enough to ask me what the space was for. The newer train station don't even have any sign of them.
I always wish to experience autumn but sad to say that there is no fall season here in my side. Perhaps the colors of the leaves in the ground had touched me today. It was a nice experience in the woods dear friend, Denise and surely everything was worth it.
Here is my entry for this week’s Market Friday.
Perhaps it is my first time to be here and it was a great experience with this amazing community. Thank you so much.
The warmer tropical weather doesn't have Autumn, but, they have such beautiful weather all year long, envied by some who have cold winter months. I like the four seasons, but, I sure can see the joy of one long summer!
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Thank you so much my friend for your wonderful remarks. Indeed, summer has a whole lot of fun. I hope you are having a wonderful day, and take care.
You are welcome! I am having a wonderful day. Thank you!
Greetings mam @dswigle
Here is my market Friday blog for this week. Hope You'll enjoy reading. Thank you! 💓❤️💝
Hello @shohana1 ! Thank you for dropping the link! I am sure I will like it! I always do! :)
#MaarketFriday loves you!
I love the idea of having an escape from all the stress in the city life and go on camping. That would be a perfect escape! And seeing that telephone in the middle of the woods was kinda weird 😁 But right, it's cool. I was thinking to myself that there was some magic in that phone booth and I could give me the chance to talk to someone dear in my past like a travel back in time ☺️
By the way here is my participation for today's #MarketFriday. Thank you! ☺️
Haha! I would be running back to that phone booth!! :) Nothing special except that it is in the middle of nowhere. :)
Camping and being with nature is really such a nice escape for a while. It allows you to breathe easily and take time to sort life. Or to enjoy your friends.
Thank you for reading the post and dropping your link.
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You're welcome @dswigle!🥰
Your post is awesome! I would love to walk in the wood with all those stunning autumn colors, but since we do not have autumn here in my country, I might just have to enjoy it virtually thru your post instead. Thank you and have a great weekend! ☺️❤️
Thank you! I will be sure to post more! Thank you and have a great weekend!
Thank you for dropping your link! Much appreciated!
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Thank you so much for the guidance.
That phone does look super out of place but I wonder if it's for safety reasons incase a hiker gets injured and can't call via a mobile phone.
I didn't know that many old booths have been turned into wifi Hotspots. That's cool.
They really have! I like it, and I really like the free phone calls offered up by some. This was in high tourist spots where they would arrive from overseas... some phones pay roaming fees and this eas a courtesy to those.
A nice gesture I think.
I agree that there do need to be phone boxes as there are hundreds of miles of trails. Every once in a while you will see a box. Strange, but, it warms my heart a bit when I see one. ;)
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It's a nice gesture indeed and the additional boxes alo g the trail are definitely a great safety measure
I really love the color of autumn 😊
Btw, I haven't seen a phone box in the woods. But some mountains here in HK have. Didn't encounter yet.
Pretty shots btw 😊
The colors of Autumn are beautiful, aren't they? Never exactly the same from one year to the next. Really? Who knew? It must have to do with the phones going out of range from time to time when in the mountains!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
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I hope to hike the mountain with red leaves soon..Thanks. Have dropped my #MarketFriday post too 😊..
Thank you! I appreciate it!
I hope you hike the mountain with
red leaves soon!❤️
Beautiful place ,information about safety is also quite complete including travel guide maps.
My entry post this week.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post and to drop your link here! I hope you have had a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you~
@dswigle, Thank's again and can share stories through this week's post. Happy day weekend.
beautiful trail!
that phone got shocked me... because i see public phones like that all around my city and none of them works!! is incredible that these work in the middle of the mountains jajaj
Isn't that funny??? I thought that was funny, just standing out there in the middle of nowhere! :)
There actually were a couple there, but, the park is hundreds of miles of trails, so I am glad to see that. Your phone goes in and out because of the mountains. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words~
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What a beautiful place. I wouldn't mind travelling long hours to be in a place like this. I love the autumn colors of the leaves. I wish we have that kind of season in our country. That phone booth is odd but cool. And what a great idea to convert it to A wifi hotspot. It like past meets present kind of vibe.
That phone booth is a working phone box. Some of the phone booths in the US have been converted to hotspots, which I think is a good idea. The travel time never bothers me, and as you said, it is worth it! :)
The colors are pretty in some places this year! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
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Sorry @dswigle I didn't realize that we need to put the link to our market Friday post in the comment here, as asked the link to my #marketfriday post /@baibuaza/typical-and-delicious-thai-night
You should always check the guidelines or rules before you enter any challenge. Otherwise, how will you know how it is to be done?
No harm done. You did it now! Thank you!
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Awwww it's summer!!! Love those leaves colour in particular 🥰😅
The first image got me captivated, I was like "does it work?" and you're actually telling it did worked haha... So cool.
I love the flower that color your world
Market Fridays are always fun, too bad for me that I haven't been participating because I rarely take pictures outside these days 🥲
Longest time ma'am, I can tell you've been amazing as always... Sorry, it took this long to stop by ❤️
It's not summer! It is the beginning of Autumn! :)
Ha! It really did work! Can you believe that? The flowers are such a pretty shade of purple. I am glad you like it. Why do you not take pictures outside? Out of curiosity. I have never stopped, which makes perfect sense, being in charge of the challenge. :)
It has been forever, but, there are so many places to visit, and you are only one person! Have a great day!
#MarkeFriday loves you!
Oh it's Autumn, I think I mixed up the names haha...
I get too busy once I'm out almost all the time, it's been a busy month for me though.
I hope I build the habit of taking pictures like you 😊
Looking forward to changing that for myself and share with you all.
That would be wonderful. I look forward to it. Have a lovely day!
I think hiking in the mountains in Autumn feels like walking in Paradise.😊 How lovely the colors of the leaves are.🍁
I like it that there's a telephone out there,it makes easier for hikers to ask for help if they get lost. 😁 Or call and share the beautiful trail to their friends right away.
Another smart and beautiful way of sharing #MarketFriday experience to the world.☺️ Awesome.👍
Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year! Last year, the leaves had less color as it was such a dry summer.
The phone took me by surprise, but, it makes sense that it would be out there. There are so many different ways to share #MarketFriday! Thanks so much for stopping by.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ohw ,I love to experienced that autumn ,love that trees😍😍😍
Anyway ,happy friday maam and heres my entry for the #marketfriday
Yes, Autumn is very beautiful and the parks are nice to go to. Happy Friday to you and I hope you had a nice day!
Thank you for dropping the link!
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Link to my marketfriday post
Thank you for dropping the link. I hope your day is going well.
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pretty weird to have a phone on the woods indeed
here is my entry
Having thought about it, there are many mountains here that makes coverage sporadic, hence the payphones. I guess that makes more sense.
Thank you for dropping your link and reading the post!
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Well, that made it reasonable. It could be used in case emergencies too
Absolutely. I am guessing that is the main reason for the installation.
Thank you for reading my post and dropping your link! Have a wonderful weekend @temmylade !
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Autumn's is coming. The colors of the leaves is wonderful. We don't have that soooo much here on my side of Portugal. Mostly we have palm-trees. Would love to walk the trail by my own. It was a pleasure to read your post. Have a beautiful day 💯💕🤗💃
Indeed! It is so wonderful to see the colors of Autumn coming! Your side of Portugal is beautiful with all the palm trees and lovely weather.
I do love to walk the trails. It is so refreshing and makes you feel so good! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a wonderful day!
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Hello @dswigle . Dropoing by again to share my #marketfriday post link.
Thank you and have a wonderful day
Thank you for stopping by and dropping the link! It is one of the things in the guidelnes. :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
This is a relaxing and refreshing way to forget about the busy city. I love the colors or the leaves and trees. It is very cozy! Thank you for sharing this! Love it!
It is always nice to leave the city behind! Who doesn't want to trade the busy for the peaceful? Right? :)
Thank you very much!
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My entry friends for the #MarketFriday
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to you for allowing us the opportunity to enjoy the #MarketFriday
to you for allowing us the opportunity to enjoy the #MarketFriday
Thank you for reposting @pixresteemer!
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