before, so I will head right to the Jellie tank. No need to rush the whole thing when all I really want is the jellyfish.Step right up and pay the admission price:
Adults: $39.95
Seniors (65+): $34.95
Children (3-11): $24.95
Children 2 and under free
Little know fact: A group of jellyfish is called a bloom.

Rules of the Road
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative! - Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
- Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
- Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

And just like that, this post is done. I want to thank you for taking the time to visit and I hope that you too learned something along the way. Just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

My buddy Gravedigger Max metal detects on Virginia beach. He walks in the surf just several feet deep. Of course he wears booties, and has shown jellyfish swimming along. He has to keep his eyes pealed for that I suppose... YIKES!!!
However, they are beautiful!
Oh, dash it! They can swim easily in a couple of feet of water. Do you know that I swim off the boat into the ocean, and swim at the beach, have gone diving, and never have been stung?
The ones I have encountered don't bother you or don't sting, either way, not sure.
They are definitely beautiful! I love their water ballet! Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I remember this amazing aquanarium. you wrote about it in your old posts. this place is amazing! I have never seen such multi-colored jellyfish. to be honest, I do not really like them))) because of the influx of large and very stinging jellyfish, we cannot swim in the sea at certain times in summer. people with burns even end up in hospitals. it's good that only these come to us. if all the jellyfish you photographed were sailing, we would never be able to swim in the sea at all))) in the cafe they came up with a very cool design with jellyfish
There are some species of jellyfish that do sting and burn, a very painful sting. Most are harmless, then again some are very venomous. I cannot tell all the different species, so I stay away from them. :)
It can be painful! I have seen people get stung by them!
I have written about this exact aquarium before, it is close enough to me and a fun place to go. Plus, I do love the dance of the jellies. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!
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Love the Jellyfish and Would love to visit there sometime, the Power plant building looks so cool
here is my post for this week
PS I did the first run of clearing the snow as it turned to light rain for a bit it was nice and light, but has now turned back to snow
Yikes. Sounds heavy to me. :)
I do love the jellies at the aquarium! The Power Plant building is such a cool building and I love how they have repurposed it. It has a really awesome industrial vibe to the whole thing. They left as much intact as they could. Did you know that the one in Boston is so awesome? I don't think you have seen that one, but, it is definitely worth a trip! The New England Aquarium is one of the reasons that people visit Boston. I personally love it! Thanks for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It was a bit heavy the second and thankfully the last time I had to clear snow today but manageable with the shovel and I paced myself I actually enjoyed doing it
Yes the aquarium in Boston is on my list to visit when I make it there
That's awesome! Well, the snow, not so much, Marathon Man. :)
Glad it wasnt too bad. I like to get out in it too, but ours melted 1/2 hour later.
I was planning a walk this afternoon but didn’t have the energy and was waiting fir the camera to be delivered which just came in will start setting it up this evening
Unlike other times going to watch a few setup videos I have bookmarked and learn all the features it has and set it up properly from day one even if it takes a day or two
That sounds like me... After being frustrated, I will read the manual.
reading the manual is something I have always avoided, but I think I need to so I can get the most out of this one, very unlike me I normally get it in hand put inthe battery and off I go LOL
JellyFish you know of all the sea creatures these are the one sea creature I don't like maybe because I had a bad experience with them once they are to Alien looking 😱
Bit late @dswigle but here is my link have a great day 🤤
You know I was just saying up there that I have been diving, swimming off the boat into the Atlantic, swim at the beach, and have never gotten stung. I should feel lucky!
Thanks for stopping by and dropping a link!
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You are damn lucky they smell me a mile away 😆😆
Seriously, I've never handled or experienced a jelly fish before, so I can't say so much about them. But they look to be quite beautiful and amazing creature. Thank you for doing this today, @dswigle.
They are so beautiful to look at and some sting and others don't. In the aquarium, they glide effortlessly through the water, it is such a lovely ballet to watch.
It is always a pleasure, Sam. @mcsamm Thank you for your words and for dropping your link! Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
WOW!!! They are fantastic!
I love watching large (and small) jelly fish as they swim in the ocean!
I sure miss it, @dswigle!!! https://ecency.com/hive-124452/@silversaver888/time-goes-fast-i-must
Aren't they? I really do love them and could literally watch them for hours. They glide so gracefully across the water. It truly is like a ballet!
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your link!
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Jellyfish don't know what to make out of them weird, scary, fascinating, electrifying as long as I can see them behind glass I am happy to look at them that way 🤣🤣
Here is my link @dswigle have a great weekend 😊
:) They can be a little intimidating, can't they? Especially a few of them. I like them out in the deep and underneath and behind glass. Not when I am swimming through them.
Hey, you! Glad to see you and thanks for stopping in a dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
WoW...I am so far behind yep seeing them behind glass is the way I like it 🤣🤣
Have a great week my friend 😊
The Jelly Invasion Exhibit is a perfect place to take photos. The dance of these creatures against the blue background is so fragile and elegant. So their movement is a bit like that of jet planes.
You picked a great spot for this week, I loved it! And thank you!
Thank you so much for your words. I appreciate them. I love the exhibit, it is one of my favorite places and right next door, a wonderful cafe with - yes! Coffee! I should do that next time. :) We love our coffee, don't we? But, only if it tastes special. Special as in good, not fancy. Although, I have found I really do like the fancy coffee. :) We are so spoiled.
They glide so effortlessly, I love watching them and can hear the ballet music in my ears.
Thanks so much for stopping by, you forgot to drop the link here. LOL I already found it! Sorry about not commenting yet. I had just gotten home and fixed the post and then dropped it. I needed to get some sleep. Thanks, Dan! @bluemoon!
#MarketFriday loves you!
We are so spoiled. I love this and I think we deserve it! An exhibition or museum that has a cafe nearby is much more appealing.
Road less travelled most probably the wise move, learn for oneself. As for jellyfish, beautiful to look at beyond imagination, no so clever to play with never knowing the consequences.
Gorgeous as always to enjoy seeing your neck of the woods Denise.
!LUV and have a wonderful weekend.
(5/10) gave you LUV.
Thanks for the LUV!
Thank you so much, Joan! @joanstewart You always make me feel so good, knowing you read the post and give your take on it. Not everyone does, but, I think sometimes, they are cheating themselves. I have seen some amazing words written by names I don't recognize, but, I read them anyway. Good words don't discriminate.
Thank you for the Hivelove always! And your words. :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
Always enjoy seeing what other people experience, some with incredible knowledge, others with meaningful words or advice.
Have a wonderful weekend the first of the year!
Good morning Denise, love the bloom of jellyfish, I had no idea this was what a group of jellyfish was called. They actually look like a flower bloom or is my imagination a little to the left side this early in the morning for me? Hahahah - most likely. Where would be without an imagination in this lovely life of ours?
I had no idea there was such a thing as Light Ships in the US, I wonder if they were used elsewhere in the world. The Chesapeake did a remarkable job warning sea traffic away from the coastline. I wonder if they rescued people in distress on the ocean too.
Love your beautiful tulips, the world would be a lonely place without the colour of flowers.
Sending love 💝 Here is my #marketFriday I posted early last night. It was a fun one to write. https://hive.blog/hive-163772/@angiemitchell/in-search-of-a-poetry
Thank you! I didn't post this until Friday morning my time 7:30 am and was pretty much absent before that, so my apologies. I'm glad you dropped a link here, that is so much helpful for me! Actually, Australia had one that was deactivated in 1985, it is a museum ship in Sydney, much the same as the Chesapeake. They were used all over the world. I sent you the list.
Most have been replaced with Light Buoys as they work well and are much cheaper. Thank you for your flower love ❤️ I appreciate your words and stopping by! Received love, tossing more back to you. xo
#MarketFriday loves you!
How much I do not know Denise. I must say light buoys are not as exciting and adventurous as the Light Ships. Thanks for the information. I always find that he research connected to writing posts is such a plus.
I absolutely agree with you!! I don't think they are nearly as cool myself. :)
I'm going to see some jellyfishes on Monday.
Meanwhile, I got to eat....
Oh, how cool Ace! @ace108 Are you going to the aquarium? They are lots of fun. Meanwhile, don't forget to feed yourself! :)
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link! Much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, the big SEA Aquarium and hoping to see a happydolphin.
You're welcome.
Fabulous! That jellyfish clip set against that score was beautiful; mesmerising in fact... who knew you could watch jellies all day? 🤩The Baltimore Chesapeake harbour area is really an amazing place to walk around. never been but I feel inspired from this post...and that Barnes and Noble... in the old Power Plant...now that whet my appetite hee hee. I could get lost in there for hours! 🤗 I'll come by next week and put in a post.
That is awesome! Just remember that you don't have to do run of the mill, creativity is always welcome. I get really creative when I am hard up. I have been doing it for 4 1/2 years, so, I needed to!
I do so love the dance of the jellyfish, as they glide across the water, without effort and seemingly stay in step with the music. I love that Barnes and Noble... first of all, books! Then the industrial feel of the entire place is tres cool.
I look forward to your post next week. Don't forget to drop the link here so it is easy to find. :) Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
is that a challenge on top of a challenge? I like your thinking 😆😉 (... wanders off to ponder the mysteries of life 😂)
Maybe. :))
I feel like that whole area would be great for street photography...you certainly found some sweet spots! Have a great weekend @dswigle...until we meet again... 🤗
It is a great street photography space! Totally correct!
my recent #marketfriday research:
Meetup with Sweets & Gifts
Oh, researcher!Thanks for taking your time and leaving your words behind!
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Ah that looks amazing! I always think under water is very other worldly. I used to do shallow water diving and it really did feel like another world. Lovely displays too! I love going to museums etc, I think they really do put a lot of effort in!
my MARKET FRIDAY 💕 I visited a cute and kitsch Christmas display !
Hey, my lovely friend! Shallow diving is a lot of fun, and honestly, underwater truly is another world. It is one of the things that many people don't attempt. Perhaps it is because we have water available to us, it makes it easier to take advantage of it, or maybe the interest level?
I have to admit, the colors and the unique species down below are nothing short of amazing! Yes! For sure! Museums are always such a treat and such a great learning experience on our history.
Woo-hoo! A market!For me! Thank you and thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow. So beautiful. I was always fascinsted by the beauty of jellyfish but I had no idea that there are so many different kinds of it.
I was amazed at how many different ones there were! They are fascinating, but, also very beautiful to watch as they glide through the water, effortlessly, in a lovely ballet.
Thank you so much for your words. Have a great evening!
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We also have something similar, called Tropicarium. It is in the Campona shopping mall in Budapest. Probably I will introduce it in the future. The last time I visited it, I was a child, and it was around 2000-2005, so nearly 20 years ago. So if I will visit it in the near future, then probably it will be new to me too. At least I assume that the place changed a lot in 20 years. Maybe not.
My entry for this Market Friday: Some of the other, less affordable restaurants in Szolnok, Hungary - #MarketFriday (2022.01.07).
Happy New Year to everyone.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
That sounds like a fun time! I hope you will get to go there, I am sure it will be a major adventure. How far are you from Budapest?
Google it and it will show you what it is like now. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link! Always appreciated. Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Approximately 100 km.
I looked it up. I do not even remember that they have an event hall. The aquarium itself seems to be the same. I have not found a photo about the entrance, so I currently do not know what that is like nowadays. Either way, it is an exciting and/or calming place, depending on what you like. We have not had aquarium at home, but if I saw one somewhere with fish, it always gave me a calm and relaxed feeling. I remember seeing the swimming fish in an aquarium in a room a few year.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
The jellies look more beautiful from above but beneath is something else.
My post's link
Happy market Friday @dswigle https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@ddn688/market-friday-or-buying-new
I agree with you! Thank you for taking a look at it and for your words. I appreciate you dropping your link!
Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yeah. I don't really like the fish as food.
Have a great weekend ma'am
I live near the ocean, it is good and free if we fish! :)
Yeah, that's usual for people living close to the rivers and seas
There is something magical about jellyfish. Your photos of them really capture their beauty.
Here is my entry for marketfriday 😁
There really is something pretty cool about them. It is so easy to see how you can create a whole ballet for them, isn't it? They glide so effortlessly through the tanks.
Thank you for your words and I appreciate you dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my link for the market Friday @dswigle I hope you enjoyed the market today https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@tobywalter/my-market-friday-at-the-frame-and-art-shop-close-to-the-shopping-mall
Thank you so much for dropping your link. I hope I enjoy the market too. :) Thank you for dropping the link.
Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are welcome @dswigle
Thanks for having me @dswigle
These jellyfish are very beautiful, some look like balloons and some look like smoke. You've shared some great photos. I have also shared the link of Market Friday post below
Thank you for your words and you are right, I think they are beautiful also! They glide through the waters, so effortlessly!
A beautiful ballet.
Thank you for your words and for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow... So beautiful jellyfish.❤️
My recent entry for this week. 👇👇
Fruit market #marketfriday
Thank you for taking a peek at them and leaving your words. I appreciate you dropping your link!
Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You're most welcome. ❤️❤️
Very beautiful!
Thank you! I appreciate your words! I am glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks for dropping the link!
Have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow!! What a beautiful sight to behold, you must have really enjoyed your tour at National Aquarium(Baltimore Aquarium as you prefer to call it).
Thanks for the insight now I know A group of jellyfish is called a bloom.
I love the Atlantic Sea Nettle.
Thanks for Blessing us with such a great content.
And below is the link to mine
Thanks so much for your words! It's funny. I have no idea why I still call it the Baltimore Aquarium! Maybe because it is in Baltimore. :)
I was surprised to hear that a group was called a bloom. I love flowers and it was a happy coincidence. The Atlantic Sea Nettle is so beautiful to watch, gliding through the water.
I appreciate you dropping the link here!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful shots! Jellyfish creep me out, but I am kind of fascinated by the too. Kind of like snakes. I remember when I was a kid we found one on the beach down in Florida or South Carolina. I had never seen one before and my parents were like "don't touch it". That's probably where my fear comes from. Instilled by them just because they were looking out for me.
I have a love/hate relationship with them too. They can be harmless and beautiful, gliding effortlessly through the water, and then again, they can cause true harm, or sometimes pain.
I truly get that. Oh, yes! The ole parental unit doing their thing has scarred many a child, but, not in a bad way. Impressed upon would be a better term. Sounds like they may have gotten stung once upon a time, or someone told them great horror stories.
If you ever get stung, like many of us have, pee on it. Seriously. :) A cheap and easy fix. Unless you have to have someone else do it for you. That is just gross, but effective if you are diving far and away from anything.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
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I think it was my mom that got stung. I could be wrong. They used to live down that way when my dad was in the Navy. Charleston and Jacksonville I think.
Sounds like Naval basses. :) Both really nice, BTW I can understand anyone who has been stung by one. My sister did, right through her bathing suit. As a mom, I get it.
I was like D likes jellyfish?
Then I thought, they could look like flowers... hmmmm perhaps
And then a group of them would be called Bloom?
I knew there was a connection hehehe
Haha!! Did you catch that too? What a coincidence, no? I like jellyfish, their ballet of movements. They glide so effortlessly and when I watch them, I can hear a symphony of music playing.
They are so elegant.
Let us not mistake it though. In the tank! In the wild, I give them a wide berth, so they won't feel so friendly with me. :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words~
#MarketFriday loves you!
I am excited again to join #marketfriday this week 💃💃. Here is the link to my post.
Thank you so much for joining #MarketFriday again. I appreciate you dropping your link here.
Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Have a great day too, ma'am ❤️
Thank you!
Just passing by to say congrats. Make me so happy to see your posts killing it more than ever 💓 well deserved.
Hey, you! Thanks so much for the wishes. Just like everything else, I appreciate the interaction and the rewards. It has been a fun ride here on Hive nevertheless.
I hope you are doing well!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
That is one of the best things :D I am glad you are glad.
Ups and downs you know. But all good in the end :D Thanks
That is good to hear!
@dswigle ,an aquarium the colors of marine animals vary, Isaw jellyfish,sauid,even though it's an aquarium but like life in the sea, very good for knowledge. Thank you like your post.terimakasih.
I have also seen them in the open water, but, you really get to study them in the aquarium. They are such delicate, lovely creatures. I enjoy learning about them also.
Thank you for stopping by and for your words.
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Sama-sama terimakasih kembali,
oh this year we had a hard attack of jelly fish, both of our seas and all shores were full of them, we lost half of summer having no chance to go to the beach.
but from the other hand, I have discovered they are used for cosmetics, and in my city there is a brand which produces creams with jellyfish! I plan to try it;)
have you ever heard about such creams?😉
Yes! Absolutely. Since about 2013 the industry has been using them. As a matter of fact, jellyfish mucus and collagen are both used in cosmetic preparations and seem to be quite successful in doing so. In 2013, they made a big push for it to compensate for the overfishing in the Mediterranean. Less fish brought the populations of jellyfish up. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.
I have tested a few of the creams and they are supposed to have amazing properties. I haven't used anything enough to say anything positive or negative. Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
ahh so it's not a know-how. I am so far from beauty and cosmetic news, so I missed this info:) But I am glad I met this cream in my city, and now when I know you're aware of it too, I have no doubts it will be great:)
I love #MarketFriday too!:))
I don't keep updated on beauty or cosmetics, I used little and it is tried and true. :)
If I see something new that looks interesting from the news, maybe, but, I don't usually run out and be the first to get something.
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Those shots are so awesome.
Loved it :)
Thank you. Which one did you like best?
Thanks, for taking a look at my post!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Can't pick one, they all look good :)
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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You took some nice shots I love them all @dswigle keep the good work going my dear friend
Thank you so much. I appreciate the words. Have a great night.
You are welcome @dswigle
Here is my link for the market Friday