I love lighthouses, I am sure by now, everyone could have guessed. As a child, that was my dream job, manning the weather station, sounding the fog horn, and taking part in a search and rescue... not that I would enjoy it, but, it is part of the job. Did you know that you could sleep at a lighthouse, although in some of them, you may have to share quarters with the keeper of the light. I spent a night in a lighthouse, once upon a time. It takes a little bit of digging around, finding one that will (still)accommodate you, and a boatload of patience, while you wait your turn. Eventually, the stars will line up and you will be next. I have to say that it is a unique experience and tres cool!
Most lighthouse keepers as we think of them were employees of the United States Lighthouse Service, founded in 1789. The Service was the first Public Works Act of the first United States Congress; it authorized the transfer of existing lighthouses from the jurisdiction of individual states to the federal government. Keepers at first worked under the authority of a local Collector of Customs, though the Collector’s role declined over time as the business of maintaining lighthouses became more professionalized. Lighthousekeepers became civil service employees in 1896. The care of the nation’s lighthouses moved from agency to agency until 1910, when Congress created the Bureau of Lighthouses. The U.S. Coast Guard took over responsibility in 1939 - All of this and more from The National Park Service.

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.

The Bahamas became a free and sovereign country on July 10, 1973, This ended 325 years of British rule. Peaceful British rule. You can see (above) the grandstands that were set up for the speeches that took place in January, an event that preempts the real celebration on July 10th. There will definitely be dancing in the streets, plus many other over-the-top amazing events to commemorate their history and shine a light on their way forward. Forward, always forward. God Bless them.

Pops of color dot the landscape here in Nassau, Bahamas. It would be hard to be unhappily surrounded by the clapboard cottage look of these buildings. It speaks happiness to me, or perhaps that is only me? The price is free! It is a mecca for shopping, any and all kinds are available to you There is a Straw Market, where everything is inexpensive without having to challenge the price Go ahead! Some of them were disappointed when you didn't play the game. I found those soft t-shirts I was looking for more of them! I am not sure why, what is the allure? Most females love those t-shirts to wear to sleep in.

The views are priceless. Surely we can find more to pay for in Nassau! The historical Colonial Buildings are common downtown. Aside from this one is the Parliament Building, right across from where the bleachers were set up. The Building is given a flamingo pink color, common for all government buildings in the old part of Nassau.

This is the Parliament Building: The square depicts the colonial architecture that prevailed in Nassau during the year 1815. It comprises mainly the Senate House, House Assembly, and the statuette of Queen Victoria. The Buildings are given a flamingo pink color, which is common for all government buildings in Old Nassau. The buildings are arranged in a semicircular layout as per early Gregorian architecture. source

Woo-hoo! Duty-Free shopping! The sky is the limit. There is everything here and there is no import tax on it, so if there are big ticket items or even items that have a big tax on them, this would be your place to get them. I just looked at the sign and this picture was actually in Mexico. Not that it makes much difference. All the shops are the same for duty-free. I know! We like to keep it real!

I found what I was looking for! The drink was on the house! They gave me a free drink package when I got on board... meaning, I didn't have to pay for any drinks. I am not a huge drinker by any means, but, I have to say that I enjoyed every single free one got.
Cheers! I have missed my #MarketFriday people!
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤️
I am back, I am back! It is good to see everyone and I am happy that so many of you carried on, even when I couldn't. I want to thank you for doing that! So very much. It was wonderful in ways that I never thought it could be. I have to admit, I could be ready to do that again!
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!! *As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what an amazing world we live in, people. Some days, it is not so easy to see, how truly wonderful it really is. Always remember, kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do. Love to all! See you soon!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

A lighthouse on a nice beach would be fun to visit. Cant beat Salt Life they say. Sure looks like a fun place to visit. I know I miss the beach. Just today Ben and I were looking online at some condos on Surfside. I always liked that vibe there. Ah well perhaps on day if I can ever get my Virginia mess cleaned up lol.
Here is my link for Market Friday:
Sometimes the beaches are nice and other times, they are back a bit, the overgrowth keeping the people at bay. The one in the picture above is sitting right on the beach as you can see, welcoming all to walk right up to it.
I couldn't agree more!
I'll bet you and Ben had a great time surfing the web for condos. I know how much you both loved Surfside! I am sure you will be right and ready sooner than you think. Once the big stuff is done, you will be raring to leave there! I hope everything continues to look up for you and him.
Thank you! A market post! My favorite @old-guy-photos
#MarketFriday loves you!
I doubt very much if I will ever be able to build at the lake, but I keep playing the game anyway. Yet life is funny and I might hit the lottery and end up having a taste of Salt Life.
🙁 Of course I had to write out my dismay and utter disappointment about life in VA so far! 🙁
Thanks for teaching me more about Market Friday! :)
As I go to markets often, I came out with another post for the community. I hope you like it. 🙂
Here is the link for the Challenge:
Thank you for dropping the link! Next time, add more to the post that has to do with where you went. (The water park?) You showed me the beach. Perhaps the price of the park? The price of the bracelet? Something to make it a market.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful post! Traveling from place to place is nice. Exploring and getting to know all the other markets around the world and learning the culture, is definitely something great to do to satisfy our brains @dswigle.
As promised, it is Friday so it is a good day for Market Friday! This is my first participation, I hope you like it:
It is Friday! I hear we have a birthday girl celebrating her day! I hope she made a wish!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, we are not allowed to know it though. 😉
While you are shopping around for lighthouses, please buy me one too. I also LOVE them. Although maybe for different - but similar - reasons. All that they represent of hope and the Light that every single person will ever and has every needed.
Sounds like you had a spectacular vacation, Denise. Whether you ended up living in the perfect lighthouse or not
Yes! Yes! Yes! Very much so! ❤️ It is all about the light.
It was a beautiful get together of family, coming and going at different times. I got to see everyone and that made my heart happy. xoxo
Ah, the lighthouse. I rank it right up there with a church. Sacrilegious, maybe? But, I would still love to renovate a chunch that has been deconsecrated or decommissioned.
Who wouldn't enjoy a free drink, lounging around in the new T-Shirt that will later become the nightshirt normally 100% cotton.
Photography always tells the story of places travelled and enjoyed, nice brightly painted homesteads with a flash of old British to relate to the history.
Have a wonderful weekend Denise, thanks for sharing your fun in the sun.
I know, right?? Who can resist a free frozen Margarita? Not me!! Hehe~ You know me so well, lounging in that all-cotton t-shirt just waiting for its turn to become part of the night crew.
I have taken far fewer photos than normal, skipping it for days at a time unless it was a cheeky shot of one of my brothers. :) It is always so interesting to see the different nationalities presented when going through the Caribbean Some of the islands were rather dramatically changed by some countries time and time again You can see it in the different aspects of their cultures. It makes for unique cultures, but there is always a piece of their African culture showing, for which I am glad it was saved.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your always interesting points of view!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Cheeky shots of brothers not always shareable, sounds like a great time is being had by all.
Tribal culture from each place landed will always shine through somehow, history displays itself in different traditions remembered from old. Each region in our tribal lands reflects very varied culture in lifestyle living.
Enjoy your day, enjoy your week and keep smiling!
Fantastic tour ! This is so tempting ^^
About the lighthouse, I now know why we get along : I've always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper !! A propice situation for a writer ;-)
Thanks you, glad to see you're well ✌️
Seriously? It was my dream growing up. Of course, I lived on the Atlantic coastline, and they were always part of my growing up. It seemed a natural transition to my grown-up life. :)
The perfect life for a writer!
I just got back this week. I have been away since January 14th. Believe it or not, I have been sailing since then. I am well and mostly without internet, so I will have to catch up on the house!! I have missed so much!
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Really ! Even wrote a character of lighthouse keeper in my last novel ^^
I completely understand this attraction 😉
Wow, this is a lot !!! Almost two months or so, that's huge ! I hope everything is in order for your return and I can imagine your happy to get back too :)
See you soon 😊 😘
The colors are just perfect! I like that it’s not so vibrant but it’s not so dark either! Flamingo pink have been added to my fave colors collection. 😂
The lighthouses.. ahh, this is nostalgic. I used to go with my friends to a lighthouse area but not inside it. Wish to see what’s inside one day!
Free drinks! Lucky you!
Here’s my #MarketFriday post for today https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@wittyzell/make-your-own-seafood-rice-bowl-at-this-market-in-aomori
If I think about it, the next time I go to a lighthouse, I will take pictures inside. I know I have some somewhere and my pictures are filed like my life right now. Out of order! LOL
Some are really in sad shape, but, for the most part, they keep them in good working order.
Don't you love Flamingo Pink??? It is on my list too!! How can you not love anything that is related to flamingos? I actually saw hundreds of flamingos flying over my head. What a weird sight!! I had no idea that I had come upon a nest site on the island of Bonaire. (Off the coast of Venezuela)
I Googled it as I forgot what they called a gathering.
Free drinks! My favorite! :) Hello! Hello!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Maybe not all "caretakers" of the lighthouse have been keeping it nice and presentable. Maybe some are abandoned too. I don't know, I'm not sure. 😂
Would love to see what's inside. Hopefully you can find those pics. 😂
Maybe because I haven't seen one yet, I mean in real life. How I wish I can see them flying! Even one is fine! But yes, I've come to love it now! I like blush pink but flamingo pink is on the list now 😅
lighthouses are so interesting! I have never been to any lighthouses but it would be great to go up there one day. but in our country, alas, there are no lighthouses. wow, what art on the walls of the house!!!! yes you're right dear, duty free shops are where we always plan to go if the opportunity arises. and even more so to buy something there, which usually costs a lot of tax. 😀 the flower is amazing!!!
I so love lighthouses and I especially like when they are still being used alongside modern technology. I take the opportunity to visit them whenever I know I will be near one. There are one about 20 minutes from my house on the Shore. :) I have to admit, it is a hike to get there as it is built on an elevated area. It is worth the hike!
Duty-free shops are amazing sometimes. The prices are a percentage of what they are charging on the economy!
Thank you! The flower is one of my favorite kinds! So classy looking! Thanks for stopping by and dropping the link and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Of course they are, must have refreshed you.
Absolutely! They did indeed. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ohh that's nice
I to love lighthouses, staying in one must be so so cool
As for the Bahamas, so sunny and colorful and of course warm, Ohh I want to be there right now lOL
Here is my post for this week https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@tattoodjay/market-friday-at-the-port
Being on the coast, the lighthouses beckon us even louder, I think. It is pretty cool and there are quite a few that offer accommodations, but waiting out the list can be longer than you want to wait. All good things seem to be that way though. A game of patience!
I have been so bad! Although I have been staying at 8 different locations, it was easier to focus on just two. I took fewer pictures than I thought I would being with so many relatives and it was easier to talk about mainly one. The vibe was a little different, of course, from place to place, but, the same colorful, warm, and wonderful places greeted you. And the warm! I came back to 50/60 degrees and windy! Rain today!! What?
Thank you for being part of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Another vibrant post and I doo adore lighthouses, I've even painted a few in my day :) I missed #marektfriday this week, I simply forgot what day of the week it is haha, I'll have to hop on board next week.
I love them too! I lived close to three growing up on the Connecticut coast and now have one twenty minutes from the Shore House. Can you imagine living in one??? That would still be cool, even today.
No worries, Donna @donnadavisart It is always nice to see you, nevertheless! ❤️ I have not asked you lately how your mother-in-law is doing!! It has been a while and I hope that means there was lots of time for improvement!
Always looking forward to seeing you again! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It would be so lovely and magical, for sure!
It's nice to have you back, @dswigle! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip.
I love the lighthouse in your first photo! And I learned something. I never knew that they would allow you to actually sleep in a lighthouse. That is very interesting!
Have a great weekend!
Not all of them. There are a couple that are equipped to take guests. The rest are just as they have always been. All of the lighthouses are now automated, but, there are still keepers of the light. The US only has the Boston Lights in Boston which is manually done. I would have to check to see if there are any more on the outlying areas.
Glad to see your post! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I doubt if they do it at all here in South Africa...
Glad you enjoyed my post. And thank you for the nice tip I found in my wallet, @dswigle! I really do appreciate it!
Have a great day!
I used to be frightened of lighthouses or parola as we call it. Back in the days when we don't have tv we only listen to drama in radio. And the story was a tragic story that mentions of the parola 😅. I was so young then.
Wow, love the building in the Bahamas, those are really colorful and givibg off that festive and fun ambiance.
Here's my market friday post https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@bluepark/something-fishy ... Thank you for always supporting our post in this commnunity. Have a great weekend.
I think that the radio always had dramatic stories playing on them. It was easier to keep an audience interested with a little drama, not so much a romantic story. Young or old, it chilled the soul!
The Bahamas (and actually most of the Caribbean) has colorful houses, making the experience of visiting festive and joyful. Because the people are happy-hearted, it always feels wonderful there.
It is my pleasure to support great posts in the community! Thank you for taking part in the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you~!!
The picture in the end. Wow! Perfect day to be at the beach. Cottony clouds and blue sky and water. What a life!
I have never been inside a lighthouse. Most of the ones I have visited so far no longer function other than tourist attractions.
Beautiful and colorful structures!
Cheers to free drinks! :D
Here's my entry for this week https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@leeart/brunch-at-grumpy-joe-one
Do you know that every day ended up a perfect day, no matter how it started off? There is something special about the Caribbean!!
Many people have never been in a lighthouse, not even one that is only a tourist attraction. I love the colorful beauty of the houses! Doesn't it look cheerful? :)
Thank you for dropping your link and for being part of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It sure looks like you had a fabulous time Denise, and what stunning sights!
It's going to take time to adjust to RL again, I'm sure!
The Shed @Pennington North My lengthy response started as #wednesdaywalk, and ended up as #marketfriday. Here goes, hope you enjoy it:
I did have a fabulous time and RL will be a slow adjustment, I am sure! Wait, no! Maybe not. Do you know they wanted me to COOK last night? IN fact, I am pretty sure there was a please thrown in and maybe even a teardrop or two. Yes! I guess they missed me. :)
Okay, no tears. But, it sounded good!
#Wednesdaywalk into #MarketFriday is getting popular! You know I will take you however you come!!! I am sure to enjoy it, my friend! I appreciate you so much! I hope all has been well with you and hello!!! Where do you get the time and energy to do it all??? Tell me your secret!!!
I hope your day is amazing!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wowww !!! It's Friday! and this time I have something important to share:@dswigle Hello Sweets ! Another beautiful contribution with truly amazing captures from your travel dairies ! Am loving it !!! :) :)
Here's my entry to this week's #marketfriday! https://hive.blog/hive-196308/@amitsharma/handbags-bags-purse-today-it-was-an-amazing-day-full-of-plenty-of-choices-in-market-friday
Cheers! :)
Hello, Amit! @amitsharma Thank you so much - this part of the world is really beautiful, but, I think that has a lot to do with the peaceful vibes it emits.
I am pleased that you have a post to share! I look forward to reading it.
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are back 🎉🎉
A lighthouse… yes, how cool 😎 would that be. To live in… all the little rooms you can create going up. And at the top the one with 360 degree view. Hhmmm one can dream.
I did know there are a few you can stay in around the world. That would be such an experience.
Great visit and such a colourful buildings.
The murals are beautiful and interesting at the same time. 🤓
Thanks for offering us a spot to share our posts 😊
I take you today to a castle… it was so big 🏰… we see snowdrops 🥰 everywhere…
Have a beautiful Friday Denise 👋🏻🤗🌹
Almost weekend….
I am baaaaaa-ck! Wouldn't a lighthouse be cool? I cannot even explain my fascination with them. The setup is unique and yes!! The room with a view! Dreams are free, yes?
There is something so quieting about the Caribbean and then again, it is all about dancing in the streets and living life. Nothing complex about that. Easy to get used to and a hard habit to break.
Oh!! A castle!!! Thank you! Some girls have all the fun!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It would be so cool. It is one of those buildings that is different. Like a church, or warehouse or train station or water tower… all of those unusual buildings I could turn into a home. Yep for sure. Hehehe
Dreams are free and let us have plentiful.
It’s different and indeed I could get used to it too easily. The laidback kind of life, being more connected with nature. The friendly ness… the fun, dance and good food.
You are welcome, happy to share my explorations 😉 never saw anything like this one.
Some girls do, let’s continue to have fun.
Have a great evening and a nice weekend 👋🏻☀️
Oh!! I never thought of a train station, but, think about the possibilities!! I am still hung up on the church and I did find one downtown DC, but, with so many things against it, I let it pass. That was a few years back and real estate crawled back up. I still dream of a church that would work, but, then I dream about going to Hell for being sacrilegious. LOL
Perhaps a warehouse. Super cool space!
It is Saturday and I should get doing the markets! Have a great day!
Yes, some buildings have so many amazing possibilities. Like a warehouse… it would give me one open space to live and have my art studio… oh I can picture it already hahaha 🤣
In downtown DC… I can imagine why you didn’t go for it. It can be… busy. I don’t think it will be sacrilegious, when you treat it well and tread carefully I think it would be ok.
The time today went so fast. It’s past midnight here, we went out for a long drive to visit some awesome sights. All covered in so much snow… it was epic. Will have to share soon ☃️⛄️
Hope you had fun catching up with the posts. I’m behind a little and soon I go to sleep.
Have a wonderful evening Denise and good night for later 👋🏻😴😊
Goodnight, Jackie! See you tomorrow! :)
Thanks Denise, see you tomorrow 👋🏻😴
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I'm amazed! It turns out there are places in the world where you can come and spend a day in an active lighthouse as a tourist. It's amazing. Working as a lighthouse keeper seems so romantic, but common sense helps to discourage attempts at such employment. But spending one night in a lighthouse would be very exciting.
My contribution for this week:
Isn't that amazing? It was truly a wonderful time. I have given up my childhood dream, but, I am glad that I gave it a whirl :)
I thought it was a romantic job in life, but, now I am glad I didn't pursue it! I just peeked at yours! Underground architecture!
Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
The city looks so vibrant and colorful and the beach view is stunning.
Here is my Market Friday post :-)
Its Shopping Time @Market Friday
This is the old part of Nassau, Bahamas. The city itself is more modern, but, I actually prefer this section.
Thank you for your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are not the single one who loves lighthouses! :)
Just 2-3 days ago I was talking with livinguktaiwan about it and that it's very hard to see a lighthouse in Romania just because there are very few and very hard to be reached, but they seem soooo fascinating in my eyes!
Really? How cool! There is something about lighthouses for sure! I was born and raised on the Atlantic Coast, so lighthouses were always a part of my life, many were more than just beacons of light and they took on a personality of their own.
It always seemed like a fantasy to be running the lighthouse, even when they became automated. There are some that are hard to reach, making them even more exciting. I remember reading this years ago and yes!! I wanted to do this! :)
Yes!!! Who wouldn't want to be in that family, yes??? Thanks for stopping by and you know #MarketFriday loves you!
I almost forgot that today is Friday.... Let's see if I can make a post 😅.
Thanks for the reminder...
Happy Friday
I'm back with my link 😊
Wow! I go to bed and come back! That is how quickly you work! Thank you so much for being part of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
I had more free time this afternoon hehe. Thanks
The beauty of a world wide platform! :)
Living in a lighthouse feels somewhat akin to me as maybe a park ranger. One imagines long spans of solitude and hot tea to keep you company. I think it would be lovely to live in some remote park ranger cabin or lighthouse, well at least for part of the year.
Except for Boston Light, all of our lighthouses are now automated, although they still have keepers and there are even whole families that live the life. It has a history that is interesting.
Good morning!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I can see why you were so drawn to Michigan than. We certainly don't have a shortage of lighthouses here. It's really interesting how similar Michigan is to some of the coastal states give the fact that we have the great lakes on pretty much every side. I've been watching Outer Banks on Netflix. Horrible show but the bounce back and forth between OBX and Nassau, so it has been interesting.
One of the fascinating things for me when we first bought the property up there was just how many lighthouses there are up there! The Great Lakes are so deceiving in so many ways. For all practical purposes, they are a major coastline, but, not in the way most people think. If I set you down in the middle of one of them, you wouldn't know if you were on an ocean or one of the Great Lakes.
They are massive and truly GREAT. It is a lake and yet, it has tides, Sandy beaches in some places, and rocky in others. Just like the Eastern seaboard.
I have never seen Outer Banks on NetFlix, but have heard nothing good about it. I guess that is par for the course! I haven't found much that is any good, but, I might not be trying hard enough. I didn't realize it went back and forth. I might have to look at that, just to check for accuracy. :)
Outer Banks... Now there is a nice little place. But, I am not sure about living there full-time. I have only been there as a visitor with time on here hands.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think my wife would like to visit there sometime. I am sure we will make it there eventually. I have a feeling the show makes it an overly romanticized version of what it is really like. Yeah, some of the photos that tattodjay shares of the East coast really remind me of some of the areas here in Michigan. It's pretty cool.
Truth. I have my grandfather's side of the family that is in that area and Cape Cod. It is a great place to be and he uses it to the fullest as far as pictures. He brings out the best in the area!
This was less than ten years ago and it flip-flops with other ports, but, even so, it has always been an amazing place. We are lucky that he loves photography and shares the beauty of it on a daily basis.
Michigan always reminds me of the East Coast. Probably why I fell in love with it. You are right!
Every now and then I surprise myself!
What a beautiful place to explore...
Welcome back 🙌 It must feel good to get back to your routine, all refreshed?
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
Being gone since January 14th, it has been a long time away. However, it was pleasurable in every way!
Thank you for the greetings - am I refreshed?? Indeed!
Thank you for the curation!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Your vacation posts have been so enjoyable :) What other parts of the world do you travel to?
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Since Covid? Only South America, the Caribbean, Mexico,the US and Greenland/Canada (at summmers end) Anywhere over the pond, perhaps this year, perhaps next. I will travel anywhere interesting, and have been to many places already.
Nice, I'll have to check your old posts sometime :) ...
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Hah! you're getting the good stuff :) (Seeing the Mezcal shot!)
It's that time of the week again. Great shots as always. Bright and eye-catching... like you are!
Happy #MarketFriday, angel 😁❤️
Yes!!! All of the good stuff! Hehe! You spotted the Mezcal sign. There is no hiding anything from you! It is that time of the week and I am happy to see you here, celebrating it.
I raise my glass to you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 31/51) Liquid rewards.
Thank you!
Thank you, Nina! @ninahaskin ❤️
Welcome back! @dswigle 🚢🏝🌊
Thank you~!! I almost forgot where home was!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @aplusd ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
To be fair, most times you get your own space, but, each is a unique space.
No worries. Adventurers are adaptable and flexible travelers, lol. 😆
Thank God It's Friday!
Here's my entry to this week's #marketfriday! And thanks for this wonderful opportunity @dswigle. More power to the community!
Thank God it's Friday! Indeed! Thank you for taking part in the community! I look forward to reading your post!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you so much @dswigle. God bless!
Thanks for letting me know and I didn't know either. Because this is my first post.
Of course! I understand that! :)
Thank you for dropping by and reading my post, and leaving yours behind.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you in the future I will be more careful to do it. greetings from Indonesia #marketfriday
No problem! I hope you have a wonderful day ahead!
There is no denying that this isn't the beautiful place on earth, I like the colorful building as well as how people enjoy themselves with the atmosphere. Surely the priceless view. I wait to see more see photos like this again.
Have a nice weekend dear!
It is such a peaceful place, where time means nothing. The colorful buildings add to the loveliness, as do the palm trees blowing in the tropical breeze. Thank you so much for your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
The first picture feels so calming, and the last picture makes me so excited to visit the beach! 😍
Here is my post for this week
I hear you! I am always excited to visit the beach! :) There is something redeeming about the salt air.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
I'm leaving this week's post here. Thank you so much for this beautiful community. I'm starting to enjoy it here and it's a relief to write something about the market here, thank you for that, beautiful woman! 🤍🌸🛍️🛒
This is the right place to leave your ost link! Thank you. It is nice to be able to visit the markets of the world!
Thank you for being a part of the challenge.
#MarketFriday loves you!
I've been thinking about the experience of sleeping in the Morro lighthouse here in Havana, but I can't imagine it, unless I have to choose it to shelter from a zombie attack or something like that. I think it's a good place to repel those creatures.
I agree with you! I don't know why I didn't think of that! Have you been up there so you will be acquainted with the layout of the lighthouse? They always have a unique type of dimension.
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, of course I have been there. I'll try to locate some photos and so I'm already preparing the containment area.
You're welcome, see you soon!
Here is my link
Thank you for dropping your link
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi @dswigle !!
This si my entry
Hugs for you.
Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFRiday loves you!
Hahahaha.. that means you will be a heavy drinker when the bills are on the house 😂.
That was a great tour... You sure enjoyed yourself.
And the great photographic skill of yours made it enjoyable with the beautiful pictures accompanying the write-ups.
Thanks for sharing
Actually, I had three drinks in two weeks. I am not a heavy drinker at all. :)
Thank you for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow... Then you aren't a heavy one Indeed.
I had 5 drinks in a day 😀
That is too many for me. I know my limitations.
That's great
Beautiful place, I see a building that is quite old. A lighthouse building one of the funtiond of which is to provide information for ships that want to stop at a port, which is marked with a light above the tower. Thank you happy day.
This my post https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@hsidik/market-friday--to-the-fish-auction
The Bahamas was settled many centuries ago, so yes, it has some buildings that have stood the test of time and remain standing even today.
Lighthouses are mostly automated now, so the mission of the people has changed, but, the lighthouses are still functional.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
@hsidik If you don't know why you are being downvoted, you should go to Hivewatchers (you can find them on Discord) and ask. They will be more than happy to help you.
The environment looks so cool and hommie . You really had a great anf well fulfilled day. Please taken me alone the next time you will go for a tour😀.
:) I always take everyone along when I go somewhere or try my best to get a post out!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you~
Alright. Thank you too for sharing your beautiful day with us.
Thank you @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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when I was a kid, I wasn't aware the work of lighthouse, I consider it as a lightning source, specially when there is too much rain is coming and electricity is off. Now i got knowledge that it is there to predict and give information about weather.
A beautiful trip. I know Nassau only from photographs and a very good video game set in the 19th century. You can see all the buildings, beaches and people. And regarding the lighthouse, it's kind of scary for me to imagine having to be there alone. It's awe-inspiring. Very nice article, a big hug for you.
Thank you for your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful nature, fresh air, and childhood memories. Enough reasons to be the happiest))
Here is my entry for #MarketFriday ))
You must wait for the new #MarketFriday post to come out in about 8 or 9 hours. That is Friday for me. I don't even have it written yet.
Please drop the link when the new post comes out. Thank you!
Thank you 💓 I will)
It's up now! :)
The lighthouse sounds like a cool place to be. I can imagine why you wanted to work in one so badly.
I love the Bahamas shots that you shared. And If I was in your shoes, I would definitely take all the free drinks I can consume... Smiles
Here is my first participation in market Friday, I hope I don't bore you much.
Scroll with me: The newest addition to my Library
@edystringz - Do you know why you are being downvoted? If not, you need to go to Hivewatchers on Discord
I'll do that. Thank you.