No cheating this time! LOL Market Friday-DreemPort Challenge - week 2!

in Market Friday3 years ago

All pictures in this post have been taken by yours truly!


On Sunday, I will announce the final week for our Market Friday-DreemPort Challenge Extravaganza! and yes - hehehee -

something SPECIAL is coming next week

So if you haven't been a part of it, you should DEFINITELY join in next week!


Onto our Market Friday challenge!!!

Do you remember all the things we had to find??? Well, I found them ALL! hehehe But first, I wanted to show you what it looks like in a CHEF STORE! I'm married to a chef, and that means that we have to sometimes go down the mountain to stock his MASSIVE kitchen, walk-in cooler, and walk-in freezer! hehehe He used to work in a restaurant (where we even fed the President of the United States! yep - WE, because that's where I met him. hahaha I worked there too!) But now, he works at the camp we live/work at! And he loves it! It still let him enjoy his passion for cooking, but now he feeds guests year round! In the summer, we have a TON of energy from summer camp kids and summer camp staff! Lots of fun!

Today, he needed to get some things that didn't get delivered to the camp... so here we go!

hehehe this is actually a funny picture because my husband is super tall. He's 6'8" but in the picture, he looks so tiny compared to the massive chef store! lol Let's go in, shall we?!

As you can see, they do have some normal-sized bottles! Some things that you probably recognize! Can you guess why they would have smaller bottles like this?

..... guess yet?

Because some of the bottles would be on the tables in the restaurants, right? They don't have customers picking up vats of bbq sauce! hehehe But as you can see if you look down the aisles, they also have really huge boxes of things. This is obviously going to be for some of the recipes that need gallons of sauce, and not splashes of sauce!


I'm not sure if you can tell, but these are Number 10 cans. From the angle of the picture, they might look small, but these are actually quite large. They even have special can openers that are on the edge of the table with a massive hand crank - to open them!

and how about these huge bags... know what they are?


If you can't see in the pic, I'll give you a hint. movies, butter, air-popped....

POPCORN! hehe Can you imagine popping all these kernels for 400 kids ready for a movie? Who wants extra butter on theirs? hehe

or... maybe instead of butter, you'd like some nice coconut oil? You might be used to getting 16 ounces of coconut oil in the regular supermarket, but have you ever seen a 5 gallon bucket of the stuff! hehehe You're about to see it!


Yep! I had to put my finger in the picture so you would get a proper perspective on just how large that tub is! But, when you think about it - it's a pretty good price! In the store you get about 16 ounces for $13. But this is $75 for 5 gallons! It pays to buy in bulk! hehehe

Let's just take a peak at what the aisles look like. Does it look very different from your local market?


You can see even inside the freezer and cooler cases, the boxes aren't really displaying anything that is pleasing to the eye. These are meant for chefs who know what they want, and come in and get it! No need to dazzle people with pretty marketing when they are feeding 400 hungry little mouths! hahaha


Pretty interesting to see these closed off glass cases that you actually WALK into! Not like a normal freezer/cooler aisle where you open the door and grab what you need. Nope - you actually go INSIDE the whole area that is cooled and shop inside!

Now... not everything is boring. As you can see here, the candy is still looking as bright, colorful and tempting as ever! There is a reason for this too... Can you guess?

.... still thinking?? hehehe

Because most of the candy boxes are used as display boxes in gift shops and cafes! They still want to lure all those bellies over! And that involves MARKETING. hahaha I'm sure you can see IMMEDIATELY what candies they are -just by the colors! That's what they're hoping for! LOL


Remember we had to find something bubbly? ahhhh... well here is one of my favorite "bubblies" to drink! I can't drink wine, because I have some strange reaction to it where it makes my skin hurt... LOL But I still like to pretend that I can drink it! So, I fill my glass with a lovely bottle of...


Martinelli's! hehehe They have lots of flavors, but the original Sparkling Cider is my favorite! It's apple, and bubbly, and sweet, and tart, and looks just as pretty as a glass of champagne! so for me- it works!!! hehehe

Next, we had to find something prickly!


and.... how's this??? hahaha

I found a few other things that fit the bill, but this one seemed best! Pineapple is one of my favorite fruit - but I can't eat too much or my tongue gets those little sore tastebuds! hahaha you know what I mean??? My whole mouth turns extra-sensitive, so I can't go crazy and gobble up the pineapple. (unless it's on a sundae. LOL Then I think the ice cream helps to cut the acidity and I can eat eat eat. hmmm I'm starting to see why I need a detox right now LOLOLOL)

Then, it was time to find something that smelled nice.... and these - mmmmmmmmmmm


Dr. Teal's makes the most luxurious, spa-smelling bath products! I just bought a new scent (that isn't shown here) called Energy! It's scented with orange, sage and bergamot - and when you're finished with your shower, the whole bathroom smells like a spa! It's so delicious! hehehe My next favorite is the lavender. It's so calming and soothing - perfect for a warm bath before bed. I highly recommend these if they happen to be in your area of the world!

Next, I had to show things that were calling my name to buy them... hahahaha I only needed one - but come on! I'm on a detox! Of course, I'm gonna show you more than one!!! LOL


mmmmmmm say no more. I think it says 5 pounds of snow crab clusters?? hehehe Yes, it's $99! hahaha But its FIVE POUNDS OF CRAB CLUSTERS!!! hahahahaa sooooooooo yummy for my tummy! That would last weeks and weeks in my freezer! LOL well, unless my son and I got into the box. Then maybe it would only last a week LOLOL

Now, these are filled with gluten, so I can't eat them! I know how to make them, so I don't have to go without!!! But look at how many there are! Already made, sealed, ready to pan fry....


DUMPLINGSSSSSSSSSSSS.. mmmmmmm Well, I have to say this.. hahaha It's probably a good thing that I have to hand make my own dumplings! The time that it takes me to make them is a good way to limit my consumption of them hahahaha If I had access to a bag like this... hmmm let's just say that I might have to be rolled out of the kitchen! hahahaha

and I know I just showed a picture of crab claws, but....


Can there ever be enough crab? I say no. I say - definitely not!!! Now... take a look at that can. LOL It's all cracked, picked through, sweet, lovely chunks of crab. And... all for the low, low price of $317 USD hahahahaha

I wonder what someone would make with a can of crab like that? Maybe 300 crab cakes? mmmmmmm why are you all making me talk about this and getting me hungry?? hahahahhaha

ok - now it's time for dessert. Again, something I really can't eat - but... it DID call my name as I passed by. I heard it. It said "Dreeeeeeemieeeee, come eeeeeeeat meeee"

I have more will power! I said no! hahaha but - take a look, will you?


Gourmet cheesecakes - assorted flavors, chocolate chip cookies - and mmmmmmm molten lava chocolate cake. When you take your first bite of that cake - hot molten "lava" chocolate pours out and drips all over the plate.

So - what do you think? Did I do well scavenging on my hunt?

Now, it's time for me to go eat some celery sticks and have a glass of water. HAHAHAHAHA

I hope you enjoyed this Market Friday-DreemPort Challenge! It was so fun to walk through, knowing that I was grabbing some DREEM TOKENS for each item I picked up for the Hunt! hehehe

Thank you @dswigle for letting us descend on your super fun community and letting us share our markets with people around the world!!! Can't wait for next week!!!!

HERE That way she will come visit your post with all her lovely energy!!! (... and you will be so happy she did - because she is a bundle of joy!)Don't forget.... when you write your post - be sure to drop the link onto @dswigle's post

Use #hive-196308 as your first tag to support the Market Friday community!

and then all you dreemers know what to do - DROP THAT POST INTO DREEMPORT - TODAY by 5pm PST!!!

So looking forward to those posts - and I hope you are READY FOR NEXT WEEK. hehehe It's going to be lots more fun for a special reason!!!! ❤️

What do you think? Sound easy enough?

Hope to help you connect with MORE readers through DreemPort!

All DreemPort images property of DreemPort and designed by the amazing @jimramones. Please do not use without permission from DreemPort.


That is one huge store! There's just so much to see lol! You really did well on your hunt. It was the cakes for me. Now, I'm craving for some again even though I just had some earlier :D

hehehehe isn't it so funny how just seeing those cakes will make you crave all over again! hahahahaha

oh me too - i so want some cake right now! its a party for your tongue! LOL

I like that, cake party! let's go lol!

hehehe head over to the new post to find out about the cake party we ARE having this week! :)

Already? lol! Heading there now. This sounds exciting!

Dumplingsss! hehe. I kinda miss eating one.

hehehe why are you missing it?? you should go get some now instead of waiting hahahaha

(i want some right now too - but i have to wait until I'm off my detox! LOL)

I love getting large sizes of things that wont go bad and I enjoy. Saves a lot of money.

At the Liquor Control Store in town here they have a walk in cooler for where the stock the beer and coolers. Customers go in and serve themselves the cold beverages.

really!? like - just on tap?? like a serve yourself bar! hahahahaha that is pretty cool - but who bounces them out when they get out of hand??? hehehee

no ... they can't drink it there .. or in their vehicles.. they have to take what they buy home.. or where it's going to be consumed. Really handy on a hot day ... pick up beverages on the way to a gathering and they are cold on arrival.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh i see. hehehe

yes we have this here too! we used to have state liquor stores in Pennsylvania - but here in California - we have all the wine and liquor right in the grocery store! hehehe

Know what? I'd love to have a whole room in my house, that was a cooler/fridge/freezer! Or at least, an aisle of candy in my house, too!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

hehehehe and dumplings

and lobster
and crab
and and and and.... LOLOOLL

So I didn’t know you were such a foodie, but it makes perfect sense. OMG, the size of those fridges, that’s truly intimidating, haha 😂
I adore your choices, you’re so amazingly real.
I ran a restaurant when I was at varsity for 5 years so, now, we have something in common. I did waitressing in my 1st year at Mike’s Kitchen, which was a pretty iconic brand, back in the day (in South Africa). The owner was a wild, wild Italian who used to throw pots, pans or anything on hand at us when he had a tantrum, which used to happen almost daily. Despite the drama, it was a lot of fun and I ended up running one of his branches out in the stick during vac. Memories are made of this 💓😊💕🙃😊💓💕🙃

i am SUCH a foodie. It's terrible!

You know i still have your recipe waiting for me in July! hahahah i have a whole stack of recipes. hehehe

When I was younger, I only ate to survive. LOL Food wasn't such a big deal for me. It was nice enough but nothing to spend time over. As a matter of fact, I used to swish the food around my dinner plate and talk and talk and talk - until dinner was over and I was the last one at the table. LOLOL

and my mom was a good cook too! But it was just lost on me.

Times changed, I started to enjoy food more, married a chef, worked in a restaurant... hehehehe

then I started to watch a lot of foodtv to learn how to make fun meals for my family and found out just how tasty things could be!!! But after 30 years of cooking, I started to just get bored with it. I mean - not just 30 years. But trying to watch my weight, watch my budget... all that hehehe

I do love making delicious foods still - but I'm also trying to not be obsessed with it hahahaha

wish I could just have my hubby or kids' metabolisms so I could eat whatever I wanted and be thin hahahahahahahaa

and i'm cracking up about your Italian owner who threw pots and pans. What is it about cooking that makes us all so passionate? hehehehehe I don't know - but I can laugh cuz i wasn't there... but I would not like to be around someone throwing pots and pans. I might have to tie them up until they calmed down LOLOLOLOL


Wow, I love all you found. You see those dumplings? Oulalacious!. 😂. I didn't know they make it, fold and get it ready for frying. Wow, really like you said, the time it takes to make it limits my eating of it too. I will look for this packaged one. Who would have thought that pineapple goes for something picky? I will always think it goes for something sweet, but you nailed all the items your found. They are just right. Your market is different from ours. Ours is open but yours is more beautiful and organized. I wish I live near to join in your family cooking but especially in the mulching of all the goodies your husband makes. 😂. Well done Dreemy. Your participation in the challenge is awesome.

I can already guess why next week's challenge will be a blast. Haha, but I don't want to say it here. 😂. See you around.

I viewed this from dreemport. Keep publishing amazing contents on dreemport, ok? 😂😂




and yes - remember Adore??? when you made those dumplings from your show - and you did SUCH a beautiful job! and the kids ate them all up hahahaha i so remember that!!!!! LOLOL

but you know all the work that goes into them! but then it limits our eating and that's good hahahahahaha

but can you imagine if you had that massive bag just read to cook??? we would be gaining weight fast! LOLOLOL

I would so love for you to cook with me some day! really. or maybe I'll just sit down and talk to you while I watch you cook up all your amazing dishes - you're such a good cook! hehehe i dreem for that day! hehehe

thank you for coming to visit - and yes hehehe join in all the fun for this birthday week!!!! hehehehe
love you!

I loved this 😍 That looks like a fun store to visit Dreems... everything is a supersize me product hehe
Was this purely Joe's shop though or did you get to go home with some of these things too? I hope you did... at least the nice sparkling cider for a hot day 😎 You can save it... hehe... and you know celery sticks? mmm @jamerussell told me this evening that celery sticks and peanut butter are a match made in heaven... perhaps not quite those words, but close enough lol... I am going to try it with my boys tomorrow... I think all 3 of them (the big one included) will enjoy them. Maybe when you are allowed hehe... give it a bash. I have just over an hour to pop my post into words on a page with pics and post i be going now to write... hahaha

!LUV !hivebits !ALIVE

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(7/10)@dreemsteem! to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

nahhhh hehehe it was all for him. I just drooled and licked the glass doors.

Sam - seriously. I don't know why I was staring at crab for 10 minutes. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it this whole time LOLOLOL


but no - I didn't even get the cider - but that is in all stores here - and I should definitely get it for my birthday next month! It will have to be a special treat :)

yep - celery with peanut butter. you know what we call it here?
ants on a log.
we don't just do celery with peanut butter - we add raisins in the middle hehehe

google "ants on a log" snack - and you'll see it hahaha it's really good! we kinda grew up on it! :)

hehe ok - go write write write - and i hope you had fun!!

You're lucky to have chef husband, is he always ready to cook delicious food for you :/ woah..

Failed to guess anything correctly lol but huh i learned something especially that candies boxes secret never realised it before

I'll pretend like i didn't read desert part.... It's 1am here and reading that part was like self torturing.

Came here through dreemport hehe.

hehehehe nice to see you! and glad that you're enjoying DreemPort!

and yes - you would think that he would cook all the time, right? but.... the truth is - I ALWAYS COOK! hahahahaha

but it's nice that whenever I needed to go someplace - he could always make dinner for the kids - and that was a HUGE blessing!!!

and yes - isn't it so tricky how they market that candy! hehehe even talking about candy and dessert now - i'm still hungry!!! LOLOL i want it all hahahahahahahahahaha

thank you for the visit!

It is interesting to see, and also compare prices.
It truly looks like a giant place, for everything. Been to a few in the Netherlands and here in Spain. They do look different but for products and the amount of them you get is the same. Just not exactly the same products hahaha as you know what I mean lol 😂Love buying in bulk… it saves so much on certain things @dreemsteem 😁 thanks for sharing your walk through this shop.

Have a wonderful Friday and great start to the weekend 👋🏻😁☀️💃🏻

hehehe hi there @littlebee4! isn't it such a crazy place to visit?? I love those big stores - to walk around and find new things!!

sometimes you see things you've never seen before also!!! They are SO fun! hehehe

and I'd love to go all around the world and see the warehouse markets !!! to see the kinds of treats they have that I'd probably never experience in USA!

you also have a great weekend!!!! thanks for visiting hehe

It sure is. Love those big shops. Always something someone can use or needs.Hi @dreemsteem 👋🏻😁

Exactly… it is eye opening to find things you don’t know yet. Or you didn’t know you had to buy yet hehehe lol
You are welcome 😎 thank you so much , enjoy yours 👋🏻😉

You are wicked, now I am hungry. The crab yes I love it. This reminds me of cash and carry's in the old days when it was strictly businesses that were only allowed to buy, and you had mega sizes like this!

I am wicked - because I am on a detox and I freaking created a monster inside my stomach.

For the last 18 hours all I can think about is sweet delicious crab meat LOLOLOLOLOL

and old days? i know nothing about it! I refuse to admit it that I am old enough to remember any old days! hahahahahahahahahaha

I am wicked - because I am on a detox and I freaking created a monster inside my stomach.

That's called karma baby🤣🤣🤣

As far as I am concerned yesterday is an old day hehe but yes I can imagine you thinking about all that crab meat!

A huge store and I could buy a lot.. Good luck to the challenge 😁 I missed this one

hahahahaha oh well we missed you on this one!!!

but there are always more to come! did you see the happy birthday DreemPort challenge for this week??? :)

Sure.. I'll wait for it thanks 😁

After hunting, now you know store very well. Why not apply for a job there? xd

hahahaha that job would be a 3 hour drive for me everyday! I think i'll stay home hahahaha

You will be like this every day: (xD)

Did you just invent a way to go shopping for free?

yes - yes I did.

It's called... sneak along with Hubby on his town run for work, and beg him to buy me things on the company card.. LOLOLOL

i'm totally kidding! hahaha we would never in a million years - the place we work for has been so good to us!!! we would never abuse their trust! hehe

But this was a super fun challenge to enjoy! So glad Market Friday collaborated with us this month!!! You still around??? So many people went quiet for a while, thought the old guard was heading to pasture! hehehe

I just think it's cool you did some shopping, took some photos, which actually doubles as free advertising for those products, posted it, made some money back. All in the name of fun.

I'm always around. Sometimes I take breaks, from everything. No internet, nothing. Haven't been posting much. Been out and about though. Had to deal with some issues here as well; a bad actor not being nice.

Remember that time I said you'd be back? ;)

I always wanted to stop by and rub it in. I mean that lightheartedly of course.


Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation project

It is not Friday for you but somewhere else on the globe. Hehe.....

Bulk saves a lot of money. I haven't seen that big a bucket of coconut oil. Did you buy it or have you just shown it to us? 😂.
And the popcorn bag!!!!! I guessed it from the clues.

Walking in coolers and freezers. It would be a chilling experience.

I have understood that you have many reactions to many food. That's why detox is important.

I love pineapple too but I haven't ever eaten it fresh. Fresh is not readily available at my place. My father used to buy the cans for me. He knew i loved them.

The cakes!!!!! Mmmmmmmm! They are calling my name too .. yummmm!

hahahahaha it was oh-so-close to Friday for me! LOL close enough and I was chomping at the bit to post it! LOLOLOL

I didn't buy that big coconut oil hahaha I don't have $75 for it and worse - I have no place to store THAT much AHAHAHAHA

but I did once have a 3 gallon container of it hahahahaha and yep - we used it all!!! LOL

yes - i really do have so many reactions to food! hahaha my body is very sensitive to the things I eat - and you're right - that's why the detoxes are very necessary for me- to keep my body in the best place possible. I do hope that one day I can enjoy some lovely bread again though. but if not - I will indulge in bread in Heaven! hehehehe

ahhhhhhh you don't have fresh pineapple? its really good but yeah - so acidic hehehehe it can wreak havoc on the skin all inside your mouth. not just your tongue - but your cheeks and roof of your mouth too! heheheheh

and i loved you always talking about your father. just you mentioning him now Amber... makes me all warm and glowing. I loved the way he loved you! and I loved the way you loved him!

cakes... me and you - someday... a cake date, please? hehehehehehe

i love you!

Such willpower. I would have been packing the car with all the fun finds. Never send me to the store with the company credit card 🤣

hahahahahahahahahahahaha If I could spend all that I wanted - oh my gosh... the feast that I would invite so many people to!!!

Really - what a joy that would be for me!!! hehehe

But now, I would need a nice big garden to host it ... and a massive kitchen to cook in hehehehe

Gourmet cheesecakes - assorted flavors, chocolate chip cookies - and mmmmmmm molten lava chocolate cake. When you take your first bite of that cake - hot molten "lava" chocolate pours out and drips all over the plate.

I was already licking my tongue here on this one😅😅💔..
I love your scavenger hunt and you've done a great hunting on these items.

as long as you aren't licking the screen hahahahahaha

I had so much fun on the scavenger hunt! if you didn't join in this week- you should REALLY join in next week! hehehehe

Hahahaha... Yeah it would be a pleasure to join in .☺️ I'll start preparing for that😅 thank you so much 🙂

hehehe ok then! now I have your comment saying you will!!! LOLOL
now you are caught up with us! hahahaha

Your post has got me so excited for my own scavenger hunt today, Dreemie!

I don't think I've ever seen such large quantities of food. A chef's shop looks like a shop for giants, and with your hubby being 6'8" he qualifies in my book. Lol!

So - what do you think? Did I do well scavenging on my hunt?

Absolutely! I love how many things called your name! Hehehehehe! I wonder what will be calling out mine when I get to the shop of my choice today.

Just to be clear, I'm looking for something bubbly, prickly, smelly (in a nice way), and that calls out my name. Phew! This is going to be a challenge! But also, lots of fun. Always fun in the DreemPort community!

hehehe yes -he is my gentle giant!!! and we also have these other "warehouse" clubs for people who just want to buy in bulk for their homes... and wow. they are even more massive! they are truly warehouses!! hahaha amazing the size of them!

oh gosh Julia - so many things called my name hahaha - i'm a goner. I tell you. hahahaha just - a goner. hahahaha

yes - looking for those things!! you found it! i saw you and beeber discussing it this morning (sorry didn't see it last night - i was asleep hahahaha) but glad you guys found it! LOL

can't wait for yours!!!!

It was so fun reading through your scavenge hunt, I enjoyed every bit of it. Well that crab did really call my name even through the images, hehe 😂😂, I want some.

And those dumplings, damn, they look so good, it made me keep swallowing my saliva, hehe 😅.

How can you say we are making your crave for these things, you are the one making crave for them 😂, it will be really nice to taste your dumplings, hehe and also the chef's food. My regards by the way 🤗.

It was as if I went on the scavenge hunt with you because I had a whole lot of fun, thank you for sharing this with us @dreemsteem.

crab crab crab

there is something just so lusciously yum about them hehehehe so sweet - and i love the texture and the scent and mmmmmmmmmmm all of it!!!!

i so love crab!!!! hahahaha

and dumplings?!?! gahhhhhhhhhhhh i love them!!! i want to eat them everyday! hahahahahahahahaha

but i can't take the blame for making you crave ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLL i have to blame someone else - it must be you! hahahahahahahahahahahaha

oh my gosh hope - please let's get together someday and have a fabulous feast of crab and dumplings and cakes! hahahahahahaha

so glad you had fun with me!!!!

I won't accept you blaming me for either of us craving for what you showed me 😂😂, you are sure the one to blame, you showed me the photos of the crabssssss and the dumplings, lolz.

It would be a really great privilege to get together and have those amazing dumplings, crabs 😍😍 cakes😋😋.

whaaaaaaaat - but i have to blame you!!!

i can't take the blame LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

(i'm laughing so hard) LOLOL

but yes - I would love the privilege of hosting a feast someday for all of our dreemers. I truly would.

I would love to sit at the table and just look at each face and think of how blessed I am to be able to share a meal and laugh and talk and dance and enjoy the whole day (or better... DAYS) together.

Let me just dreem of it to be someday hehehe

I'm still not going to accept the blame too, hahaha, my ribs.

It would be really fun to sit with all the amazing dreemers and you to eat, chat, dance and do many other things together, I really do hope that day comes.


i just keep laughing over and over Hope... hahahaha

and yes - i pray for that day. i really do
i so do

Hahaha, I pray you keep on seeing things and people that make you happy, I'm really glad I could make you laugh. And you made me smile and giggle too, thank you.

I say Amen to your prayers, I hope to see you someday 🥺🥺.

I have never been into one of these chef stores but wow thats pretty amazing

Walk in coolers, really shows the scale of this place ;)

hahahaha right??? they are like massive rooms!!!!!! multiple rooms!!! LOLOL

I think that Costco is still probably bigger (or Sam's club) but this one has a different kind of massive feel hahahahaha

hi you :)

Yeah Costco are huge but a totally different feel from this place

I have shopping to be honest generally like to be in get what I need and out as fast as I can but this place would be cool to chekc out

Have a great weekend

I am the same... i really don't like shopping!!!! You know what i hate most about shopping though??? LOL

when I have to come home and put the food away! hahahahaha

I hate trying to maneuver things into the fridge or pantry! and we have a huge pantry - so it shouldn't be that way! but it always is hahahahaha

But if someone could make sure that I had like... a walk-in cooler for my food? I wouldn't mind it so much! LOLOLOL

You have an amazing weekend too my weretwin! hehe

LOL I hope Hubby isnt panicking that you now want a walk in cooler lOL

How cool is that! I just stumbled on your post @dreemsteem and first thing I did when I woke up is to join your challenge lol. No coffee yet so I hope this would work. Here's my entry for this week. Thank you very much and have a good one!

ohhhhhhh I'm just seeing this now!!!

It actually missed the deadline but let me drop it into DreemPort now!!!

Feel free to go there today to read 5 other random entries given to you! and then rank them! hehehe

then you can be a part of the judging ❤️

If you need a step-by-step guide how to join in... here you go!

Awwww thanks a bunch @dreemsteem I knew it I was late haha.

hehehe yeah - no problem!
I usually stick to the deadline - but you're a first time joiner! hehehe
so i want you in the mix! :)

Of course. Thanks for the heads up 😍See yah around and have a great new week!!

wow it's very incredible how a supermarket works for Chef, that's like going to the big leagues.

It seems to me that you met the challenge to perfection. For this round I am late unfortunately.

But let me tell you that what I liked the most were the bath products, I love the aromas of quality products, the truth is that this activates the senses.

It is very interesting to know a little more about you and your husband, what he does is wonderful, and the experience of having been able to feed the president 😎😉.

Well! You always have fun with everything you do. It's no surprise you had so much fun with this. I have never seen coconut oil in such a big container. OMG! That would serve me for years. Over here we get them in smaller quantities and the popcorn, I've never seen such a huge bag of popcorn. I love this mall. It has everything anyone can dream of. I love pineapple but I hate cutting them because they are quite prickly. I have never eaten crab before. I wonder how it tastes🤔. Wine can serve as both bubbly and sweet. Overall! You did well with your scavenger hunt especially with resisting the temptation of taking a bite from the cheesecake.