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RE: St. Kitts and Brimstone Hill Fortress: Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

That is pretty interesting that it took 100 years to complete the fort. Especially given the fact that they weren't doing any of the work themselves. I would have expected them to move things along a big quicker. Awesome shots. This looks like a really beautiful place. I've never been anywhere tropical besides Florida. I hope to get a chance some day.


I didn't answer your other inquiry. The construction of the Brimstone Hill Fortress began in 1690 and it continued intermittently for just over 100 years until completion.

I had thought it was continuous, but apparently not. It was hard to find anything other than it was 100 years in the making. But, I didn't look too hard after I saw that a dozen times. :)

Maybe they had to stop in between attacks and battles...

You know what? I never even thought about that, but it makes a lot of sense!

Once you do tropical, Florida won't do it for you. The people are so incredibly nice, do everything to make your visit nice, the food is pretty incredible with exotic tastes, amazing rainforests, the mountains that you get up to touch the clouds.

Just do it, Jay! When the time is right, of course. You will never regret it!

Thanks for stopping by and reading the post and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Twist my arm why don't you?!

:) I can do that.