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RE: Market Friday: The Bid

in Market Friday3 years ago

A fabulous house! I can't give advice or an opinion because I've always bought only what I liked, without the necessary checks. Sometimes fate protected me, sometimes nothing protected me and I was wrong.
I can't say an opinion because, first of all, the reason why you want to buy another house matters and I don't know this reason. If it were only for the pleasure of living in the middle of nature, with woods and fields of my own and my horses, I would buy immediately.
Again, I don't know what the purpose of this purchase would be, I don't know if others living with you would be happy, etc...

On the other hand, it seems pretty isolated from the world. I understand you've decided not to buy. You know best what's right. You need to do more research, you need to try to intuit where our world is going now if these crises are going to continue. There are so many unknowns that I think it's hard to make a very well-calculated decision, and then you go with your intuition or fear of the unknown.

I understand you're not proud to be an American now. I would love to find out when you were proud and then perhaps I will get to know you better. In this political part, I haven't been able to make up my mind about you, I don't know if we are matching here.

Last week I didn't manage to read your post, because of my vacation, and now I'm glad I did. Today I read both your posts and understood better what was going on.

I wrote my post this morning but still don't have the link because I haven't posted it yet. I don't know what time of day is best to post, just so I know that maybe you and the few other friends who read me might read it. I think I'll post in about three hours and see if I've done well. I'll add the link then.

I really liked what you wrote here. I understood once again the difference between our European and American cultures. Thank you, Denise!


There will be my family of four living there. So, I will not be alone. I don't think anyone should live in the middle of nowhere alone. That is just me, but, also things can happen when you are alone. It can happen to anyone. Leaving the workforce is something I have been looking to do for a few years now. Not retiring, but leaving the door open to return if I chose. It is the right time for me and I have the financial ability to do so. I know how lucky that is, I don't throw it out there as a bragging right. Because I am not in a rush to move (I do love my house, but I no longer want to live so close to downtown Washington, DC), I have time on my hand and will look more at the options open to me. I like the fairly low taxes around here with all the advantages of having beaches and mountains, vineyards, and horse country filled with the history and the beginnings of our country. It is a wonderful State.

Anyway, back at the house inspection. My father always told me to never buy a house without an inspection. The houses in Romania are older and better built with being around forever. These houses aren't that old. The country isn't that old. They build differently. I love European buildings and their techniques. I have always had an inspection, but, because the market is so good here, they want a quick sale (for inheritance) and an inspection would drag it longer. My money says that is a hard NO then. I am okay to walk away as there is always going to be another house and property. If I cannot own it, there are many parks here that you can visit. I won't fight hard for something that is not meant to be.

I am glad you got to read both posts, otherwise, this one doesn't really make sense. I knew you probably wouldn't get a chance to read it. You were on vacation!!! You were supposed to vacation! :))

It is a seller's market right now and the market is beginning to fall, so I will wait for the buys market when prices will probably go down. The prices are overinflated right now. We can only try to guess what this all means, my guess is as good as yours, but politics have changed so much in the last few years. Who really knows, yes?

Not to say that I am not proud to be American, but just right now is a bit challenging. But, we can be all that once again.

I didn't mean to imply I wasn't proud to be American, I will always be proud of that, just now is a little more challenging to be all that. Hopefully, we will become what we once were.

I understood once again the difference between our European and American cultures.

How is that? I hope it wasn't offensive!

Thanks always, Dan @bluemoon

#MarketFriday loves you!

I didn't even think you'd be alone. I meant the house is insulated, as I understood from your photos.

Now I understand why you want to move. If you can financially afford it and want it, that's perfect. It's good to wait for the best time, the best price, the best quality if nothing pressures you. Everything is very clear now.

Hopefully, we will become what we once were.

Of course, you're a patriot, you've proven it in all your writings. I was a little surprised when I read what you wrote now, and I understand that you are unhappy with what is now in America. My curiosity was to know when, in what period (5 years ago, 15 years ago, a hundred years ago) was America producing the most patriotism, in your opinion?

On vacation, I was only 4 days last week. I've already written three times about where I went.

I hope you don't think I'm offending you! I think I chose the word "culture" wrong. I meant to refer to the fact that the way they live, build or trade houses is different in America compared to Europe. The large space between houses leaves the impression of isolation... I'm referring to what I've seen in movies. Lots of isolated houses on a vast field or in a forest place where I couldn't live.
That's what I meant, and I still want to wish you house hunting good luck in the future, but first, have a nice weekend!

Dan, @bluemoon I trade houses because of the job and being transferred. I moved to this house, knowing I was going to be moving again. I did not, in a big part budget and covid. Europe has less land per person available.

Virginia is approximately 102,548 sq km, while Romania is approximately 238,391 sq km, making Romania 132% larger than Virginia. Meanwhile, the population of Virginia is ~8.0 million people (13.3 million more people live in Romania).

We just have more land to spare, that is all. That is true of most of Europe. Most neighborhoods are built with high-density housing, the house is close together and the yards are small. If you are fortunate, you can build your house with a little more land. Especially where I chose, in wine country where the estates have hundreds of acres. It is like that there too. Those are movies and most Americans don't live that way, but, instead of isolated looking, most are peaceful retreats. I have a huge family, so the house is never empty or deserted. :) The house in Washington, DC area has a small yard. All the houses on the shore are a few acres, but, they are sweeping lawns and nice gardens. Not too much land. And this that I was looking at was adjoining many farms, so yes, spread out for food. :) You just see the crop rotation going on. No crops there this year, it is their year off.

I will go back to catch those posts, I was mostly going back and forth to the house last week and dealing with the pipe that burst and the flood. Yikes. Life. You know.

Most patriotic? Hmmm I don't have time to analyze it, but, I have always felt that there were two major times that the patriotism shone through.

One was during 9/11 and for years after, it was very, very strong. I was living on a military base at the time and honestly, it was the worst of times and the best of times. If I left the base, it took me hours to get permission to get off and more hours to get back on with all the checking going on.

It has honestly never been the same since.

The other time would have to be during WWII The World banded together and everyone here was involved. I think every man here (no women to speak of) had something in common and that built a comradeship, in my opinion. No matter where you went, everyone supported (willingly) their country, unlike other times. Not being alive then, I am only going on stories from my grandparents and what I read. The other, I lived it.

I think I can guess Romania! :)

Everything has a cause, doesn't it @dswigle? I suspected something was pushing you to move. I sincerely hope you find the best option for your future home!

Obviously, America is so great! Classic American cars, how big they were compared to European ones. Not to mention the houses. I see what you're saying, and it's just as I imagined.

All this talk about patriotism. I know you're patriotic, more patriotic than me, I am more moderate. Especially since patriotism is a weapon used in different ways and purposes sometimes. I was actually interested in finding out what you want for America in the future, and what you hope will happen in the next election. I wanted to know how Americans think now. Will they leave us? Because an American withdrawal from Europe will mean, at least for Eastern Europe where I live, a big Russian risk.

I see you are very busy now. I wish you to get over this less pleasant and tiring time as soon as possible!

Obviously, America is so great! Classic American cars, how big they were compared to European ones.

I think you thought this was meant for Europe. It is not, I was describing how although we have more land, most neighborhoods are built with high-density housing, the houses are close together and the yards are small. If you are fortunate, you can build your house with a little more land. That is true of the US (also many parts of Europe) As for the big cars and houses, it is mostly about the cheaper cost to build here and more land. I actually never thought bigger/better. All one has to do is step inside some of these houses built centuries ago - the apparent beauty of how things were built years ago. You know I have always been in love with Europe and its superior craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Oh, you are so right about patriotism being used as a weapon. Look at us! shakes head That is why I am disheartened. Enough said about such depressing things. Will we leave you? If you look, the places they leave are places that they are no longer wanted or needed. I took out a lot of what I wrote because it may be misunderstood - not by you, but, by others reading. I can see what a withdrawal will mean. Nobody wants to go back to those times.

I am busy, but, I always have time for people. I just get around less than I already was! :)

Thanks, Dan! @bluemoon! I hope you are having a great day! My workers started on the house today! Finally...

I am busy, but, I always have time for people.

Oh, how nice! It's been a long time since I read something so beautiful...
I hope the repair goes quickly. I want to see a holiday from you too. That's what I wish for you now!

I need a holiday!! Soon, I promise myself!! :)