thank you for your post.
Overall I agree. The first term of Trump was not that good.
But I'd like to add nuance to 2 topics.
Economy: there are diverse long and variable lags, both concerning fiscal and monetary decisions as well as regulatory changes. The (absurdly named) inflation reduction act will increase the debt (thus inflation). Both debt and inflation will later be attributed to Trump - though it is caused by Biden. If the economy and the stock market crashes next year, whose responsibility will that be? Trump's? I don't think so. There are diverse cycles (Kuznets cycle, business cycle, secular cycle, ...).
What caused the economic boom during Biden's term? The fact that Biden was/is President? No, it is the result of manifold decisions (by individuals, companies, and government) and coincidences that happened days, months, years ago. What we can say is that the measures during March 2020 (Covid shock) played a (significant) role. Increasing the money supply (by fiscal debt) pushed the economy... and inflation. Covid-related supply chain problems and the Ukraine war also pushed inflation and influenced the economy. The inflation reduction act (which is debt-financed, of course, and which can be attributed to Biden) increased inflation directly, too.
In my opinion, judging a President by the state of the economy during his term is not correct. It's impossible to say, a posteriori, what measure caused what effect and how much exactly.
What we can do is judge political decisions a priori: we can say that increasing debt causes (or rather IS) inflation; enormously increasing regulation is probably going to hamper economic growth and thus the capacity of a society to tackle environment problems.Dear @agmoore,
Wars: Trump was not anti-war nor was his term marked by zero wars. The USA are the global hegemon, the world's policeman. Thus they are always involved in some bigger or smaller conflicts. Trump inherited certain theatres (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc.), mostly by Bush and Obama. Bush engaged in 2 big wars. During Obama's terms the world shattered: Syria fell, Libya fell, Crimea was conquered, Georgia was attacked and carved up, Yemen fell, ... Obama encouraged the terror regime of Iran, he disregarded all of his self-drawn red lines against the butcher Assad. During Biden's time Ukraine was invaded and it is still being ravaged, Israel's civilians were slaughtered by Hamas (funded by Biden via the terrorist organization UNRWA as well as Iran). Terrorist agents such as Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran's regime are waging a genocidal war against Israel, while the Democrats became increasingly anti-Semitic. And we all remember the ugly photos of how Afghanistan fell.
Did something comparable happen in Trump's 4-year term? Why not? I don't know. Perhaps it's coincidence. Perhaps it's Nixon's mad man theory. Perhaps Putin wouldn't dare start a war against a President that seems to be uncalculable?
I wish you a great day,