Wassup with you my friend. It sounds like you guys have been really busy, nothing wrong with that, boredom sucks.
Staying in one place for a few decades, I'll put the odds of that at 100 too 1.
You don't have to have kids to see what the heck is going on. We had some visitors, our son and his family, they got here Tuesday night and left yesterday. While they were here, they were so consumed with their gizmos and gadgets that require internet service that I turned the dam thing off, told them it was broken and would be down for a while.
Following some suggestions by them on how I could fix the problem, they finally gave up trying to get me to fix it.
After about an hour it was all fun and games, a little hoops, some fishing and swimming, a wonderful hike where we kicked up a doe and two little guys, still sporting spots. I broke out my Native American Survival Guide and we got involved with making a hunting spear and the list goes on.
If they didn't put down all of their electronics, including my 12-year-old granddaughter's phone, none of that would have happened. Kids miss out on so much these days with their heads buried in so much nonsense, it drives me a little crazy.
I've got a few of those pictures from another lifetime and some of them still make me blush, kind of cute but still a little embarrassing.
Have a wonderful weekend and give Pura my regards!
You got it. But your response warrants a request sir.
I invite you to put that adventure in an article. Everything you just told me, all of it, but in a @thebigsweed kinda way.
That sounds like a great idea, but I may have to change the names to protect the innocent. 😁
Give me a few hours and I'll take a few pics of the interior of Ryan's Rec-Room, my bad, I almost forgot.