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RE: Rant, Complain, Talk - Storytime of the strange episode that reminded me to be careful as long as I continue to travel alone. / Storytime del extraño suceso que me recordó tener cuidado mientras siga viajando sola. 🙃💔

Not to preach, but taking rides from strangers is a very bad idea. I used to hitchhike around town when I was a kid (mid teenage years) and met some really creepy people. I met a lot of nice people too, but it only takes one creep to ruin the experience. Going with a stranger to a desolate location, VERY BAD IDEA. If you insist on doing this, it might not be a bad idea to stay in very heavy traffic public areas. Be careful and stay safe.

 2 months ago  

I liked what you said about how many good experiences can be overshadowed by a single bad one, it's totally true. I was already afraid to do that alone before, now even more so. I definitely won't try to do it anymore if I don't have company at least. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.