More of The Stevo flavoured Blah Blah Blah... I Hope This Isn't My ONLY Post in September.

Howdy Hive-peoplez. I miss you!


I know what you're thinking. Maybe visit more often then, freakazoid.

Okay, you [probably] wouldn't have used the word freakazoid. The rest of that sentiment would be utterly apt though. It does feel that simple doesn't it? Rather than show up every few months, saying how I miss my friends, the community, cathartic benefits of writing, just be here a little more often, right?

Maybe. It really does feel so much more complicated than that though. Life is utterly chaotic in so many more ways than I could even begin to explain.

If I can stick around and be as consistent than I have planned in my head, I will tell you about some of the wild rides I have endured recently. Such as the amazing thing I did for my health now I am past 50 that seems to have broken me, my mind, physical health and my life and work too... In a nutshell, even though I am so proud of myself for making this huge change, it has bloody ruined me!

I would love to make time to tell you all about it, in fact, now that I think about it... I'm going to try and hold myself accountable to telling that story on Sunday... I gotta start somewhere, right?

I reached a pretty decent place in my life and actually began to embody the ethos that I talked about for so long #fitterat50than40 then so many things changed, all at once, job, life, family, health and so many other [bad] habits that I kicked to the curb or [good] ones that I adopted as new...

Overload... does not compute... system overload... shut-down imminent...

However, these are all stories for another day. The point of this post is that I am going to try and force a hard reset on my life. This may sound a tad reckless, bearing in mind what I just said, but I cannot let my life keep spinning out of control, I gotta act and quickly.

I sincerely hope I can be around Hive even a little more as I feel that writing was the only thing that grounded me for quite some time and I NEED that again.

In fact, writing should occupy a far larger place in my life going forward, not just on Hive, I need to start hitting some of the goals that have lived in my head for so long.

What I am definitely not going to do is accept the decline in key areas of life that come with age. Life does not get to inflict on me, some of the ordeals it has recently just because I have a certain number of miles on the clock.

I am genuinely unwell in a host of ways right now, but REFUSE to accept this as the 'new normal' no way, no how!!!

I am gonna kick some serious 'life ass' or die trying. I have so much to offer, live for, strive for and so much I want to achieve that I will make as many changes as I have to in order to turn things around.

I am 51 in a couple of weeks, and when that day arrives, I want to already KNOW that I am moving in a new direction. KNOW that I have turned around some of the more challenging health issues that are currently controlling me and my mental state. KNOW that I can kick down all the doors I need to in order to hit the major milestones I want to while I am still able to.

I am starting simple, arranging some space to work on my goals, planning out a regime of appointments, fact finding missions for my health and creating a regime that I am capable of following and scaling up and up and up as I build slowly but steadily.

I will settle for 1% better each week as long as it is consistent, forward moving and genuinely visible/measurable in my life.

I am sick to my stomach with starting over and starting over and starting over... I am too old for this shit! I know I am not too old to achieve great things, fulfil my dreams and have many happy, fulfilling, productive years ahead of me, but I am too old to keep starting from scratch, never getting to reap the benefit of yesterday's actions and forward momentum.

Hmmm... This turned in to a brain dump/stream of consciousness kind of post much faster than I expected. I did have a structure that I was intending to stick to but I AM writing and I will celebrate that win, and have no doubt, it IS a win!

Come to think of it, it isn't the biggest goal in my life right now BUT I want to see that Hive DOLPHIN badge besides my name here, it's been too damn long... So let's dispense with the 'maybes', you WILL see me around a LOT more, if you don't it means something has gone badly wrong in my life as I am now making it a COMMITMENT!

Life really is genuinely shitty right now but even writing this crappy post has left me feeling like I have taken a big deep breath and also taken stock. I feel a little better.

It's good to see you again friends and equally good to be seen.

It's time I turn my life from something that can only be designated 'unfulfilled potential' to something far more inspiring.

The final quarter of the year WILL be something worth writing about (and I will!) September has gotta lay the foundations for that though.

If I find I am unable to write a post in the next few days, I will visit some of those I have missed most most of all and drop by the comment section (although sometimes they take longer than a post!!!)

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...

Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

Most designs/photos are my own or created in Canva.

 2 years ago  

HEY YT, what the hell is wrong with my country???

I did see the thumbnail image however, before clicking to watch...

You are right she does look as stunning as me when she puts in an appearance!!!

Which reminds me... I know you have been watching a diverse range of athletic disciplines at the gym recently and thought you may like this... I made it JUST for you!

Always a pleasure to cross paths man, hope you and the pure one are doing well 😎

 2 years ago  

Omg fyi and omfg you have no idea! Thank you. Only thing better than twins is quintuplets!

HEY YT, what the hell is wrong with my country???

You're really putting me in a pinch here. I have English friends. My wife's English for fucks sake! Lack of sunlight, anything over 90 degrees F is a state of emergency and the food's horrible unless of course you don't mind Indian and Italian.


The pleasure's all mine, Steve.

Good to see you back! An amazing thing you did for your health that almost destroyed you? Sounds..em, eh....intriguing.

Hey it is [BLOODY ALWAYS!!!] great to see you when we cross paths.

I 'genuinely' have a couple of tabs open from your blog, that I swear I will get round to responding to very soon. They are less 'comedic' comments in truth and require time... Ugh time!!!

I noticed a post of yours last week and felt sure that you covered the story in a very old piece of fiction that affected me quite profoundly when I read it...

Because I am a weirdysteirdy I felt compelled to go through your posts, back several years to prove to myself that it did 'actually' happen... It did.

I also found the period when you were slightly obsessed with the word ferblungett, I did indeed find the correct spelling (you were convinced you spelled it wrong) but I actually preferred your spelling, so stuck with it for canon.

Thank YOU for being around and checking in, I genuinely appreciate it.

Have an amazing shiny new week😎

Oh that health thing that your comment was actually about, that I ignored entirely (until now).

I am gonna write a post about it either tonight or tomorrow, so I don't want to give any spoilers...

Thank goodness you didn't give any spoilers. They're so overrated!
As to my obsession with ferblungett, I deny it! Are you sure you are not confusing your weirdydeirdys?

I am goad seeing you back writing in Hive and I am looking forward to read more valuable posts from you. Awww, for the next days, you will be adding a year on your age but I believe you are still younger than you are. You still look like you are in your 30s though.

And I so feel you about the health problem. You know I have been battling with it on the month of August this year as I was rushed in the hospital many times but I am thankful that I am feeling better now.

Have a blessed Sunday and take care!

That is a fantastic comment! I should print this one off and stick it to my wall, for when I feel old or miserable haha.

May we both start to feel better and better as we move forward! August can stay in the past.

Thank you so much for stopping by with your positive energy and kind words, it is appreciated.

Have an amazing new week, may it get better and better as each day passes. 😎

Nice to see you again friend. Over the past year, I have checked the Rising Star rankings every now and then so I know that you are still active on Hive even when you are not posting. These days my main blockchain focus is Splinterlands and a bit Rising Star.

Starting again over and over sounds familiar to me. 2023 has not been as eventful as I was hoping it would be at the beginning of the year. My only major victory this year has been that I have exercised very consistently for the past 3 months. I am starting to be able to see the results in the mirror and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Looking forward to the possibility of reading more posts from you.

Hey! Always a pleasure to see you man 😎

You just called it what it was... A victory. 3 months is a decent level of consistency, more than the majority of humans manage, often in a lifetime!!!

Keep in mind though, you could choose something else to target for the entire final quarter of the year. Keep looking in the mirror dude, it will inspire you to keep on keeping on.

Take good care my friend, have a fab new week. Look forward to crossing paths a LOT more going forward 😎

 2 years ago  

Great to see you've dropped by, and even better that you posted in the best community on the blockchain nonetheless! (Mine own :D)

I want you to remember that Kentucky Fried Chicken wasn't even started until after Colonel Sanders had worked his entire life and retired from his career. His billion dollar industry didn't happen until well into his 60's! I know you don't want to wait that long to get things right in your mind but keep that in the back of your mind as you think about these things man. You don't know what will launch you forward on the various fronts but something can, and you might not know it until afterwards!

Congrats on losing the weight man! That's awesome and definitely important regardless of our age. We need to make sure that we take care of our health among a number of other things, particularly when we've got a family to look after!

Curious, what day is your birthday? I know a few people with September birthdays!

We don't get to cross paths all that often, not enough time in the day lol. So I like to post in the community from time to time when I am regularly on chain. That way, I know we will get to catch-up.

I love that story about the colonel, it certainly puts patience, consistency and belief in to perspective, right?

Sadly the weight loss was months ago, when all was going really well alas I quit smoking and it has messed with my metabolism big time and the weight came back, and some, however, now that I have cracked the smoking thing, I am all set to tackle the weight and other health issues.

It is the back end of the month, more specifically the 19th. It turns out that I will not be in the UK for my birthday as m'lady sprung a surprise on me last week... It turns out I will be in Bulgaria. While there I am going to plan my strategy to get on top of my ill health and set sail to better things in life.

Thank YOU so much for the encouraging, kind words my friend, you are such a cool guy, really glad we got to chat again.

I will see you in your comment section, very, very soon my friend. Wishing you and yours all the very best, have a fab week and beyond 😎

You Got this my friend and if I can help in anyway, let me know. You have been such a wonderful support to me in the past, more than you know.
I see you my friend. Much love xxxxxxxOh I've missed you @stevenwood, I have often dropped by to see if you were active. I know things were tough already, but I also know that you are strong and that you have such a wonderful attitude. Your words are always so uplifting, I feel blessed when you comment on one of my posts as you always know what needs to be said.

Ahaha how utterly fitting... I was on your page as you were on mine. Synchronicity is rarely a coincidence in my experience.

Thank YOU so much for being so bloody lovely and for that 'absolutely Aish-like' kind offer. I am planning how to tap in to health, joy, happiness right now. If wealth comes alongside, wonderful BUT that is so far down my list it is hardly even relevant. Each passing year the wisdom of what is REALLY important in life solidifies in my mind and outlook.

Sending the very warmest wishes and abundant love to you and yours my amazing friend. 😃