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RE: Divine Is In The Crab Apple Blossom

He's right , there ain't no god , at least not one that will give you any answers .
i know as i tried very hard the last few day's to speak with "god" .
It started on a micro dose ,.. and last night i was chewing away whole shroom's .


I never left this reality , like none of the gods had time to take me .
It gave me a freaking clear mind , all pain was gone , and i never had such good sleep for ages .
Did i stumble on to a miracle medicine ? ,.. a gift from the fungus god's .
And did i cheat , use doping , to created a mind blowing post on b ?
While my mind was wondering around in the realm of the god's ,
that seemed awkwardly empty to me ?

A world without men ?,.. damn girl be careful what you wish for .