Feeling embarrassed?

So I'm writing this because I feel bad for giving out some bad advice about 5 years ago. Yes my memory is the type to bring things up from the past to me. I wince and remember the embarrassing time and it gets etched deeper in the memory.


I've now find a better way of dealing with it - share it.

It has to be with someone who won't judge you for your mistake. Hopefully they will help you laugh and see how embarrassment can be amusing in hindsight. It's learning we are all human and make mistakes and sometime they are embarrassing ones.



So, what bad advice did I give out. Well, it was Christmas I remember that much because it was at a party. Work colleagues knew me to be into crypto, a fair number had scoffed at it. However, everyone wanted to talk to me about it.

I think at the time crypto's had experienced another crash and there was scandal and criminal activity surrounding it and a lot of bad press.

For some reason I didn't feel like defending Bitcoin (et al) and deflected telling people not to invest their money. Seeing where BTC is now makes me feel embarrassed in retrospect. I would have been happier if I had defended it, however the real takeaway is that there are better ways to deal with it.

As Christmas approaches this year we may find ourselves once again in conversations about cryptos from curious family and friends.


BTC has made some serious legs up over the years - I see it as like the accumulation rounds of monopoly. It has also seen some massive pull backs. Who knows what comes next?

I wish I'd told my colleagues to buy however, I am not a financial advisor. Really the best I can say when asked is explain my own position and why I hold it. Maybe talk about Dollar Cost Averaging and exchanges if further interest is shown.

Ultimately people should do their own research - it's their money after all. That doesn't stop me feeling bad from telling people not to invest in BTC. I guess I'm also embarrassed to admit I didn't stand up for the cause, I succumbed to all the bad press and became embarrassed to be a crypto advocate.


So by sharing I hope to lessen my embarrassment from not sharing my honest opinion and advice. Remember this holiday season period - let other people raise the subject of crypto first but then don't be embarrassed to share your enthusiasm.

 3 months ago  

Certainly one of those situations where you don’t know what you don’t know. It’s not our job to convince people to dig into something like bitcoin. We can certainly talk about it and it’s benefits but it’s up to them to take the jump.

I’ve told a few people about bitcoin and places like hive. They scoffed at me and said it was dumb. I would rather like to rub their nose in it now but I’m not the spiteful type.

Thanks for stopping by. Something I'm not sure I expressed but you bring it up and that we are coming from a place of wanting to help our fellows out.