It’s become kinda fun to pick apart some of the bullshit imbedded in common pop new-age stuff, and this is a good one…
YouTube served up a video recommendation: “You will be chased after this video… MANIFESTATION…” (the algorithm surely fitting it into the intersection of dating/flirting stuff I’ve been watching lately and more regular personal development and ‘spiritual’ type content.) Oh this was begging for it from the get-go.
The video didn’t even need watching to get it’s premise: ‘chasing bad, attracting good, get your romantic interests to chase you.’
Anyone else see it already??
Like, so it’s bad to be in a vibration of wanting, obsessing over someone and chasing them… but good to implement hacks to manipulate outcomes according to your desires to feel special & attractive so someone else obsesses over and chases you… and then get in a relationship with said person doing the “bad” thing…? 😹
As though that is going to be the foundation of a stable, healthy, lasting relationship…? 🤨
Bad to obsess & chase, yourself… but good to enter a relationship with someone who obsesses & chases…? 🤔

Maybe I’m just a grumpy old man out of touch with the younger generation’s new-age approach to “manifesting” your dream person. Or maybe just smell the 🐂💩 miles away.
Maybe it’s just some young pretty lady who really is so special to have stumbled across all the “secrets” of “manifesting” one’s perfect life, with a heart of gold who’s intent on sharing them with the world so everybody can be happy, healthy, wealthy and in love (with obsessive chasers… or maybe there’s a part two explaining how to change the person once you’ve reeled them in like a fish).
Or maybe it’s a fine snapshot of a narcissistic culture, in which “influencer” is the aspired-to status - big tits and perfect makeup just part of the package necessary to reel in subscribers & followers, a means to an end of what outcomes appease the ego… same same as whatever “manifestation” “technique” or “method” flips one into the “special” seat, putting the burden of “bad obsessive chasing” onto someone else - effectively diminishing them to an object in the game of getting what we want the way we want it, without concern of the integrity & health of whatever relationship is bound to follow, having started on such a foundation.
I could be wrong here, just some asshole projecting misassumptions, shitting on others' positivity parade. 🤷♂️
Need more be said…?
This is one of the reasons that I try to avoid social media as much as possible. Main Stream Media isn't much better I know, but it is at least targeted in a different vein. Maybe it's just because I am older and they know kids don't watch that sort of stuff, so they don't bother. I usually only watch YouTube when I need to learn how to fix something. I don't have a Tik Tok account, and I rarely use X, Insta, or Facebook anymore.
The face full of slap repels me, so i certainly wouldn't be chasing her, not that i chase anyway.
i'm a sucker for pretty girls, so can't say the same, LOL... at least not the first part anyways.
concur with ya on the no chasing tho. and the undertone & context of the attitude/approach/outlook grazed on above definitely repels me. the damn push-pull with the looks tho. 😹😬🤷♂️
In the day we live in, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was all AI generated. That could be a dude or an ugly ass girl with filters on. It’s some wild shit.
For those things you should probably surf YT in a private window not logged in so they don’t manipulate you with recommended video garbage like that.
I’m pretty sure she’s real. Though, the type of content all these self-appointed ‘manifestation’ experts/gurus/charlatans produce ends up revealing itself as so damn predictable like its just regurgitated scripts, may as well be AI generated.
I’m on YouTube premium for the lack of commercials, so private/unlogged-in a no-go… though I’m cool with it. For as much as I love discovering new quality channels and subscribing, I almost equally enjoy - though in a different way - weeding out the crap and hitting that “don’t recommend channel” button. Lol.