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RE: Mic Drops

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

Their fame, their wealth, their access and the driver of their sense of entitlement, is provided to them by society, and we are that society that worships them, that pays them, that overlooks all of their bad behaviours.

Yep wE've failed because we treat entertainers - including sportspeople in Australia - like Gods. Somehow because they can kick a footy around or play some music they're all good to do what they want. I think it might be in part because we enjoy the entertainment, we find it difficult to reconcile our image of them with their bad behaviour, so we choose to ignore it because we don't want to shine a torch on who we are.


so we choose to ignore it because we don't want to shine a torch on who we are.

"at least they can sing/run/jump - I am useless!"

 3 months ago  

Hahahaha we can all sing in our own way ❤️