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RE: Scarcity on hive - Thoughts on reblogging

Ah come on @galenkp! Don't you know and didn't you realize yet that this new trend and increasing activity of reblogs, just like bidbots were in its time, it's only driven by pure ol' greed? In fact, there is no altruism in all this whatsoever!

Some people now reblog more simply because in their now more profitable 'new job' as hired content "curators" it is only this way that they can 'prove' that they have done their commissioned job in order to get paid their crusts of the "curation" pie by the opulent whales and community leaders behind the initiative who are forcing them to do this in this way to justify they are apt for their entrusted job.

Yeah, it's also true that some folks reblog posts indiscriminately left and right just to promote and give more visibility to their own communities and its members in search to obtain more HP delegations by average Joes and above all some support from the big whales with whom they are negotiating, that as I said before, they demand that rebloging is a requirement to obtain their heavy support.

However, these new spammy serial-rebloggers that you refer to in your article as the most annoying and least reliable, in my opinion, correspond more to this new breed of recruited "curators" subjected to the rules of their bosses who are no more than the opulent whales & lazy high HP stakeholders.

On the other hand, I don't agree and I do not think that the reblog mechanism (like any other 'social' function or feature in this blockchain) should be deliberately restricted, limited or reduced in the least by the Devs, the PowerThatBe or whoever.

As you already answered to someone in his comment before; there is a mechanism in place that will limit how many reblogs daily someone should be allowed to do, it's called you! And therefore everyone must be free to show all their greed, cunning, intelligence or stupidity in all its splendor. };)

Far in the past are the days when I would stumble across some post worth reblogging. Usually, they were those interesting articles about a subject that someone wrote, just in the same way as I would have written them myself or I would have wanted to write them. But lately and nowadays, the vast majority of the content here is extremely boring, redundant and they just talk about the same crap over and over again non-stop.

In short, the best filter and antidote against blind over-rebloging by "hired curators" is just ignore them and move on with the scrolling & hunt through your feed without flinching.

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 2 years ago  

Well said, I agree. ✅