We'll allow guns for mass shootings and repopulate by banning abortions

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

Honestly America, what the heck is up with you? Do you need some scolding? I'm happy to do so!

Playfulfoodie thunder

Feeling like it's a good idea for every fucking moron to own a gun... what the heck are you thinking? Feeling like you have anything to say about a woman's uterus... What a fucking assholes!

How about you provide proper (psychological) healthcare? Battle bullying? Teach your kids to be inclusive and kind? How about you teach people about REAL contraceptives and provide them? How about you give kids sexual education instead of sticking your head in the fucking sand? Newsflash: People have SEX! Yes, your kids do too, whether you want them to or not. Educate them!

You are not with your family 24/7, so you cannot protect them by owning a gun. You can escalate problems with bringing guns into the mix, leading to more death. Troubled minds can do a lot more harm by making guns easily obtainable, leading to more death, but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess. Is that why you don't like abortion? Because you need to repopulate after yet another mass shooting? I know you've already fucked up by allowing so many guns into your country, but the solution isn't MORE GUNS. Morons.

You are not with your daughters, lady friends, wifes, etc. 24/7, so you cannot protect them from rape. Allowing abortions will give them a way to deal with part of those consequences though, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Oh wait, no... because it's not your body. How DARE you think you have ANYTHING to say about this? And what if this child is born? To a mother who didn't want it? Who can't take care of it? Who's too young, or too poor? Who gets reminded of horrors every day she looks at it? Then what will you do? Will you help them? Pay their bills? Give them psychological care? Medical care? Or is it no longer your concern once the, once removable, unwanted clump of cells actually takes a breath of its own?

How in the world anyone in a 'civilized' country can be for owning guns and/or against abortion is a complete mystery to me. These are basic things guys. Use your brains? But this is not even just 'anyone', it's fucking enough people to make these rules stick! You are crazy! Delusional!

Work towards a better world, don't go backwards.

America: Where we care about life... until it is born. Because a book said so.

That's my own pic up there.

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 3 years ago  

Wait. Sit down first. Kick your feet up, get comfy.

You and I are 50/50 on this one. Owning guns isn't mysterious to me. I own several, they've never killed anyone. I think it's totally backwards to disapprove them but approve the ones on a cops belt. Their guns don't kill people either, people kill people. Big huge butcher knives should be banned in Europe and England then because although there's strict gun laws, people are stabbed 75 times in broad daylight. The knife didn't do it...

I'm just as much against gun violence as I am animal cruelty and all violence but I'm not against guns. I'm American, I think you nailed the issue and I'm not referring to the fucking moron asshole part you grouped me in. There's a lot of mentally unstable people in my home country and I think it stems from the healthless careless system you mentioned where medicine is a commodity. That should be illegal. If military and law enforcement possess firearms, I think everyone deserves the same right but don't worry, we're mono-e-mono on the abortion tip.

I won't disclose my personal experiences on the issue, not everything is meant for public.

Charging a woman for murder for having an abortion is absurd and, if that's the case, every man reading this is guilty of manslaughter on a weekly or even daily basis. I'm embarrassed the Supreme Court can just overturn multiple decade old laws and old white men in power at the head of state are just itching at the opportunity to pull the trigger.

Hello, Foodie. <3


My oppine...

It is OK to murder them in the womb, hell even during birth in some states.

Oh by the way. The Supreme jerkoffs in that now Banana Republic Muricas dictatorship court. They did not ban anything. Duh, They are making it a states issue. Ya'll can kill kill kill. You just might have to travel to one of those states where they defund the po-po, BLM and Antifa rule the streets, and people who illegally posses firearms kill 20+ every weekend in the progressive liberals gun free cities... (Cough cough shitcago)

But madness takes over when the (formally hospitalized crazzies) mentally ill GUN (yep, the gun did it) the firearm walks into an unprotected school building and slaughter children that have been outside of the womb for several years.

An SUV ran over 50+ people at a parade. Not one call for banning SUV's. No calls for vehicle confiscation.

What a downvote clownboat world we live in where the banks, state and federal buildings, courthouses, political whorehouses in D.C. etc. Are protected by guns, gaurds, and such. But anyone can walk into a building containing our most precious, the innocent.

I am not 100% against abortion. I do not want our tax dollars used for drive thru abortion clinics that some use as an extreme form of contraceptive. I believe abortion (just like vaccines) should be a private decision between a doctor and the woman patient ooops my bad. Men can now have periods, breast feed, and use the ladies room... Clown World out of control. Thanks Bill Clinton for defunding mental hospitals to balance the budget. Now these crazzies run the show. Are on every street corner. And getting their hands on fire arms. The very same fire arms they will still use even if you "try" to take mine.

Common Sense ain't really all that common anymore is it...


 3 years ago (edited) 

Are you talking about this Bill Clinton or this one? Since we're pointing fingers, shout out to Ronald Reagan for state colleges no longer being free unless of course you're minority. He and Bush senior were probably too busy over here doing what powerful white men do and free education cut into their programs.

I don't know up from down my dude, much less left from right, I've never even voted because if votes counted they'd be illegal. Well, that and...


Interesting none of those white powerful men lined up to control a woman have yet to spend a cent in the science lab developing a pill for men to shoot blanks long before the heartbeat—dicks.

dot dot dot dot dot dot

@pooky-jax did not guess that tune. We play the name that tune game. I usually win with the rock and metal. She gives me a run on the country and 80's music. Bout 51/50 and I win again...

"Still we try, win or lose, take the highs with the blues..."

"Always one more, your never satisfied, it's not one for all with you, it's only one for me..."

"Why draw the line and nmeet you half the way... If you don't know, what that means..."

R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen. (Best Lyrics Ever I.M.O.)

 3 years ago  

Hiya, how nice of you to stop by! I was quite overwhelmed with the sense of 'stupid' a few days ago, reading about mass shootings and crazy abortion laws! America: Shiny on the outside, rotten on the inside ;-)
Good to hear we can agree partially! Luckily we don't have to agree on everything.

You know, I will probably never understand an american's view on guns. They do not protect you, unless maybe you carry one 24/7 on high alert, but that's no way to live. In any other given case, you're probably not close enough to your gun to even use it for protection. I also don't see why you'd want them as a hobby, but I'm not a man and as a female, a little lower on that whole testosterone thing. At the very least though, even if only for a hobby, I think you'd need LOTS of better rules than something like 'Oh hey, you're 18? Here, buy this gun on a whim without any checkup at all', which seems to be the case in a couple of states?

I know I feel a lot safer in my country, where there are various checkups and you can't own a gun unless you keep it in a safe and only once you've spend atleast a year frequenting a gun range, using one of theirs which stays on the gun range. I think you're even obligated to continue frequenting one and there can be checkups at home for how you keep your gun. You're not allowed to carry guns on the street here, nor bigass knifes. I think maybe you can get away with a pocket knife, but I'm not entirely sure about that one... More knifes amongst kids is a troubling development here though, so I hope we can turn the tide there.

If military and law enforcement possess firearms, I think everyone deserves the same right

I honestly don't see why. They carry them, because they are needed for their job. I would think they get checked out mentally and they will be well trained for this. If they tend to misuse them, maybe the US should work on a better hiring policy for these professions. And maybe a random police officer shouldn't carry a gun without question (I don't think they do in our country), but then I'd lean towards taking away guns from them, instead of releasing even more into the general public. What does a random citizen need a gun for? If there aren't many guns around in the first place, you won't need one either. Here, petty criminals can't get a hold of guns. Here, disturbed people can't get a hold of guns. Organized crime can, but they don't go around causing random mass shootings. They either shoot rival criminals, or on a very rare occasion, one innocent person for a very clear motive. All very bad, but well thought out and very few random victims, as opposed to what a deranged mind can do on a whim.

I just don't see the use of so many dangerous weapons spread out amongst the general population. There are too many stupid and/or troubled people amongst us to make this a good idea.

But I also know the US already screwed up with so many guns in the country and I wish you good luck in correcting that mistake.

P.S.: I'm not sure I'll reply again, because starting a new job soon! Gonna be tiiiiiired 😴😴😴
Thanks for pitching in though! I think Americans and Europeans will mostly just be too far apart on this subject.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Abortions - There are obviously lots of angles that this is being portrayed but one of the ones that gets overlooked completely is that this should NEVER be a decision of the federal government. A person should be able to choose to do so or not to do so but it is up to the individual. It's also something that should be determined at the state level. There can be states that for whatever reason want to outlaw it, or there can be states that choose to allow it. It should not be something a federal government or court should have a say in because it's none of their damn business. I don't think federal officials need to get involved in state and local policies like this. That's not the job of the federal government.

One thing that this highlights though, and one thing we should pay attention to instead of getting as emotional as foodie is in this one, is the money behind it all. There is a LOT of money to be made by keeping abortions legal. It's a significant part of the healthcare racket going on in the country. If something is pushed so heavily, you can guarantee yourself that it's backed by significant amounts of money.

It's also an easy dividing line, which is the other unfortunate side of it.

This is a really heartbreaking. How can everyone have license to such deadly weapon? I'm really happy that you wrote about it, I hope the American government get to do something about what's happening.

 3 years ago  

Not everyone can. It's illegal for convicted felons and minors to possess firearms in the US and I think it's weird reading about atrocities makes you happy.

Me happy reading this means, I'm happy knowing that someone wrote about it not that I'm happy people are being killed, sorry if you misunderstood what I meant.

I'll edit it immediately.

 3 years ago  

No need to edit, simple misunderstanding. Happens all the time. It's when we don't perform the simple act of communication like this things get blown out of proportion. Thank you for explaining yourself.

Have a nice weekend.

Thanks for understanding me @dandays. It's true, if there was no communication it would have not ended well.

It was nice knowing you by the way.

 3 years ago  

Guns are banned in New York and Chicago. Murder rates are through the roof and gun violence is something that happens every single day. But guns are banned.....? You can "ban" guns all you want but that only hurts the people like myself who are perfectly law abiding people who want to own some protection in the worst case scenario that we encounter some time in our lives where we need to use it. A criminal does not give a shit in the least if something is banned or not, they will still get it and use it regardless of what the "law" says.

99% of gun owners want nothing to do but protect themselves. I and most others don't want to hurt anyone but don't threaten us and expect to get an apology!

Home Run @cmplxty

Agree 100%

See my reply above/below to our bro @dandays

I bet us 3, We could all sit around a campfire, drink a few beers, snort some allergy meds and nobody gonna get shot.


 3 years ago  

Don't think I didn't notice sitting cuz the gimp can't stand too long.

 3 years ago (edited) 

You and I may be able to sit around a campfire and have a beer sooner rather than later! If you’re still down in the sunshine state that is. With any luck I’ll be moving to your neck of the woods in a couple months!

I know that we could all hang out, but I’ll make sure to bring the root beers for @dandays so he can hang too. Barqs has bite you know!

It’s crazy times we are living in man, where things that aren’t very controversial when you think about it, are controversial because shit has gone so far sideways.

I understand this but I believe that wrong is wrong and two wrongs can make it right. I don't really know how to explain but, you having a gun does it guarantee your safety?

 3 years ago  

Nothing guarantees safety and owning a gun is absolutely not wrong. Using it improperly is wrong for sure but simply owning one is most definitely not something that's wrong.

It's certainly something that depends on how you grow up. If you grow up in an area that does not allow guns and only criminals and police have them, then one likely doesn't understand well enough what it's like and the meaning behind it.

Is not bad owning a gun, yes but the problem is, it is mostly misused. But is a good thing your country accepts it and you were trained well, so you use it properly.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I think I'll mostly disagree with you on this and try to justify the reasoning if I can..

Firearms - I am an owner myself and have used them for many years in various situations, though thankfully all for sport. One thing I can tell you is that me and 99% of the other gun owners have no desire to hurt anyone and the fact that we own them and continue to increase the numbers that we own is one of the most significant things that we can do to keep governments and tyrannical people in check.

Guns are banned in New York and Chicago. Murder rates are through the roof and gun violence is something that happens every single day. But guns are banned.....? You can "ban" guns all you want but that only hurts the people like myself who are perfectly law abiding people who want to own some protection in the worst case scenario that we encounter some time in our lives where we need to use it. A criminal does not give a shit in the least if something is banned or not, they will still get it and use it regardless of what the "law" says.
I never want to have to shoot a person and pray that I never have to, nor be near a situation where it is required but if some dumb fuck is threatening my family the choice is incredibly simple. Their life will end and ours will continue, or I will try my best to defend my family and die trying if need be. It's as simple as that and no amount of fear porn from the media will convince me otherwise that I'm a bad person and my choices to own and grow my firearm collection is a bad thing.

The only reason the shooting in Texas was ended was because someone with a gun stopped it. A border patrol agent was nearby and heard the situation. They were told to stand down and wait for backup but they had a gun and the ability to stop the person so they did and it was successful. If they had waited how many more would have died, 5, 10, 30? You also most likely never (or rarely) hear of the situations where a gun prevented a crime or a mass shooting from happening because it's not conducive to the narrative that guns are bad. Many everyday citizens carry guns and that's our best defense against bullshit.

Abortion - The federal government has no say in whether or not a woman should or should not have an abortion. The fact that they made a ruling on it is a load of shit in the first place. That should be relegated to the state and municipalities that people live in. Federal governments are supposed to take care of overarching things for a country like military, food, transportation and a finite amount of other things. Personal choices in what we do with our bodies (abortions, medical procedures, treatments) is absolutely not one of them nor should it ever be. That is up to the person and their care providers. States have much different demographics and that should influence whether or not something like abortion is allowed. A state that is predominantly of an atheist background like many of the "blue" states are will likely fully allow abortions while the ones that are more conservative or "red" states will restrict or make it more difficult to get one. What the media doesn't do, on purpose of course, is allow for there to be nuances in these types of things. I wouldn't ask my wife to ever get an abortion and I would be pissed if she got one and would try to talk her out of it but at the same time it's someone's ability to choose whether or not to have one.

With that being said though, one thing that we may not take into account is the entire reason that abortions are as popular as they are. The destruction of societies morals and values is to blame. The forcing of sexualization of everything through the media, movies, TV shows and all that are leading people to have far too promiscuous personal lives than I think is appropriate. I am not a prude and I thoroughly enjoy sex, looking at my beautiful wife and all that but what I abhor to the deepest levels is the sexualization of children and how they are being exposed to this shit at far too young of an age. The end of middle school and beginning of high school is a more appropriate time to be teaching children about things related to sex. I had a classmate in middle school that got pregnant and dropped out at 13 because they grew up in an unfortunate household where they didn't have strong morals and bonds amongst the family members. I had a work colleague who herself accidentally got pregnant at 12! She said that to blame was the culture in the area she lived in. The objectifying of young women and the poor teaching of the boys in her area. She doesn't think negatively on what she went through because it changed her but she knows that the negative influence is something that is wrong and has led her to be very passionate about making sure her daughter doesn't get into the same difficult situation she was in.

I think my book will take a pause here and may continue if we are open to dialogue! With so many things in life, it's important to talk about these things! The more we talk and get other peoples perspectives the more we can change our world view and adapt to different information.


My very first girlfriend. She quit school to have a child.

Thankfully she was not still MY GIRLFRIEND..! LMAO

You really got your shit together brother. We are like minded. 100%.

Thank You.!


 3 years ago  

Hahah thanks man, I may have gone a little too strong here but these are things people need to understand so hopefully with dialogue we can change perspectives at the least, minds at the best!