 4 years ago  

"Guilty." Even my arguably favorite content producer on this whole got dang thing is Canadian. Sure as shit doesn't have anything to do with the one time I tried entering the joint!


You're too cool for Canadians and they knew it. So what Canadian am I missing out on that has such tell, I need to see.

 4 years ago  

You found him already. Through me. This is fun.

Awwwww, yay! I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on any fun times. 😊

 4 years ago  

Nope, that's him. Secret's out! 🤫

 4 years ago  

Are those Canadians or ducks?

Yess I agree with you Nine! He has also passed the in sanity check from me. 🥳🎉🍻

🤣 E X C E L L E N T!