I see what you mean by your comment, thank you for explaining. That's not me in the photos and the area the park that photo was shot in, is in a wealthier area where there's an atmosphere of entitlement. The man in the photo is most likely being paid to pick up garbage.
I am responsible for myself in all ways, but not responsible for other people's behaviour, choices, emotions, etc., that is their responsibility. In being responsible for myself, I live in the present moment and act accordance with my inner guide/inner compass, as to the correct action in that moment. If I keep my attention always focused outwards, not attending to what is going on inside me, that is when I cause myself issues. When operating from this place, I know when, where, and who to assist.
It is always best to teach others how to fend for themselves, rather than always pick up after them, which does them a disservice in denying them the opportunity to grow. This is something I have learned in a hard, painful and costly way.
Inner guide huh, that sounds like your subconscious,. Good to know you can control it and kw when to act if your inner guide tells you to do something. Most people wave the idea aside ending up thinking it's a misfortune
I think I understand your post pretty well now.. I always prefer the action teach me how to fish instead of giving me to eat.. makes me independent that way
Subconscious is not the inner guide. This is subconscious.
Inner guide is not easily described, it is a "knowing", not an intellectual knowing, mind knowing, emotions, or any of that. One perspective to view it from, is that of an internal compass that guides you. It's not something that "controls" or is "to be controlled", it simply "Is" and it's a matter of how much one attunes to that internal compass, which can be heard loud and clear when one is fully attuned.
Independence is a an excellent quality to develop, then you know how to take care of yourself.
Enjoyable to chat with you, thank you.
Well would have criticize your statement there but you already end the chat with a thank you.. Soo lovely chating with u😊
I wasn't ending the chat. I wanted to thank you for the chat, since that is my habit when enjoying the dialogue.
Ohh. So I know there is a difference between the mind and heart, The mind is connected to the subconscious because it can be controlled... You made mentioned that the inner guild cannot control you and you can't control it. It's a win-win sort of thing agreed, in other words, it just comes unexpected and happens to me all the time but some people fail to listen and follow it they end up making mistakes... Now if the subconscious mind can be controlled which is out of the list. How then do you know when your inner guild is talking to you and not your heart how do you differentiate it? In fact, how do you differentiate between advice or a word given by your inner guild, your heart, or your mind?
I hope am clear and do not get you thinking deep I just love critical thinking and logical conversations 😊😊😊
Another way to describe one's inner guide, would be to say inner companion. There is always the choice of whether one opens to this relationship, this guidance, and to what degree.
What you've said here, this is what I am referring to. It is absolutely accurate that when one chooses not to listen to it, they end up making mistakes. From my own experience, I have found this to be true every time. Sometimes people will even say..."if only I'd listened to myself, I would not have done X".
I literally "just know". It's immediate. It's not a thinking process. I know and act all in one. How to differentiate...I can give some suggestions.
It's almost like having a trusted friend tap you on the shoulder to tell you something about whatever it is that is going on in that moment (any moment). Often it can be described as a feeling in your gut, a gut feeling about whatever. You will literally feel it in that area of your body. Also, you'll feel like something is "off" about whatever it is, kind of like milk that's gone sour. The more attuned you become, the clearer this communication becomes.
Things that help develop this relationship:
Observing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour in the moment.
Developing self-awareness.
Building trust within yourself.
Learning to let go and trust that inner guidance.
Spending time by oneself without distractions.
All of this sort of growth takes time, patience, perseverance, strength and practice. It is the road less travelled, the most difficult one, but, in my experience, the most worthwhile one.
I swim deep, always have, lol.
Spending time by oneself without distractions
Can you elaborate on that a little.
You seem to know alot about spirituality.. what spiritual path do you follow are you a Buddhist or.... ??
Secondly what opinion do you have for me to practice meditation.. I actually do it sometimes but each time my mind always jump off like a monkey from thoughts to thoughts