Must be mountains! And a lake to swim in - mornings and sunset 👍
Minimum of six Huskies (or wolves); fireplace; satellite (of course) and wall to wall bookshelves (full of books). And a washing machine. (handwashing sucks)
A good oven (or of course!) and a nice porch for star gazing.
No need to know any steps. We make 'em up as we go along
Sure, I'm spring kiddo. Moody weather and rainy autumn aren't my cup of tea. (:
Okie dokie... wanna move to the tropics and open a juice bar on a beach with me?
Dancing is mandatory.
Only if mountains are somewhere on sight!
I do know some steps, from left to the right.😅
(alive not so alive, lol)
We are alive :D That's all that matters really
Must be mountains! And a lake to swim in - mornings and sunset 👍
Minimum of six Huskies (or wolves); fireplace; satellite (of course) and wall to wall bookshelves (full of books). And a washing machine. (handwashing sucks)
A good oven (or of course!) and a nice porch for star gazing.
No need to know any steps. We make 'em up as we go along
Does Huskies adopted well kittens? :D
Oh no, not needed they behave themselves already like cats.
Fireplace, all in one! Who needs oven to take the space inside.
Ah... that would work better then! A wood burning stove! :)
Like your work.
Well trained Huskies and kittens yes. And horses, ducks and a goats.
And Llamas because... well... Llamas!
Lalalamas are cute but rude.
Too much unexpected spitting. 😂