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RE: From Cluttered to Clear

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

I have experienced decluttering at night because I felt uncomfortable with it. Hehe
It's so nice if we only have fewer things in our room for us to be more comfortable and can move freely.
And one thing I like is your gaming keyboard. 😁 it looks attractive because of its different lights.

 2 years ago  

😁 You definitely should get one of those. Not only pretty aesthetic, it just is nice to type especially if what you do is writing a lot or play games. I think like @nathen007 said, there's no interruption and no distractions. That's why we get comfortable with it.

In my case, it's possibly because I don't like people much too and I don't have to talk to anyone in person at that time of night lol ;-)