Here we go again...


I've read somewhere that God gives his hardest battles to his toughest warriors... Then, with no disrespect for the Lord, and thanking for the vote of trust, I don't think I'm that much of a tough warrior, at least not when it comes to my children.

I'd never get tired of showing support and telling how proud and amazed I am of those parents with sick children, those with a serious illness, I mean, I don't know how they can handle that situation, I with a bit of a fever freak out completely.
One thing I always hated when in my school years was to miss class for being sick, cause in those days missed would always something extraordinary happen, like a celebration or something really key to an exam or something, and it pains me now to see my girl miss school because of a fever, which most likely caught at school anyways. I understand its normal for a 3.5 year old at kindergarten to get sick, even more now that the whole pandemic has messed up our immune systems and almost half of her class has a cough or a fever, but, I still don't know how to handle my kids being sick.
Now I have a 3.5 y/o girl with a fever, which means, as her pediatrician orders, two days in observation with SOS medicine (only If she still has fever) and after that I'd there's no fever, tests and personal examination (I'm not sure if this is standard procedure or pandemic procedure) AND a 1.5 y/o girl TEETHING!!!! I have content absence of my wisdom teeth so I don't know the pain but everyone that has gone through thatched can testify how bad the pain is, so imagine a toddler growing two molars at once... Not fun!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad my girls are feeling sick, I'm pissed about not being able to handle it properly... I don't know to channel my frustration of not being able to take away their pain, I get nervous because I don't know when the slightest pain can turn into something else, I'm terrified something serious would happen to them, cause I know that if something happens to one of them I'd die...
I'm also sad my plans for a comeback to the blogging activities are going down the drain, but I know my five followers will understand LOL. Sorry I come here to rant about this but it's my safe place, I know I might get judged but the support I'll get will make it ten times better. I know many moms like me will understand my frustration not only cause of all I already wrote but also cause sometimes no one understand the "weight" That falls on our shoulders... We, moms, are definitely superheroes! (Also some dads are!)

Sick kids can suck a lot, but at the same time, it is natural. If they are never sick, what happens to their immune system? I think that because of the pandemic, there are a lot of "disruptions" to children's growth and it will have to rebalance.

Dealing with it personally - well that depends on you as a parent, but for me - it is about building effective strategies to be able to do what I need to do, while looking after my daughter. That generally means, looking after her and doing what I need to do after she is asleep. I have been doing this for years though, so it is just part of the routine now.

Thanks for the kind words, I agree with you completely, I know is inevitable for them to get sick but still feels terrible, my kids are so active and they can't practically stay calm, they are always running around and chasing each other and making lots of noise! when they are sick, the house feels so empty and sad. Thank God I have my husband, he tries to fill in for me in the house chores when the girls are down, cause when they get sick all they want is mommy, and that's great but it's also a bit overwhelming... I know all parents agree it'd be so much better if we could get sick for them

 2 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by a comment here :D

Yeah I'm totally with you on the natural aspect of kids being sick! My wife freaks out if our son gets a little stuffy nose. I'm like wtf calm down, it's important for him to get sick! He needs a functioning immune system lol

I've certainly taken your strategy on it and now do most everything while he sleeps now. Makes for a tired me but lets me get things done so it's a win there.

Ay amiga, créeme que te entiendo completamente... Yo fui mamá de hospital y entiendo completamente esa sensación de frustración de no poder hacer nada mas por ellos 😔 paciencia y calma es lo único que te puedo recomendar ❤️ todo pasa

 2 years ago  

Ah I know where you're coming from with this! We had the same thoughts and feelings with our son in the early years. Thankfully he's a bit older now but anytime he gets sick or has something going on (unless it's self inflicted because he didn't listen to me to not run around like a monkey in the house lol) I always feel bad that I can't take the pain for him. The difficult part mentally about that is that we can't but the important thing for them is that they feel these things. It's important for growth and development of their little brains and bodies, as difficult as it is for us as parents to witness it.

Teething was tough! With some of the teeth, our son broke out in crazy fevers. His molars he was at like 104 it was insane! Those were incredibly long nights for me, I barely slept checking on him constantly and trying to bring his temperature down with tylenol and other things.

The kids being sick isn't fun that's for sure but it's important for their bodies and immune systems to get it. This whole notion of the past few years that being sick is a problem is foolish! Our bodies come into contact with respiratory viruses and other bacteria constantly so we are bound to get sick. The important thing is to give our bodies the tools it needs to fight it off like lots of water and other good nutrients!

Feel free to post here any time you want! :D I may not get to it right away, as I'm getting to this one 2 days later, but I will get to all of the posts I haven't yet seen or commented on. I appreciate you coming to the community here to drop some thoughts :D