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I think most things that are discussed like this particular topic are important to consider because it is not going to be for everyone.
I would love to see more people discuss how this may or may not work for them.
It's definitely not going to be everyone. I spent my early 20's hustling and I love it but as I am slowing down, I get frustrated š as in, I am not making any new moves in life. But this type of thing can work for others and I know quite a few family and friends like that.
For some, work life balance is the goal. But being burned out or feeling stuck in the loop is always the case for most people.
Yeah, it's not my current goal since it's making me feeling stuck :D
Falling asleep reading without intending to fall asleep is one of the most comforting outcomes there is. I find some of the best sleeps I've had came from reading and accidentally falling asleep. I should get back into that.
This! that's how I fall asleep most of the time. I don't need like 6 hours or something,just 2-3 hours great quality of sleep is all I need š
It took me a while of trying to make sense of your mug before I realized it's actually Starbucks. I'd gotten as far as "Stab C.K.".
at the end of the day, you do you (to use a cliche here). Who cares if your particular take on balance doesn't fit the trending bill or wouldn't work for others? All that matters is it works for you.
hahahahah Stab C.K would have been hilarious. I guess I am pretty much an experimental person, I love trying things out only to find they often don't really work for me š and have the habit of feeling guilty when I decided to do things that matter/works for me.
We have to adjust our pace at the different phases of our lives. The key is to adapt to our present as there's no one cut-out rule.
Yep! adapting is super important!
In the last few months you went through some difficult times Mac, sometimes after that getting used to calmness costs a little bit. But it is right and necessary that now you have this moment of balance so that everything takes its course again. You are doing very well, I congratulate you for being so resilient and adapting so quickly to such big changes. You are strong!
haha yeah calmness definitely cost quite a bit. It's crazy how things have been these past few months. I am just glad most of it are over.
Ah, the old work life balance. It's always a work in progress.
Pretty much!
I think it can be a trap for those that are entrepreneurs like yourself. You have to put in more effort than others because you need to do the work in order to survive whereas people who work for a company can do it when they want up to a limit of getting fired. I think the work life balance thing is more geared towards them, or people who left the corporate world and became entrepreneurs to slow down a bit perhaps.
hahahaha yeah! it's not so fitting for myself but I also see a lot of my family who are entrepreneurs also have work,life,balance but also they work 6 days a week. Same with people around me, they typically close on Sunday for the church and a lot of store here close one day a week.
We are all different and wlb changes over time. For me it even changes with the seasons, in winter for example I work more as the weather is even more shite and I am outside less often.
Just find what works for you Mac on any given day and fluff the rest.
haha yep! I feel like I am a lot wiser in the past than now for some reason :D