
in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

I kind of miss that nomad scene startup where you are living in a foreign place to start a business from your laptop and also a minimalist. It's interesting to think about how the space was only known by a few and now everyone is almost living that life. Yet, I became detached to the movement. Suddenly, everyone is now doing work from home and is transitioning to become a remote worker.



I don't know what has happened. I am not satisfied with the life I pursued since I was 18 years old. Today I woke up feeling like " what should I do next?", " where would I go?", " Do I have enough confidence to apply for more jobs?" to be honest, these days I don't feel like I could do jobs.

My confidence is as small as a plankton living in the vast of the ocean. I do not know if I really have any skills that could be transferable into some kind of position. I don't know if I could tolerate people enough to work since I love working alone. I remembered that one time when I was out of my mind. I suddenly loved people and I could work in teams. That one time, it felt like I had all the confidence to just strike a conversation and landing me opportunities the very next day. Nowadays, I shrink to a plankton size.

I think it's a great time for me to start reconsidering my life once more. I came home being depressed of my past and missed the comfort of home. Now I am going back to a hustle, nomad mode. Living away from my comfort zone is definitely kicking my survival skills again. It's like every time I wake up, I remind myself that I still need to get that penthouse instead of living in an adjacent cottage. But being home, that survival skill doesn't really kick in since I practically have my own room and the house will be mine.

The first thing that I want to reconsider is my portfolio. I have been away from the trading world and I haven't really dig into it since early 2021. So far, I just do whatever and didn't really care to make much of a profit like I used to. These days, if you know the right words to say, there are plenty opportunities out there. I wonder if I could try somewhere again anywhere and be like, " hey I am a newbs/plebs, teach me senpai uwu" .

The second one that I currently reconsider is switching my field. Well, there is a possibility that I might have to switch into IT field. Instead of hanging on to something that doesn't really make me happy, I am going to have to find another courses and eventually apply for some junior positions.

The third one would be time management and my minimalist lifestyle. I have been a minimalist for a while before it got the traction like today. That lifestyle has helped me fix my relationship with things. But as I got home, I feel like my non-minimalistic mom has caused me to be a bit of a hoarder. Which is why right now I kind of have trouble with packing since I have so many things in this house that I've purchased in about 5 months.

I don't know when I will go back here so, I am just going to bring some of the things that I cherish the most while living with my mom. I think it's also a good time for me to collect all the PC parts and send them home so I can have more reasons to go back there.

Anyway, it's like only a couple of months but I feel like it has been years since I am here. So, once again here's to new adventures!

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image.pngMac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. Hive is the only social media and blog that she has.
 4 years ago  

Sounds like you are in a transition time. I hear you. So am I.

It's also strange being in a world where everyone seems to be doing things that you have always done, except you used to be eccentric, and now everyone's doing it. I miss being eccentric.

 4 years ago  

Oh yes, I am in a transition once again. I feel like I was lacking of challenges in life. So, I am back once again and I miss being eccentric just as you are.

 4 years ago  


 4 years ago  

It’s definitely a fun but stressful thing to be in flux. It can be great to be on your toes and be nimble but that’s not always the best thing to be doing long term and especially for your health. Hunter gatherers didn’t live as long as we do because of that I reckon! Lol.

Being in the side of things that’s now “cool” and trendy is definitely annoying as hell sometimes. I think the environmental movement is like that now. It was important to say and do what we could to clean things up years ago. It’s important now but it’s so politicized that it’s obnoxious and everyone is trying to do it to capitalize on it instead of just doing the right thing. I get where you’re coming from with the minimalist thing!

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