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RE: War Against Selfies in Travel Blogs

Hahaha almost every post of mine starts with a selfie 😇😱 I still consider myself a good travel author though but I got your message haha. I like it when people show pictures of themselves as well. Like that we see if they really were there and also if they liked it there (smiling :D)

But I know what you mean. A lot of times the posts are full of selfies - only selfies.... that I can´t understand either.

The place should be the focus, but the individual experience is also important. - I love how our curator team is so diverse. Following the rules of the community is of course the most important but it's also good to have individual preferences.


Yours is an exception, Liz! You're always smiling in your selfies, so I'll make it an exception to the rule. What I hate are those selfies with faces that send shivers to my spine. 😂