Inspirational Hivonians

Orange Cat Bad

we almost named our "Lil' Guy"... Lil' POTUS

Lil' Guy Time Out Lovin' (5) 2019-11-03.jpg

Lil' Guy Time Out Lovin' (6) 2019-11-03.jpg

Deck Post Multi-shots (5) 2020-05-05.jpg



Reading a post from someone I consider a friend and mentor here on the platform inspired me to express my cautious optimism toward the current situation here in America.

Our political views may be polar opposites. But we are in this together and would be there for each other if shit ever got real bad. At least I would like to think so...

You can read his post here if you like...

Uh uh bro...

I distinctively remember someone telling me it would be... Easy

Great Again

I think I will make this a post. Because it sure turned into a Yuge reply/comment. I call that inspiration bro. You have done that for me many times here in the Hive.

They were all liars. I realize that now. From the big pHarma funded news media to the corrupt criminal liars they promote. They all told me all my life it would be...


Even the latest and greatest is making promises he can not keep. They will never let him. Love him or hate him, god bless him for trying.

If he slows or stops the bleed out of this country, lowers the energy costa, lowers the taxation, deports the illegals who are raping and killing americans physically and economically.

If this current liar accomplishes any of the lies promises he has made then he is better than all before him. The very media that has demonized their former media darling. The same corrupt liars who praised him before the escalator ride in 2015. Where he came out with a political view different from theirs. If he accomplishes even half of what he is trying to, Then we have all won.

And also... maybe I will not go out of business. I am very close to that right now. So my tongue is bleeding also bro. Maybe for slightly different reasons. But I have massive respect for your POV. And you are one of very few I can say that about. I am hopeful just like you. We have that in common.

Wait & Watch

We will be doing that watching and waiting together my friend.

Thank you for always being here on Hive (the platform formerly known as Steem)
Music also inspires me.
All we can do my cat keeping friend is "Keep on Keepin' On"


You have mine... @denmarkguy

And the cat in the totes also


Love the cat in the tote! Has the orange man of the house gotten any calmer?
As to the orange man of your country, I wish you the best of luck. The USA is such a weird place, I never understood how it could be that people can have a job but be forced to live in their cars... the list goes on

Please always remember the corporate funded state run news medias, yours and ours, are known liars.

The Cost of living has almost tripled since 2021. It has me struggling to stay in business. I guess I do live part time in my vehicle. 😳

Orange cat is good. He is kept away from the older cats. He is not alone tho. He is paired with Blizzard our rescue from a year ago. The only cat big and strong enough to put Lil' Guy in his place. They play fight hard but seem to coexist well. They have the master bedroom and bath to themselves and only get a short time in gen pop at feed times.

Here is a photo I just snapped of them 5 minutes ago. 👍


 4 months ago  

Cheers dude! I don’t like to put a lot of faith in someone like the president because that’s misplaced. We have a lot of power collectively that people forget. We also have the power locally to do a lot which people also don’t realize. What I am hoping for is he’s not running for re-election now so he’s actually going to be able to make some meaningful changes. We have gone down the Marxism path for so long and so strongly that people are so forgetful what it’s like to be Americans. We are so strong when we aren’t divided by stupid things like identity politics (race, preferences, abortion etc.) and that’s for sure by design.

I don’t love him but I respect him and he’s honest which is a far cry from what the current crop of politicians are doing. There are so many qualities about him such as bringing regular people up and talking with them, giving them jobs near him, interacting with them frequently and honestly. We all remember the photo of Clinton walking through an average Americans apartment and how out of place and confused she was. She’s never been to a place like that and it’s hilarious how it shows.

I don’t want to get too hopeful, because that’s also dangerous but I am optimistic we can stop suffering, if not for another 4 years or so. I’m hoping I can actually afford a house soon.. we shall see.

I hope this is also a good thing for you man! The truckers have been getting hit hard by these bullshit policies and administrations the last few cycles. Hopefully this one is better!