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RE: Today I am feeling very grateful to just feel halfway decent. But also a bit TICKED OFF at people in general.

Cuando comencé a leer tu publicación recordé cuando fui atacado por el COVID-19.
Todo eso que te pasó me hizo recordar cosas que no quiero volver a vivir.
Qué bueno que lo superaste, que ya estas mucho mejor, como nuevo.
Gracias por compartir este contenido tuyo.
Que el universo te llene de mucha salud.

When I started reading your post I remembered when I was attacked by COVID-19.
All that happened to you made me remember things that I don't want to live again.
Good thing you got over it, that you are already much better, good as new.
Thank you for sharing this content of yours.
May the universe fill you with good health.