Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
I had reason to think about life and death on Friday, it was the 11th day of November - Remembrance Day which, in Commonwealth countries and member States, has been commemorated since 1919 in honour of members of the armed forces who served and died in World War One.
There's official commemorations at war memorials and a minute of silence is observed at 11:00 on the day; I can't recall a year in which I've not done so and spent some time thinking about the sacrifices people have made so that others can enjoy freedom. As they say, freedom doesn't come for free.
Sadly, many people don't care these days which I find very disrespectful.
Whether a person was born here like myself, or has chosen to come from overseas and make Australia their home, respect should be shown for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to provide freedom to others. Some people disgust me. However that freedom soldiers often pay for with their lives also means providing people the freedom to be disrespectful in return. It makes me angry to be honest.
Later on Friday, still quietly seething about those disrespectful assholes, I picked up and opened my book of quotes to spend some time feeding myself some value, [I hand write the ones I really like in there], and it opened to a page with the following quote upon it - I wrote it in there almost twenty five years ago and I find the words wise, and very powerful.
“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for being grateful, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.” - Chief Tecumseh [1768-1813]
After what happened earlier on Friday, and reading this quote a couple times, I was left wondering, in a society so enraptured by ego, greed and hubris and, increasingly, devoid of ownership, responsibility, effort, respect, kindness and generosity, if quotes like this have any meaning and relevance to people at all.
They do to me of course, and some others I know, but does anyone really care about quotes like this anymore, see them as something to take on-board in their own lives? I thought of the people who failed to give even a single minute of respect to those that fought and died to provide the lifestyle they currently enjoy and all I can come up with is that they're garbage humans who quotes like this are lost upon.
It's sad really because there's so much value in reading the wisdom of those who have come before us, if people would only choose to take a moment to read and understand the words.
This small rant, getting thoughts down in words, putting them at arm's length, helps me to put them into perspective, to release them and the anger I feel also. It's like once they're written, I can see my thoughts a little better, decide if there's value in persisting with them or if it's best just to let them drift away so I can focus on something else. I can't, and don't want to control others, so it's best not to think on it too much. Society is on a downward spiral and nothing I can do will stop it; all I can do is be my best version whilst I'm here.
Often, I wonder why people continue to underwhelm me although I should probably wonder why I'm so surprised that they do.
Having said that, I always [try to] remember that people are people and will usually act commensurate to that which is most suitable for selfishness, egotism, narcissism and hubris abounds...but the opposite exists also, and it's those who display it who I focus on. The rant, putting thoughts down in words, helps to remind me that both types of people exist and also where and with whom to spend my time.
Have a courteous, respectful, kind and generous weekend folks.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
I took this image at the Australian War Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, France.
I would not call this a rant, it's a beautiful message and one we all need to remember!
Not many people know that Armistice (or Remembrance Day), marked on 11th hour of 11/11, has its origins in South Africa, something I only learned recently.
The world becomes a very lonely place indeed if it's too much to even acknowledge someone, make eye contact, smile, or greet one another.
Have a great Sunday @galenkp!
I have little hope for humanity when I consider the backslide I perceive is happening; I probably don't need to list the ways in which it's occurring, anyone can see it for themselves. Respect is largely a thing of the past, not with everyone but generally, and I don't see enough being done, rapidly or convincingly enough, to arrest the slide. I like to think there's some hope as I have nieces and a nephew, who need a world to live in but, I guess mostly I'm sceptical.
I tried to temper the rant, to seem measured and balanced although I was very angry on Friday; the lack of respect shown is inexcusable.
Thanks for your comment.
I think...a few generations grew up too fast. Never took the time to read a book. A good book.
To those not shown how to act in public or interact with people, the internet is where they feel free to hide and not care because nothing will happen to them.
I feel you and agree. I have Great Aunts and Uncles who gave their all for our right to freedom. I still get choked up when I see my flag flying.
Now everyone wants information in 2 seconds and to be entertained. This is not how we are meant to live our lives. But I do not think they know any better. Their parents didn't teach them what they should have learned.
The people like teachers that took over teaching kids how to behave now are afraid to even say anything negative or they will lose their jobs....and it goes on and on...
I do not know how to fix this except to keep writing posts and show in my actions how one should respect everyone. Or at least give them a chance to learn from you another way, a better way of life.
Thank you for writing this post.
I love your message!!
Reading is becoming a thing of the past, as is writing with any real skill - A problem highlighted recently when the NAPLAN results for 2022 were released here in Australia.
And those teachers were brought up differently to my generation so are part of the actual problem.
All any of us can do is make choices and execute the actions based on them. It's up to the individual to rise or fall commensurate to those choices and actions. I choose the former.
Thanks for your comment.
Hello Galenkp
I like your always start with a quote. Both of the quotes today are very meaningful. The quote of Chief Tecumesh you wrote at the memorial 25 years ago now become more meaningful to you. Our way of thinking changes with time and the same happens to you also.
I am very strong nationalist and always respect our freedom fighter and the soldiers who are guarding our border for our good sacrificing their lives. If I find any disrespect to them, my anger goes out of controll.Specially when political leaders play with their emotions, question their sacrifices for vested interest. It's really painstaking.
Good and bad prevail at the same time.We can't change thoughts of all the people.What we can do is to keep educating our neighbour through polite behavior as respectful respected.
Thanks man for sharing your good insight about it.
I find a lot of value in quotes because people who made them may have lived things I have not and I can learn from them; we all can, if we read, understand and apply them.
I like to think respect isn't dead, although I consistently see people showing a lack of it and acting in a manner unbecoming; it's quite disconcerting. I suppose we all need to make a choice on what we do, it's just sad that some don't seem to have the same moral compass as others.
This Rememberance Day prompted me to find out where my great grandparents were buried as well as my grandparents on both sides of the family. It's never been something my family wanted to talk about but I think that remembering those who put their lives and everything of themselves for country and fellow folk deserve a place in our memories and to be passed down or sideways to those that came later, or we will completely lose our heritage.
Unfortunately the younger generations of today are not even being taught about either of the World Wars, so I fear it is all being forgotten. I won't forget and I will always hold space and time for those special people who bravely gave themselves to save their kin - their lineage - all of us ultimately!
Thank you for remembering and honouring those that fell as well as those that came home.
It's convenient to forget things that bring discomfort or remind one that everything isn't always ok, even though, through remembering them we have a chance at taking actions that ensure they're not repeated.
I guess, for people these days, they're too busy remembering what online orders they have coming through from Amazon or what score they got on Candy Crush, you know, the real important things.
I think the best part of reading this piece for me is the quote by Chief Tecumseh. "Live and let live" should be a principle everyone should follow. I do that a lot and sometimes someone comes along to tell me that it shouldn't be or we should follow a certain culture and live right.
My response is always that 'living right and culture' is relative. After all, the beauty of life lies in our diversity. If we do not experiment, how then do we garner experiences.
I agree with you that our heroes should be respected and remembered for if they had not stood up to the ills, there will never have been a liberation.
I appreciate this Message.
Thank you!!
I disagree with the live and let live paradigm when applied in a wholesale manner.
If that was the case and Adolf Hitler was left to live as he chose where would the world be? What about a rapist, should they be allowed to live and let live? What about a child molester, or one who engages in slavery for profit?
Someone always has to take action against humans that work in counter-productive ways, because (some) humans do bad things and act in ways that negatively impact others. Should they be left to act as they see fit? Is what these types do, a beauty of life as you call it above? Yes, diversity exists, but humans have shown propensity for great good, and bad behaviour and the live and let live ethos is not one I agree with in some cases. People need to be addressed at times.
I speak of the 'Live and let live' in a different context. One that is right and legal. A case whereof people are forced to follow the paths made by their predecessor. Barely allowed to explore in the legal ways that they see fit.
I agree with you on this. Certain ways need to be addressed and put in check that is why just as you stated above, there is the good and the bad.
It's always situational, case-by-case.
A lot of the past has been forgotten already especially the important events happened before which contributed a lot to what our world is now. It's just too sad to think that we may have our right to think but most of he ideas formulated into the minds these days were learned from those selfish social medias and it's other forms.
Every morning I thank for my life.
For sure a lot of people already forgot to do this every morning because they are too occupied with a lot of things. But even so we should be thankful everyday.That is something we can do for free so why others can't.
People expend so much energy focusing on things that don't matter that they have less, or no, time to focus on those that do. People's priorities have changed so dramatically and consumerism and social media are to blame in my opinion it's all heading in the wrong direction in my opinion.
A lot of what you're writing here, maybe even all of it, rings very true for me too. e.g. this
It makes me very sad, angry at times to see and experience this. For my own mental health I am trying to block out these negatives but - it is increasingly hard. I am glad to hear that writing down these ... disappointments helps you find your own balance again.
My brain is much too jumbled to put these thoughts into words on paper. But I'm happy that slowly I am finding my way back to my art. Hmm, I guess you could say thought that this is egotistical as well because I am thinking of myself here. What can I say, I am human.
There is no Remembrance Day in Germany (that I know of - due to WW II) but since I came to the US I have experienced it here where it is called Veteran's Day and there's also Memorial Day. As little as the government is doing for its veterans a lot of people try to remember and help, fundraisers and such. I like it because where would we be without the soldiers that fought for us?
Do you mind sharing the title of the book of quotes you have? I'd like to look into it. I often google quotes but a lot of time it comes up with the same ol' quotes (SEO rules! 😟)
Have a great start into the new week!
War is a terrible thing, but where humans are concerned it's something that will always happen. It's so hard to block out negative things these days, but we have to try right? What I will never try and block out is that sometimes people have to do things that many cannot do and thanks to those people others have the ability to live in safety and comfort. Honouring their sacrifices is the least we can do.
It's a (formerly blank) note book in which I hand write quotes I come across that I like and which mean something to me. I date when I wrote each of them so I can refer to the moment in which ai wrote it and remember why it meant something to me. It's a book I've had for around 25 years and it'll be with me until the day I die. I intend to give it to my nephew, but I open it almost daily and find value there.
Oooh, okay. The way I understood is that you had an actual i.e. published book of quotes and wrote down the very meaningful ones in your notebook. But now I understand. And I like it. Previously, I sometimes incorporated quotes in my photo-art or paintings and thought I might do that again.
I'm a man who finds a lot of value in the experiences of others; it means I don't have to experience everything personally to find something of value to learn or understand, and when I run into similar situations I have more of a clue as to how I man deal with it.
All this time I've heard those words (in the opening) recited and never known who wrote/said them originally.
and in fairness I might not have remembered even if I had known x_x
That quote in the body (and whatever else is in your quote book) is probably on a meme background somewhere with people resharing it as inspirational and if lucky some might even be taking it to heart.
Oh yeah, if it's not on a meme it's not worth reading, or so I've heard. 😳
Sometimes I wonder why people choose not to look back to other people's experiences through their quotes and learn something that might help them in their own lives...but in truth, they probably have their heads full of other things. Corporations and governments like to keep the populace nice and controlled, and dumb.
I know some people delude themselves that they're so much more educated and know so much better than people in the past therefore any pearls of wisdom they had to impart is completely irrelevant in this day and age.
cue surprise when a pattern repeats that they somehow never saw coming despite all their education
Indeed. Crazy huh?
I love that poem.. thoughtful wrote up top
It's a quote not a poem and yes, it's very powerful indeed...if understood and applied. I guess that's the thing, the choice people have to make...What to do and what not to do in life...and the choice to do it or not. There's always choices to make right?
Quotes are powerful logic that we can apply in real life,and it's powerful as long as we take it with the heart.
After reading your post, i feel bad. I know that we can't please others but having a respect should not disclose for as we all having a freedom as a fruit of sacrifice.
And as far I've notice that some of the late generation can't take the fact that they should be discipline.
Even in a simple earful, they will shout back, rants and etc.
I am not also that familiar of Armistice, but thank you for your couple of words, it will serve as my reminder.
Having respect for those that deserve/earn it should be a default setting, not something we need to be reminded to do, of course, it isn't though, unfortunately.
I believe in the current generation, they rarely value the heroes of the past who fought with their lives on the line and unfortunately, some died. I get the point that we have to respect and learn from our ancestors. But right now, the technology and political arguments overshadowed them already. I'm just thankful to some tv series who chose to present a historical based event to commemorate the fading history.
This is the most beautiful quote I've read today. I surely noted this and Chief Tecumseh as well.
Maybe people are just kept so preoccupied and destabilised by corporations and governments that they have forgotten what it's like to have freedom of thought. I know so many people who think their thoughts are original however, in truth, most thoughts are planted in peoples minds with propaganda spread through social and traditional media. People are more blind than ever before.
Canadian officer and surgeon John McCrae popularized the poppy emblem through "In Flanders Fields", which leads me to visiting some war cemeteries in Western Europe, how it hits home the great numbers, young age of men who laid down their lives.
Growing up attending Remembrance day services on closest Sunday throughout our years growing up, it disappoints one realizing many have no clue as to the meaning of the day, time or hour.
Throughout history senseless wars have been fought, people volunteering to face horrors of war, hoping for a better future for all, totally disgusting when modern life no longer respect history.
I am in possession of my fathers diaries through WWII how much more insight would one need to know why they stood after learning about WWI when their fathers fought a gruesome war.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 40/50) Liquid rewards.
I've been to those Flanders Fields and other battlefields around the world, walked them, picked up shrapnel left in them and felt the mood of places that have seen the best and worst of human behaviours.
Sobering knowing how destructive humans are one toward another.
Yep, I agree.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae knew how to write, that is for certain.
Sadly it’s part of the insidious agenda of people who are incredibly wealthy and bored with their existence to sow seeds of discord and destruction on society as a whole. We have come to these treacherous days because of that but I think it’s like a pendulum and that we are hopefully at the arc in that wrong direction and going to swing in the other direction. What’s difficult is the ends of the arc because they are the extremes and we belong somewhere in the middle, with a balance to be had.
I love that quote and will certainly write that one down!
I'm not sure it's going in the other direction anytime soon.
That power of choice, Galen, is what puts us in perspective and what makes us happy.
I endorse this phrase ... with only one word we need more "LOVE" the highest energy that exists in this world.
I did not use the word diatribe.
If you're going to quote me can you please get the words right and not indicate I used words I did not use?
I wrote:
I have already removed it and I apologize if I used a word that was not in your quote Galen, I am sorry for the inconvenience.
You hv got some great points here!, might not be regarded as ranting
Yeah, it's not a rant, but I had to mention that as I put it in the rant community. It's a passive rant I guess.
That's nice.
The word death is inevitable one day we all must face it. It is only unwise that are proud thinking that his or her life depends on power or otherwise.
This is, indeed, very true.
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Please stop downvote @galenkp 🙏🙏🙏
Do you remember saying this? You also announced that you're only here to milk rewards. Please tell me, do you really think being polite, saying please to me, is going to have the desired effect after you were so abusive to @erikah?
You're a garbage human being and you don't belong here.
I made a mistake. forgive me, I am grateful to @erikah.
What you did was intentionally write hurtful and hateful things. Have you ever heard that saying, play silly games, win silly prizes? Well, enjoy your prize.
Spilling coffee on the table is a mistake. What you did was fully intentional and extremely stupid too.
I made a mistake, sorry. Give me one chance. Such a mistake will not happen again. @erikah @galenkp
You didn't make a mistake, you made intentionally destructive, rude and hurtful comments, multiple times.
You're not sorry, you just want the downvotes to stop. If you were sorry you would have approached the person you hurt with your filthy comments and tried to make amends, but your comment above related only to the downvotes.
You are garbage, I know this because you demonstrated it with your initial actions where you escalated the matter to the point of hateful and vitriolic personal attacks. Garbage deserves only to be swept out, bagged up and thrown out with the other garbage.
You could have played this whole thing differently and those involved would have then reacted differently, I mean the initial thing of being caught out spamming and farming for votes. But you became instantly abusive which strongly indicates your character. You also advised everyone you're only here to milk rewards. So, I think you're getting exactly what you deserve and what you, yourself, created. You're a filthy, insignificant, disgusting creature - Your actions say that loud and clear.
Everyone makes mistakes, but forgiveness is a noble virtue. I admit my mistake, please forgive me now and give me a chance.
You were given a chance when we asked you to stop spamming but you chose to insult everyone.
Forgive me and give me just one chance. Please help me @erikah
People can only ever be people, for better or worse, but that's the thing...There's a choice. Many make the wrong choice.