Scarcity on hive - Thoughts on reblogging

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

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Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity. It becomes cheap as it becomes vulgar, and will no longer raise expectation or animate enterprise.

- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) -

Is it just me, or do others hate having their blog-feed filled with seemingly endless random, low quality reblogs? Don't get me wrong, I understand that coming across a good post sometimes makes us want to provide the author a little more exposure. I totally get it. What I don't get is people that blast twenty or so reblogs within a day, (sometimes more) with almost no regard to the actual quality of the post they reblogged.

When it happens on my feed I begin scrolling but generally give up and hit the filter tab and they none of those authors get any visibility.

It happens a lot in communities where the community owner simply reblogs anything and everything that comes in. Maybe they feel they're bringing attention to their community? I disagree. It all seems spammy to me repels me from the community. It's their right of course, however I can't help but think that by doing it in such a wholesale manner it devalues those blogs rather than highlighting them.

Scarcity and value

Low supply increases demand forcing an item, service or commodity to increase in value; simple economics. I was wondering if the same could apply on Hive.

All those reblogs coming onto my feed, and me simply ignoring them, provides little to no value for any of them. But if I saw less reblogs maybe I'd take the time to open one or two. Furthermore, if there was a limited supply, would the quality of them increase? Would the person reblogging them work harder to find the best ones?

One per day

Imagine if each Hive user/account had the ability to reblog only one post per day. Do you think the user would select the very best they could find rather than every single post that came into their community or feed?

Imagine looking through your own community or post feed knowing you only had one single opportunity to reblog a post for that day? Would you reblog low-effort/low quality rubbish or would you find a good one that you felt was worthy? I know what I would do. I feel that the quality of what I reblog reflects on me as the user promoting it; I feel I have a responsibility to those who follow me to only offer them what I see as quality.

One per week

What if there was a one post per week reblog maximum? Would the quality increase even further? Would authors increase their quality knowing that only the very best might gain a reblog and additional curation?

I personally would be more inclined to open a few reblogs that appeared on my feed knowing they were carefully selected for their quality or the potential value they presented and not spam-blasted like projectile vomit onto my feed by someone who has probably not even read them, and reblogged simply because they appeared in that users community.

I'm only a small fish here, and don't really understand the whole thing fully. I know people think they're helping by reblogging, but I believe there to be a better and more effective way to do so than projectile-vomit reblogging. I mean, limiting the number of reblogs a person can do.

I curate a lot as a @curangel curator, community owner and Hiver in general. I also vote almost every top-level comment made on my posts. I'm happy to do so. I'm not happy to have my blog feed spammed by random, unqualified posts though. I generally ignore them all and that means potentially great posts get missed and lose the chance for curation as well.

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and maybe I'm totally way off base here, but I think a little scarcity on Hive when it comes to reblogging could mean an increase in quality of what's actually reblogged and an increase in vote value for them as they'll have a greater chance of being seen rather than ignored. I feel this scarcity may make authors present better, write, photograph and layout their posts better knowing their chance of a reblog is dependant upon that quality. I also believe communities will be more attractive to people outside of it rather than repelled through multiple random reblogs.

I know quality is subjective. I know that people think they're helping others. I know people think they're promoting their communities. I know people think they are garnering favour from authors with reblogs. But could there be a better way?

What do you think? Am I bonkers?

Are you happy to have your feed filled with posts from people you don't know posting about topics you don't care about? Do you look at them, or filter them out like I do? Do you think you'd take a look at them if there was only a few here and there? Would you be more inclined to add a vote?

Feel free to comment below, and if you think I'm bonkers just say so. I prefer honesty.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own


I absolutely agree with you on this. What most people don't understand is that whatever they reblog reflects on them and if it was a low quality post, it puts people off as they can't even trust the judgement of the person who did that. Too many reblogs even push the user's post down the perking order and not many people have the patience to click on the "post" tab to see the owner's posts.

I think it should be done with discretion and limited a bit. I believe it should be earned and not just reblogging everything.

 2 years ago  

Discretion is wise advice I think, especially in this case. The thing is that everyone thinks what they do is right and so they continue, even to their own detriment. It doesn't make much sense, but then a lot of things humans do don't make sense.

😂😂🤣🤣😂 that's so true. A lot of things humans do hardly make sense. I hope they see the sense in this. It starts with being open to learn. I am sure if others know how detrimental it is, they might stop but some, they are head strong and won't still hear it.

OMG! I am so guilty! I reblog all of my Market posts! Every week. In my head, I justify it by getting them more exposure as I have 50% or more newbies. But, you are absolutely right, in the fact that they do not get any more exposure because I cannot even find it in all of them that I get.

I wasn't taking it into consideration that way and how short-sighted of me. :(

I apologize for spamming so many people for so long. I also didn't know that there was an ignore button. I don't even want to know how many people ignore me at this point. Shhhhh! I don't want to know.

Apologies to you all. No offense taken, I am too mortified.

 2 years ago  

You and many others Swigs, and this post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, just me, a nutbag, expressing my thoughts.

I think people do it with good intentions, yourself by your own admission, but I (personally) believe it has a detrimental effect when done overly much. In your particular case, I don't even look at them. When I see you've done it I mute reblogs, go through my feed, and move on. Same when others do it.

I think one a day is ample, as mentioned in this post. It means that one will have more chance of being worthy, be opened, voted and that user investigated further. I'll be honest and say I agonize over a reblog for an hour or two deciding if it's worth doing it.

Thanks for your comment Denise, and I hope you have a good weekend.

I didn't think it was aimed at anyone in particular as you usually meet an issue head-on and personal if it is one particular person, as opposed to posting a general blog.

It does have a watered-down effect, especially the way I was doing it. I get them all in one or two days and will usually repost them almost immediately. I can understand the logic behind a contest and challenge like I have, but, mass reblogs are about as good as not doing it unless you are interested in what is going on in that contest/ which case, you can go to the challenge post. I have been making mine drop the link there and I am guessing that is more beneficial than all the reblogs.

Thanks for not muting me. :))

I think selecting a few out of many that post to your community will make it more worth it. It is best you also make it clear on the the community too.

My thoughts though.

The reblogs are not anything I have ever said I would do, so I don't know if I want to announce I am not doing something that is not part of posting in the community. It will feel like something I will be taking away. Perhaps I am thinking about it wrong. @hopestylist

Okay, that is fine too.

 2 years ago  

Lol, I'm not going to mute you, I've done it with others though, unfollowed.

I think the thing about communities is that those interested in the content go there and operate within it and that's how it should be. If I reblogged every gun post in my The Pew community I'd say people would get rather annoyed with me, and justifiably so I think.

The more I think of my one reblog a day scenario the more I like it. It's measured, balanced over a week period and avoids long strings of the same content being placed on people's feeds by one individual. It also forces the reblogger to decide which one they will promote each day. I would also say it would be a requirement for a 100% vote on the reblogged post by the reblogger as an additional endorsement of why they've reblogged it and to unlock the ability to reblog it. That way there's, skin in the game rather than just clicking buttons.

Anyway, it's good to help newbies...But I think it's better done by commenting on their posts regularly, voting and suggesting improvements (respectfully) and consistently doing that until they find their own place. After two weeks to a month if they don't stand on their own feet, cut them loose and move on. Seems a better way than reblogging something that is possible sub-standard and uninteresting to others - That doesn't help the newbie at all.

So, that's it. I have to go work outside a bit. I hope you're having a good weekend.

I'm with you on this one. I usually ignore most of the reblog posts on my feed, as most of them don't provide me with anything worth reading.

Even though reblogging in general is a wonderful thing, especially for digital artists and painters. (because art posts are something I have no problems looking at) But for content writing and writing in general, it needs to be handled with care. There are undoubtedly hundreds of amazing posts floating around hive, so people should take care, and reblog something that truly catches their eyes, not something that someone they know posted, and definitely not something that was posted in their community.

Praise things that truly deserve praises, that's all I'm trying to say.

The multiple reblog thing looks to me like spamming, not gonna lie. To me, your account should be where your own posts are highlighted. We all do small reblogs every now and then, but continuously doing so without giving it much thought, that ruins the beauty of it.

And let's not even mention how annoying it is to open your newsfeed everyday, only to come across 10–15 reblogged posts that are just....😅
This is also why I'm picky when it comes to following people 😅

 2 years ago  

Hey there, thanks for commenting.

I agree with all you say, including the hundreds of amazing posts comment. I feel it is everyone responsibility to find the best (yes I know best is as subjective as quality) and reblog that and I think if there was a limit on reblogs users would do so. I find it difficult to comprehend the multiple-reblog thing, especially if it is simply to promote one's community. I firmly believe that the quality of the reblog reflects the quality of the reblogger; I'd only want to put my name to something of quality. (That's just how I feel).

Thanks again for commenting, I really appreciate it.

I tend to agree wholeheartedly and try to reblog posts that need more exposure.

 2 years ago  

So many need more exposure I guess...I prefer to reblog the great ones that need more exposure as I feel I owe it to those who follow me to present them with good quality blogs to look at on those occasions I reblog something.

Thanks for commenting. I hope y'all are doing well.

Thanks Galen - all well here.

I totally concur with the scarcity idea - I hardly ever reblog posts, it's very seldom and most of the time it is something that resonates with me on a deep emotional level. This is the way I see it - my blog is a showcase of me as a person, my writing, who I am, what I stand for, it is a reflection of my personality.

Everything I keep on my page is like a marker of a day or moment in my life and whatever I reblog is as well. Why would I want to dilute my account with hundreds of random posts?

I think that having a similar situation as you do with muting posts would work well - you need to provide a reason for a reblog, although I think a spammer is going to spam and will simply copy and paste a generic reason.

Ecency promoting it by incentivizing it with points is an avenue for abuse, so that probably does account for some of it.

I agree with you until the end sentence about ecency. There are no avenues of abuse, only abusers who choose certain directions to take.

Hi @nathen007

Well yes, I get your point there - it's all about how people will use a tool. That's Galen's original thought on the reblog as well I think.

 2 years ago  

This is the way I see it - my blog is a showcase of me as a person, my writing, who I am, what I stand for, it is a reflection of my personality.

It's like you're in my head!

Why would I want to dilute my account with hundreds of random posts?

Indeed. Most/none of which have been read probably. The spam-rebloggers probably just click the button and move on. Senseless.

I think a spammer is going to spam and will simply copy and paste a generic reason.

Sadly yes.

Ecency promoting it by incentivizing it with points is an avenue for abuse

They incentivise reblogging? Is that true? Ecency seems fucken retarded. (Some one will probably take offence to that I guess.)

I've just checked this out - you get 1 point for reblogging a post, it's not very much but it's still something. I suppose it's probably not a very strong reason for somebody to reblog something in all honesty

 2 years ago  


Offense taken.

 2 years ago  

I figured someone would, but chose to use my freedom of speech regardless. Thanks for letting me know.

You know, as well as anyone, that when you are promoting a contest or starting a new community that reblogs are beneficial in getting the word out. I won't use my freedom of speech in this case.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I do know that, for sure, but one person blasting 20 reblogs onto my feed doesn't sit well with me as I have stated in this post. 20 people reblogging one each onto my feed (that they have read) wouldn't be a problem. There's a distinct difference. I'm not trying to convince anyone, they'll all do as they please, as it their right.

Entire reason Points exist is to encourage and increase engagement on platform. There is diminishing effect formulated in that will decrease reward after your first reblog. You can learn more about points in page if have any doubt.

Now that is a quote worth re-quoting! You find some real goodies that are like diamonds that Samuel Johnson refers too. Scarce and too often overlooked. I find that people are so quick to criticize and give unasked/unwanted opinions (no, not advice) but praise? Ah that is a scarce and magnificent jewel that should be more readily given.

So no, you're not bonkers (I already checked my bonkonometer and you're way above average) but I think most using this platform are after what they perceive as a quick buck. Far fewer make a real effort to write anything noteworthy. And that includes commenting. And THAT is definitely bonkers

 2 years ago  

Thank you, I quite like this quote also. Sometimes one stands out, as did this one.

You make a good point that has tipped the bonkonometer off the scale. A quick buck. The thing is though, reblogging has no benefit to the person reblogging and doing it excessively only has a negative effect on the people who chose follow them, and the excessive rebloggger themselves. It's a very weird thing to be doing.

The quick buck thing is very prevalent though, and I often find people who have a win or two tend to get a little more desperate for it each time and that can lead down a slippery slope.

The bonkers banter made me miss the fact that I didn't comment on the reblog. Sorry Galen. I re-re-checked my initial comment and see I didn't write about the reblog - at all. In total agreement with you. My feed is usually spammed with reblogs and mostly just random and valueless. With terrible photos. Commenting sometimes takes me down a rabbit hole and off the actual subject. I'm one of those non-rebloggers. Mostly. I prefer to take time to read and comment where something grabs me. Back to the praise being like diamonds I guess. But don't get me started on some people's comments. Do they actually READ the post? Don't comment asking a question or making a statement that is already addressed in the post. Why bother to comment?

 2 years ago  

I re-re-checked my initial comment and see I didn't write about the reblog - at all.

I noticed, but it's ok; I was happy just to get your comment.

I'm one of those non-rebloggers. Mostly.

Me too. We should start a club.

Do they actually READ the post?

Most don't, I am pretty good at telling if they have by how they comment though. I'll often call them out on it.

Why bother to comment?

To garner favour...But I have their measure.

I am just proofing a 2000+ word post right now (a fiction about a man and war) for tomorrow and you know what? I understand that hardly anyone will read it am ok with it. I don't get annoyed or feel entitled to votes or whatever. I wrote it for me, for the enjoyment, and other reasons. But what I do get annoyed with is people not reading post but commenting as if they have. The old G-dog has a nose for that bullshit and whilst I'm still (mostly polite) I hate it. Like you say, just don't comment at all.

But, thanks for yours though, for re-re-checking your original comment. Classy. Appreciated.

Oh my word. And I obviously don't re-re-check my spelingg

Most comment without reading. It's very obvious. My problem with reading the long ones is I know how much (or little) time I have so I open the tabs. Start reading. And a couple days later realize I haven't finished or commented. Inevitably I have a gazillion tabs crashing my laptop so then I need to catch up on days old posts. So I guess I'll start a tab club too

 2 years ago  

My problem with reading the long ones is I know how much (or little) time I have

You better avoid my next post then. Lol.

Your not bonkers.. well about this at least 😆

I am also annoyed from time to time with all of the spamming of the re-blog. Come on.. if it's posted in the right community then I'll be sure to find it. Limiting could work out well I think. If it were me, I would definitely give something an extra thinking before re-blogging it.

I like to re-blog select Orchid posts into my orchid community on occasion, but with something as niche as that, no one complains too much. Other broader and less niche like communities have a hole other problem with the re-blogs.

I filter them out as well.

 2 years ago  

Lol, why thank you. I own my bonkers, wear it like a badge of honour. But yeah, sometimes I'm not bonkers. 🤪

I agree with you and have nothing against reblogging. It's when it becomes so prevalent, spam, that I start to go bonkers. Twenty in a row, one after the other? There's no use-case for such assfuckery is there? Methinks not.

In my knucklehead noggin one reblog per day works. I could be wrong. It's happened once before. 😉

One would be perfect! Eliminate the spam. Personally I think re-blogging she go bye bye. One and done.

 2 years ago  

Agreed, agreed and agreed. (All three statements you make).

 2 years ago  

Not trying to get in trouble by saying this but you gains points in ecency by doing actions like reblog, maybe some of that encourages so much reblogging. Maybe it is isn't that. I guess it's too much of a habit coming from other social networks where it doesn't matter if you reblog or share a lot. But it would be interesting to see a limited supply of the action just like it happens with voting. HIVE and similar networks should get themselves apart from the rest by the fact of thinking carefully your actions. Or that's what I thought put them into another level.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, I figured there might be some sort of bullshit scam behind it. Typical. I don't know anything about Ecency and can't comment I guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Meanwhile good posts go unrewarded.

 2 years ago  

Sure they do. However, ecency doesn't give you a lot of points by repeating actions. So, I guess it has its own control measures within. Maybe there are bots doing reblogs or some shenanigans of sorts.

 2 years ago  

A lot of bots...And a lot of user accounts who should know better.

 2 years ago  

Like many aspects of life 😂

 2 years ago  

Yeah, humans are slow learners. We'll become extinct eventually though and all will be set right.

 2 years ago  

Oh, yeah. Mass extinction should come faster.

If someone I follow starts spammy rebloging, they lose a follower. Easy peasy.

 2 years ago  

Yeah man, I get it. I've done the same. I'm teetering on the edge on a couple right now...hence this post.

Thanks for commenting, clearly you find it as annoying as I do. Most probably do I guess.

I think a little scarcity on Hive when it comes to reblogging could mean an increase in quality of what's actually reblogged and an increase in vote value for them as they'll have a greater chance of being seen rather than ignored.

I agree with this, usually, I don't look at reblogs unless the title is of my interest. And as you said, limiting the number of reblogs would definitely help. I don't reblog, unless I think, it would be a good one for others.

 2 years ago  

You seem to apply good sense to reblogging, and I think it shows respect to those who follow you to be selective with your reblogs. Well done.

Hey, there!

This is a very important point. I usually reblog posts from people I know, and maybe I mistakenly think I'm helping those posts. But I never do more than a few reblogs a day, and no matter how much I know and like what the author usually writes, I never do it without reading the post first. People can get crazy sometimes, and I'm not going to blindly endorse something I haven't read.

But it does disturb me terribly when reblogs appear in the feed in a row and are all from the same account. I ignore them. Maybe there are good posts in there that deserve to be curated. But they've already lost me along the way because I don't even look at them.

Limiting the amount of reblogs seems like a great idea. It would force everyone to be selective. And not rewarding reblogs on some frontends might help reduce them. Or maybe not, but at least it wouldn't be another incentive to do reblogging.

 2 years ago  

I see your reblogs pop up on my feed, all are ignored, as I do with the others. I don't think you're helping those people. A few a day is what, 21 a week? Hmm, that's 14 too many in my estimation. But I'm not here to tell people what to do.

As you can read in the comments of this post, people unfollow those who spam-reblog. I have unfollowed for that reason also, and will again. I believe it needs to be thought about, calculated. A user has a responsibility to those who have chosen to follow them in my opinion. Or, should accept that they'll lose good followers. It's a surefire way to become isolated quickly. And for what, the act of reblogging? Hmm.

I acknowledge that you read them, I do also when I reblog, which is rarely. It's good that you do as many probably do not judging by the low quality of what I've seen around the place.

There is a mechanism in place that will limit how many you reblog already, it's called you. Just choose no more than one a day and you're done. But again, that's not advice, just a statement.

There is a mechanism in place that will limit how many you reblog already, it's called you.

I completely agree with this and on a personal level, everyone is responsible for making their own decisions. And I'll take your statement as good advice from someone with much more experience than me on Hive ;)

And I get the point that maybe for me 2 or 3 reblogs in a day are few but when you add them up every day they are a lot.

I have stopped following accounts that flood my feed with 20 reblogs in a row. Moreover, I usually look at the feed in the favorites where the reblogs don't appear.

 2 years ago  

This post wasn't designed to tell people what to do, just understand how others were feeling and it seems they feel the same as me, mostly.

Sometimes people do things with good intentions in mind but the reality of it is the opposite. I think that's what happens with this reblog thing. They think it helps, and it probably would if they only did one really good one a day, but the reality is it is spam, disrespects the followers (generally speaking) and doesn't help at all.

The fact that you've unfollowed accounts that do it says it all. I don't want this post to come across as advice, but I certainly think there's more to lose than gain when reblogging indiscriminately.

This post wasn't designed to tell people what to do.

Of course, I know that. And no matter how you and some others feel about this, people will keep reblogging

But it's good to know about others' thoughts on topics related to Hive. Especially if those who express their thoughts are users that I consider good role models.

So thank you for raising this topic. Have a great day! :)

 2 years ago  

You're right, excessive spam projectile-vomit reblogging will continue, as will unfollowing those who do it.

Have a nice day. It's Friday here, yay!

Well.. you are bonkers, but not because of this post... ha ha....

I don't know how others choose what they reblog either except that a couple of people that I follow do weekly events that lots of people participate in. I think they reblog all participants to help give them exposure. Although I understand those and am not miffed about it, I do find myself scrolling through a lot that are reblogged without stopping because of that and not really checking them all out unless some sort of cover photo or title really grabs me in.

One person used to do that, but said someone complained about it and so he stopped. I guess when it was early in my journey here, I thought it was a shame that someone let one person complaining and threatening to unfollow stop them, simply because sometimes being exposed like that got others to check out a post they would have otherwise not seen and now everyone lost that because of one. If you were small or new, it sometimes made a difference.

I also admit that there have been a few that I followed, that I have unfollowed because of the content of their reblogged posts. Too many and nothing I would be interested in and sometimes the same hiver reblogged daily. I thought maybe they thought they could make some brownie points with that ...LOL... I don't really know, I guess at things a lot.

I'm not sure which filter you are talking about. Maybe I don't know what that is and maybe I should know.

 2 years ago  

Lol...Bonkers huh? I'll own it. 😊

How is it giving them exposure if people simply scroll past? All it does is dilute the quality of the rebloggers blog-feed, annoy their followers and demonstrate a lack of regard for those who followed them in the first place.

Everyone knows (or assumes) the reblogger hasn't read twenty posts in a row and so it's simple spam. Also, I've opened some now and then, randomly, and some were so terrible I left immediately. Why would a person want to reblog total rubbish just because it's posted in their community? I don't get it.

Here's the filter. I know you'll use it.


Of course it is not helpful if everyone scrolls past and nobody reads it! ...but you don't always know that as a young hiver and sometimes, friends of friends that have reblogged actually did read and you got new chances to make friends.

Still... .I totally understand what you are saying that reblogging just for the sake of reblogging instead of only choosing to share something you think is quality, may take away from the whole purpose of reblogging to begin with.

What's funny, is right after I comment above, the next thing that I saw when I came back to my desk was where two "reblog for pay" accounts had reblogged my blog. LOL !!!

Thanks for showing the filter thingy. Somehow I missed that. Long ago I wished for an option like that ha ha... wonder if it was already there when I wished it.


 2 years ago  

but you don't always know that as a young hiver and sometimes, friends of friends that have reblogged actually did read and you got new chances to make friends.

The people doing this spam-re-blogging are not always new people. Established accounts.

I totally understand what you are saying that reblogging just for the sake of reblogging instead of only choosing to share something you think is quality, may take away from the whole purpose of reblogging to begin with.

Phew. For a moment I thought you didn't.

"reblog for pay" accounts

This is sheer idiocy.

Absolutely agree with you. I have unfollowed people I enjoyed following and felt guilty but did so due to every other post being a reblog on my feed. It's as if I'm being told what to read by having it shoved in front of my face.
I do see their uses but Id love to be able to switch them off my feed which is supposed to be a feed of people and posts I CHOOSE to follow.

 2 years ago  

If there was a switch-off butting that would be good. It can be filtered out but it has to be reset all the time.

I agree with what you say about your choice. You. Hose to follow a particular user, not all that other reblogged rubbish, the spam-reblogs. It's a very detrimental thing to do I think, and will only serve to lose a person followers.

I'm sure what you're talking about is a lot of people's worries. Including me in it.

I also believe that what you are talking about today will someday or at least in the not too distant future will change. The "reblog" restriction mechanism will become a reality.

I agree with you Mr. @galenkp, it should be limited so that someone chooses what to reblog.
The tendency of a person/community to reblog a post at this time just because of the pursuit of points or wanting to appear paying attention. Even I dare to call it attention seeking.

In my opinion, the mechanism to reblog a post is not only limited as you say, but also must be accompanied by an argument column that explains several reasons why someone or a community chooses to "reblog" a post. That would be fairer as a liability and it would actually separate out what was trash and what was quality.

I think this review of yours has represented my own dismay and perhaps also that of many here. I still hope, the reblog mechanism is reviewed by the authorities here to provide convenience for many people and I really have to voice this post of yours by reblogging it with great respect for you. I can take responsibility for it.

 2 years ago  

You raise some interesting issues; I quite like the qualification idea, a few lines on why the post is reblogged.

I'm a nobody here, I have no sway or influence on decision-making but I am able to have an opinion and on this matter my opinion is above. I think it could work better than the current wholesale reblog process and have more value for all but, of course, only those who make operational decisions could make it actually happen.

Thanks for your comment.

Exceptional work being reblogged is rewarding to the author especially new arrivals where no one knows who they are as yet, no matter which genre used.

Over using I agree can become a nightmare when searching for content, sometimes if not on similar timeline does require personal visit to people you enjoy.

Do you go seek out someone who you have previously found to bring great quality?

 2 years ago  

Excessive reblogging is spam, plain and simple, most certainly when the quality of the reblogs are low.

Quick and easy to switch reblog off to find fresh content.

Sometimes I do notice unique reblogs from members I follow finding hidden gems. Always 50/50 call on people abusing, who knows objective behind the thinking.

I actually do agree with you on this. Which is why I seldom re-blog because I am afraid it will seem as though I am spamming others' feed. I prefer to let others decide who and what they like to read, and follow those writers themselves. That's just my preference! :)

 2 years ago  

Yep, I do the same for the same reason. Sometimes I'll reblog something though, rarely. When I do it's probably worth a read, you know?

Still, people should be able to choose for themselves as you say. I certainly don't want to see a load of same-content posts from one community, spam-reblogged onto my feed in succession.

 2 years ago  

Some people reblog a whole lot and I find it spammy to see my feed filled with reblogs from just one user in only a few minutes. It tells me they didn't even read the posts. Maybe 2 reblogs a day might be good.

 2 years ago  

Yep, this is true indeed...and reblogging something one hasn't read to those who have chosen to follow is irresponsible. A good way to lose followers.

First, I didn't know there was such a filter, thank you!!! I have been unfollowing those who do so, if it gets bad enough.

I recently had a discussion with one such person, and since then he's stopped. You are on the right track with this post. Most people here don't deliberately annoy others. But a constant flood in the feed, as well as other breaches of etiquette can be harmful to one's growth.


 2 years ago  

I have been unfollowing those who do so

The only real option I'm afraid to say.

had a discussion with one such person, and since then he's stopped.

A good win.

I don't mean to offend, this is just a few thoughts I have about the matter; I guess if people take offence that's on them right? It's probably coming from a feeling of guilt anyway. It's their prerogative. I just don't see this sort of spam-re-blogging as a positive, and said so.

Thanks for your comment.

Hmmmm, I wonder maybe I was the reason for this post? ;-)
Of course, starting a new little challenge you want to get more eyes on those posts, I guess everybody would try to do everything he can to fight for his new great idea!
Finding a newbie wich gets no eyes is another reason. Sometimes I see less, sometimes (the last time) more of them and yes of course a newbies post hardly has highest quality, but very often is underrated.
At least there is to consider it will be the newbies who will keep this whole game alive.

But I also saw during the last week, as my reblogs not really got more attention they had before, that this maybe is in vain and should be reconsidered.

For my feed I have no problem with others rebloging. It very often happens that I see interesting content I would have missed out if they wouldnt be reblogs.

Have a great weekend !LUV

 2 years ago  

It's just my observations, those who feel they spam-reblog will adjust their own behaviour, or not. I think it's clear that most people hate it, no matter what reasons people give for it.

I don't agree that it gets more eyes on those posts. People ignore them, and will begin to ignore the user spam-reblogging them also. Eventually.

I don't see how there's any benefits to spam-reblogging.

I see and understand your point of view, but did you never see an interesting reblog and thought, oh nice, this one I havent seen?
It would be a good thing someone could turn off the visibility of reblogs. In blurt they have this function.
So, now I have to look out for WE topic :-)

 2 years ago  

I have yes...I just don't like people spamming them onto my feed, like many in a row. You don't have to agree, I didn't write this post for people to agree with me, just share their opinion.

In my opinion, people spam-reblogging will lose followers and support. If they are ok with that, and feel they'd rather help random shit-posters, that's totally fine by me. It's a free blockchain.

(Blurt is fucken terrible, there's nothing good over there. Hive rejects.)

I was happy to hear your opinion because it was somthing I never thought about :-)

 2 years ago  

Thank you for saying it.

We're all a bunch of strangers just making our way a long. I have opinions, as do others, and I believe it's ok to voice them. Not everyone will agree and some may take offense - That's how freedom of speech works.

I'm so guilty of reblogging different post but I absolutely agree with what you've said. I'll put more effort in curating post so I can give the best to my followers.

Thank you so much for this, it is an eye opener and I'm grateful to be part of those that were privileged to read.

 2 years ago  

Reblogging is ok, excessive reblogging is not, in my own opinion.

A person needs to do what they feel is right for them, but will have to deal with the consequences which could mean they lose followers themselves. Reblogging should be done with care and with a thought towards those who have chosen to follow the reblogger in the first place.

I agree with you and I understand all what you've said and I want to commend you for sharing this knowledge with us, Thank you.

It usually doesn't bring much benefit unless it is something big. But then you would usually catch that on another social stream anyway. Reducing to 1 per day sounds like a good idea to me! :)

 2 years ago  

It does right? It won't happen though, not unless someone way higher up the food chain than us decides it should.

It does. Until then, there's the filter button. I was unfollowing people who were chronic rebloggers. Now I can filter them instead, some light relief at least. Thanks for the tip!😎

 2 years ago  


Here comes what had always been on my mind. I thought it was just me who gets fed up of seeing posts of people I know I don't follow not just that, absolute bullshits that makes me close the browser for a while. Permit me to reblog this one because I want someone to see this and stop the spammy reblog. Thanks

 2 years ago  

Many people are sick of it, not just you and I.

Posts should be carefully weighed and measured prior to being reblogged. I see multiple reblogs by one user as spam. I wonder if they consider the potential harm they do to their credibility by doing so?

Reblogs should be something special, a privilege.

I am absolutely, one hundred percent in agreement with you on this one. Seeing a lot of reblogs can be a turnoff for me and I actually think that it is for anyone. I believe the scarcity principle would make people use it more wisely, but it might also discourage people from using the feature completely.

 2 years ago  

I think people would come to understand the value of a well-placed/well-deserved reblog and over time the quality of those chosen would increase.

Maybe that's me being bonkers though.

Hahaha... Maybe

I really don’t see many reblogs in my feed. Maybe the people that I follow don’t really tend to do this activity. The posts I like to upvote I pick from my communities’ list and really try to seek and find better quality posts. I don’t like providing upvotes to any post, no matter what it is. It’s not that my upvote power is very big, but sometimes even smaller upvotes stimulate people. I also try to get involved in good quality posts with my comments, and I enjoy a lot sharing a word with people.

Maybe the proposal of 1 reblog daily will work for cases like yours, because if people have this limit, it will surely make them think about pointless sharing of invaluable content.

 2 years ago  

You're lucky you don't see so many. I sometimes see twenty or more in a row. It drives me bonkers and yet I'm reluctant to unfollow the users doing it as I like their personal work.

"I don’t like providing upvotes to any post, no matter what it is. It’s not that my upvote power is very big, but sometimes even smaller upvotes stimulate people."

You don't like upvoting posts? Ok, that's one way to go.

I upvote posts and comments, as I will this comment you made, but I look for quality, effort, passion and personality. Low effort gets ignored.

I meant that I don’t like upvoting posts just for the matter of upvoting. In the beginning I was just throwing random upvotes, and that’s not the case now! I do upvote posts which are valuable and have something in them. Just a wrong expression by myself! 😁

 2 years ago  

Ah yeah sorry, I see it now. I agree with you, votes should be well-placed and reward the author for various things: Effort, personality, passion etc.

Thanks for clarifying.

I sincerely agree with you that there are many who write random posts. But your writing is very beautiful. You give beautiful instructions and the matter comes to light. Sir you are our idol. Thanks so much it was a very nice post.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for thoroughly reading my post and commenting.

Only God knows how many people I've unfollowed because of the spam of reblogs. I guess I just like to keep my profile and feed tidy.

 2 years ago  

Yep, agreed and I don't blame you.

Yup, me too. I no longer even use the "feed" page on peakd; I have my favourites, a few lists, and communities.

I personally have reblogged a few posts that I thought were particularly fantastic but, really, it has gotten out of hand.

 2 years ago  

I have my favourites, a few lists, and communities.

Yep, point in case. Spam re-blogging drove you away. So, how is it a good thing? How many established accounts like you and are think this?

I personally have reblogged a few posts that I thought were particularly fantastic but, really, it has gotten out of hand.

Me too brother, me too. I will do so again too...and you'll know that when I reblog a post it's because I value it, not just because it appeared in my community.

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Absolutely agree with you. I have unfollowed people I enjoyed following and felt guilty but did so due to every other post being a reblog on my feed. It's as if I'm being told what to read by having it shoved in front of my face.
I do see their uses but Id love to be able to switch them off my feed which is supposed to be a feed of people and posts I CHOOSE to follow.

No one is a pillar of knowledge, those who reblog a lots of post in the past, only had good intentions, no one wants to put anyone in harms way, that is why we need to stay in one Accord, because I believe, now that the negatives effect of so many reblog a day is known, the chances of this activities would be reduce.

I remember I was once fond of this activities, until the day, @wrestlingdesires , told me about why it is not all that good, to reblog so many post a day.


 2 years ago  

I remember you used to reblog a lot.

I'd get notified of you reblogging three or four of my posts in a row and I cringed because I knew people wouldn't like it.

I also saw it as you trying to gain favour with me as I know you never read them considering you'd reblog them all in a matter of seconds and any you left (which was rare) was a generic, nice post type comment. I am glad you stopped doing it.

I'm really happy that you are taking advice :) We can all improve our way of doing things, myself included. Improvement comes daily, by making one positive change at a time.

You are right

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and maybe I'm totally way off base here..."

Uhhhmmmmm... I dunno. I got a shed full of tools that need sharpening.

"I think a little scarcity on Hive when it comes to..."


I resemble that remark. LoL

"What do you think? Am I bonkers?"

Nuff Said.!!


 2 years ago (edited) 

Four days is a heckuva long time, Tool cover.

 2 years ago  

Sharpen those tools, you'll need them moving forward.

 2 years ago  

For sure I’m with the camp of less reblog and more quality on the one someone does reblog lol. Thankfully I am very selective of the stuff I reblog and figure I’ve done it a couple times in the past two or three months. I get a little annoyed with the reblogs in my feed but I’m in my actual feed so little these days it’s sad. Time is one hell of a commodity!

 2 years ago  

Over supply reduces value. It's pretty straight forward.

Thanks for commenting.

I'm glad you sent me this post, I was unaware of this and I agree, it's better to prioritise quality and know that reblogging, choosing carefully is the best thing to do.

Now I understand why I look at many who do not reblog, I did not know.

I thank you for this learning I did today, and I agree.

 last year  

What prompted me was that you just reblogged two OCD posts in a row, and I wondered why you would do that. You have your reasons I guess and that's ok. I'm not even saying, don't reblog, only that I unfollow those who do it excessively. I like to leave them a message letting them know too, hence my message to you.

If you see something that you see has value for others then maybe give it a reblog, but doing it so often can be seen as more annoying than anything else. Most of who you have reblogged lately I've muted so I'll not see them and they have no chance of getting a vote from, it's had the opposite effect than that which you wanted I guess. Too bad for them.

I fully understand, I did not know about this issue. I had not thought about that point of view. Now I know a little more and will continue to improve.

If in the case of ocd, I mistaken the post and then do not remove the older one.

Thank you very much for letting me know and if it is true one post a day is enough. I will do it that way from now on.

Thank you very much again.

 last year  

Focus on quality. I am happy to support good work and if I know a person only reblogs occasionally and focuses on quality, then I'm more likely to open the reblogged post and possibly vote it a d send it to curangel.

Ohhh now I understand, perfect I will, quality above all things.

Thanks for telling me about these things because I didn't know about them, ok I will focus on good publications.

Happy to know a little more and I'm focused on improving myself too, that's why I'm going to buy a camera very soon, that's what drives me to more.

Best regards Galenkp.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Well said, I agree. ✅