With all the current Bloodshed in my country and the country being literally upside down with the war of our very own HITLER, there was hardly any joy or will to celebrate happy birthday.
Amidst, I want to remember this one incident.
Bangladesh has been upside down since the beginning of July, which initially was a very calm, harmless, and with ZERO violence student protest and now has turned into a NATIONAL protest all over the country.
Gradually it has become so drastic and an absolute blood bath for us that it is a rather WAR now against an Autocrat dictator. However, today I felt like writing about this particular woman as a representation of all the women and students.
She is probably a college or university student.
As the defense system in our country is, they are the lawful terrorists of this country which does not serve the country or protect its people as they should, but are the legislated gunmen of our so-called “Hitlar of a government”.
Since the protest started, the students of all over the country from schools, colleges, and universities were protesting in the most harmless way possible against a particular system of government. As they are students, certainly they did not have any means of causing violence to anyone or against anything. However, as always our government, who previously stopped all sorts of republican demands, this time too, she tried to act as a dictator to stop the protest by deploying the first line of defense, THE POLICE.
And as always, the dogs of the government started their violence against the very innocent students, the feast starting with tear gas, rubber bullets, and destructive beating. And, I tell you it is no joke how they cause violence towards starting from a child to a youth! If you see their acts on the videos, you will feel like you are watching some headless monsters, who don’t see, do not think and only obey the programmed orders by their master, for whom they will go to any length, because they are protected by the supreme leader of the country.
The first DEATH of a student caused the students to become enraged, and the fire of youth was spread more than before to the rest, who were probably thinking “this is not our fight, so let’s just stay put and see.”
As police were attacking the students with their elements, that university student, whose name is Abu Sayeed, stand against the police force, spreading his hands as a gesture of “If you want to shoot on my fellow brothers & sisters, you have to shoot me first”

He thought, even if police uses those means (tear gas, hot water, rubber bullet, beating) of distracting and deviating the calm, harmless protest of the students, they would not DARE to actually SHOOT & KILL a student, that is just impossible, that even a government will not be able to avoid the consequences of KILLING A DEFENSELESS STUDENT.
So did he think and stand as a shield for others against the police.
Well, they KILLED HIM. On the spot, they killed him so ruthlessly (see the video on youtube, use the keyword Abu Sayeed murder Bangladesh protest).
When he was shot with the first couple of bullets, he was taken aback, jerked back for the force of the bullet, and still he stood back and again started to spread his hands using his body as a shield and was shot again.
And, later on, they killed over hundreds of students and many other people starting from 6 years old to 10, 12 years old kids.

Which is why, this girl, when she stood against the huge police tank, was no joke. Because, it was very much easy for police to just crush her under the truck and move on, later claiming that it was “JUST an accident by the heat of the moment”. It was not impossible really and she is very much well aware of the fact that she could be just crushed under the tank amidst all the chaos going on during the protest.

And yet, knowing all of these facts, she just went on, stood against the vehicle, holding the front with her tiny two hands and pushing, as if she is the superhuman as we see in the superhero movies.
Even though, she knew her life would be over just in an instant and be murdered in the most possible despicable way, she went on, stood in front of that monster fearlessly, pushing knowing she cannot move an inch tirelessly, knowing her death might be another farce amidst the hundreds of deaths that have been caused already.
She just went ahead and stood…

So, certainly, with all of this going on
However when a colleague of mine give me this brownie as I didn’t have any cake saying “here is your brownie point for the day!”, I wanted to remember this day like this.
On every birthday coming forward, I will both celebrate the joy of my birth and mourn the deaths of my fellow brothers & sisters together on this day!
31st, July, Bangladesh.
[Please don’t ask to mention proper source of the pictures, because nobody really knows neither the creator/taker of the pictures care, after all we are at WAR]
All the contents are mine until mentioned otherwise.