All Quiet On The Northern Front

The 36th July (5th August), 2024

The day of the great get together, when the whole nation, from every village, district and from every corner of the country were invited to come to Dhaka and together we will march towards the Priminister's House!

12 AM, Aftabnagar

When the police lowered their guns that were upwards, and pointed at the crowd, we should have turned and run, run for life!
But we still stood there, straight in confrontation with the guns.
As if, both parties are measuring each other, "Will the police shoot or not? (students)"/ "If we point a gun at them, sure they will make a run! (Police)"
But we were like, "Ready to run back only when they start firing!" After a few seconds of this silent battle of nerves, the police opened fire, as usual.
As soon as the shot was heard, or perhaps seconds before out of reflex, the entire front line turned in an instant and ran like a wave. With the sound of the first gunshot, my legs raced ahead even before perhaps my brain could send the signal of Pavlov's dog!

It was the first time in my life to stand against the armed police in such close contact.
When I ran for the first time, I felt like I was chased by a freaking hungry tiger. I had to run faster than the speed of a bullet because at that time, I still thought they had been using real bullets, which means that one bullet might kill me on the spot.
Ohh the Adrenaline rush, what leg pain and and what lameness in my leg, I ran...ran like Usain-Bolt!

After an utterly ridiculous night of "RUMOURS" on 35th July (4th of August), when every imposter was spreading false, fake news and propagandas all over the social media, which is the only mean to get the news from all over the country, to stop the long-march-to-Dhaka, everyone certainly became quite scared and worried about their resolve to join the march on 5th of August.

So, certainly, my dearest friends, benevolents told me not to go out when I cannot even properly walk!
Fair enough!
I mean Chhatra League = CL (the terrorist student wing of Awamileague) will attack brutally with not only knives and sharp objects but with even guns, as they have been doing that for the past few days, since the Army declined to not help Hasina in this massacre and stay silent. So, before the terrorists were using close-combat weapons, knives, and heavy metal sticks to brutally beat, cut, But, since the Army decided to not get involved any further, Hasina told her personal defense to hand over guns to the CL to take care of the business!
Because this would be the day of DO or DIE for her regime.

The night before my mon-amie, Amor said, "if you go out in this drastic situation, when you can even walk properly, you would be a "LIABILITY" for the people around you." I know he said it out-of-concern, (didn't no Amor-chan could play dirty!) but still that hurt a lot and he knew that it would wound me just as it should!
Then Another girl posted online "Girls should stay at home and pray instead of going out on the streets. Because girls will be a LIABILITY on the front line besides the men. Our comrades will lag behind, injured in the battle for us, women while protecting...etc etc!"

And the majority of women, like almost 80% actually supported the idea! Seeing myself repeatedly getting the " LIABILITY" tag from place to place was really the first dilemma.
I almost started to believe, maybe I should not, maybe they are right. But then one woman refuted, saying it as a stupid and imposterous claim to divide the unity. Then I too realized, since the very beginning, women fought side by side men, everywhere, and actually are safe in most of the places to protect men, because police will less likely harm that easily to the women than they do men! (and we actually later implied this tactics of leading the front line by girls-gang during the firing on the front line!)

Our Badda, Rampura area has always been a warzone almost from the beginning.
Meanwhile, the curfew is going on hard and tight, so how to go to "Shahbagh" (the place where everyone from all around the country will gather first before marching towards the Priminiter's house). Not to mention, going out alone, while curfew and no vehicle is a matter of concern.

[Curfew is something that was actually introduced in the constitution to prevent the terrorism particularly on the border of the country. SOS = Shoot On Sight! The moment a person is spotted out in the street during curfew hour, they will be shot at first sight! Imagine, how they are abusing and practicing this on the very general civilians!]

However, I went to sleep thinking that I will decide to rest after waking up in the morning.

When I woke up in the morning, Ayesha said "Won't you go?" I was very surprised and asked "Are you planning to go too!" She answered affirmatively.
"With this horrible situation going on outside, you really want to go. Are you certain, you could be dead or deadly injured you know!?" But she confirmed with great enthusiasm that she still wants to go.
All my doubts were gone instantly. Taking good care of the previous night reduced the leg pain and I was walking quite fine. I said "Go, get ready"
It was a little past 10 o'clock.
She woke up before me and was done with cooking and eating. She said to eat something as nobody knows if we will get to eat or when we can, so ate some rice from her and we got out.
As weapons we took chili-powder mixed with water, vegetable cutting knives, and scissors!
As soon as I got out on the Badda Road, I found it all silent, like All Quiet On The Western Front!

All the contents are mine until mentioned otherwise.


revolution: sotti na mithya?

বিপ্লবের আসলে অনেক ধারা আছে। বিপ্লব বললেও সে মুহুর্তে ওটা গণ অভ্যুত্থান ছিলো শুরুতে, সেটা সফল বিপ্লব বলতে হলে এখন যে রিফর্ম চলছে এটাকে সফলতা দিতে পারলেই হয়তো প্রকৃত বিপ্লব বলা যাবে।

That is really intense!

It certainly is. Adventure, suspense, bombing, firing, guns and arms, what's not there!

 7 months ago  

Hopefully you were safe during the whole thing!

I was injured, shot but yeah, I almost recovered. Thanks. At least unlike hundreds of us, I am alive to experience how this bloodshed unfold our newly gained democracy!