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RE: Hoax

i had received mine also, early this year, and one of my friend on facebook are spreading the news all day long for a day. Before changing his writing tone the very next day when someone who follow his account came to the bank and got rejected because he already received it once.

what more shocking is my friend is a Kaling, and can't even get the fact right before spreading the news.

 4 years ago  

hah see! so it was on a massive scale. I found out it was a hoax when I searched on twitter and some people were asking about it to the bank. They were replying that it's only one time thing for a year. It's really difficult tackling misinformation especially when it comes about government welfare these days.

seems like the internet are advancing so much faster than our people can chew, so they think what they see on the internet are true. and thus making the misinformation spread far and wide. not just for government aids, and any misleading info about the pandemic itself.