Random note turned into Rant / 最近の雑記と愚痴

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 days ago (edited)


When I was writing a recent random note, well… which was about two weeks ago. It began to sound more like a complaint, so I thought I would post in the Rant, Complain, Talk community for the first time, but I got too busy and couldn’t post it. Then, when Power Up Day came around, I thought I’d at least give an update of how I was doing. So I rewrote it a little, but then I forgot to post it again. So, I’m rewriting it once more 😅.

I powered up 100 HIVE on the first day of October, bringing my total to 3,478 HIVE power. I’ll continue at my own pace through October.

Now, even though I said that my writing sounded like I was complaining, I was not particularly angry or irritated. I was just mildly frustrated. Even so, when I get a bit more tired than usual, I start to feel like pointing things out, well, I do say it to their face usually.
My random note probably ended up reflecting my recent mood since I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with my work. One of the reasons for my frustration is that I sprained my ankle a little while ago and couldn’t go for my daily walks. But I think most of it comes from dealing with my free-spirited bosses.
I don’t want it to sound like I’m badmouthing them, so I’ll mention that they are my friends (my husband's friend) as well and I do tell them about this from time to time. They just don't listen.

(The following is my inner voice, so feel free to skip it. It’s long because I’ve rewritten it three times, haha.)

This happened three weeks ago.
The delivery of raw materials and containers for some products that were running low was delayed. I work for a small company that makes skincare products and such during the week. Lately, we’ve also been making products for spas and small private own companies, as well as dog shampoo.

The delay in delivery? I’m pretty sure the boss forgot to order it. He’s always distracted with unnecessary things during work. His attention and focus wander all over the place. After failing at brewing beer, he’s now making vodka. (He doesn’t mention his failure at all. I heard about it from his wife.) And I wish he’d stop going on and on about how the distillation equipment works during work hours.

I’m pretty amazed to learn that you can make a bottle of vodka for just over $2. He’s surprisingly good at those calculations. I even got a bottle to take home. Thanks for that.

Then there’s the issue of the broken Kubota backhoe. That’s all he talks about now. I have no idea why it’s becoming my problem, considering I’m not responsible and the backhoe has nothing to do with our work.

The week when we couldn’t make products due to a lack of materials, he went on a trip starting Friday, meaning we only had two workdays. The week after was crazy busy because of that, and I didn’t get any days off. By the way, the Kubota backhoe still isn’t fixed, and I’ve heard that it’s going to cost thousands of dollars to repair. His wife was saying it’d be better to clean up the junk on the property first, and that paint job can wait…

Yesterday, he was talking about how some raw material exploded during the night, and how cleaning it up was such a hassle. But when I asked for more details, it turned out it wasn’t an explosion—it just expanded and overflowed. When I asked how that happened, he wouldn’t answer. It was probably because he mixed something that shouldn’t have been mixed or brought it inside from a cold area. Then there was a soap-covered (probably shampoo ingredients) beaker in the dishwasher when I opened it. Ahhh, this exploded. The sink looked like he had been cleaning. If you turn on the dishwasher without knowing what was inside the beaker, it would have been a disaster waiting to happen. This happened so many times. Not my fault though.

Well, I work at the café on the weekend, so I didn’t have any days off that week. At the café, I was asked to take care of scheduling shifts and pick up weekend supplies, and it seems like eventually, I’ll be in charge of weekends. I set up a chat room for staff communication, sent an introduction email to the staff, and since I don’t drive, I registered for Uber to pick up supplies. But honestly, couldn’t we just have the supplies delivered? I thought about it, but since the owner prefers paying staff over delivery fees, it seems like I or his brother will be tasked with it. Well, I don’t drive so end up paying Uber though 😅 Oh well.

Last weekend, before work, I went to greet the restaurant owner who supplies our sandwiches and muffins with the cafe owner. I took some photos while we were there.

Since my ankle is still swollen and painful, I haven’t been taking my daily walks, but since I don’t drive, I could only get around by foot and bus. The photo on the top is the scenery after I got off the bus. I knew the area had a lot of hiking trails, but seeing signs like this made me nervous. It’s only a 2-3 minute walk from a fancy residential area, though. That’s Canada for you.

After walking a little, I saw a park and some people playing baseball… or softball, maybe? I had no problem finding the restaurant. Great! I had plenty of time before our appointment, so I walked a little more down to the beach.

It took about a 15-minute walking and busing from my house to the nearest bus stop. Then another 10 minutes from the bus stop to the beach. I remember thinking it was far away when I came by car before, but it was surprisingly close from my place.

I think it was when my dad visited. We came here to kayak when my eldest daughter was very young. It brings back memories. There are so many rabbits here. You can see downtown in the distance.

Meeting the restaurant owner was easy and the chaotic workdays at the café have recently calmed down.

Wait… chaotic…?

Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m starting to get irritated.
I was thinking of following the café I work at on Instagram. I edited my last post about working at the cafe thinking I shouldn’t be complaining too much but then I remembered that it wasn’t just chaos—it was a disaster! I should make sure it is written on the blockchain! Maybe one day, when the café business is going well and my blog is famous, we will look back and laugh about this… maybe.

The chaos lasted for three weekends.
Many mornings, there was no milk or supplies, and I couldn’t get in touch with the owner, so we had to close early. Other times, he’d show up hungover and empty-handed, and we’d end up closing early again. The café is on the same floor as a museum, with no door separating us so even when we were not opened properly, customers kept coming in, asking for coffee. When I said we had no milk to serve, many would say, “I don’t mind, just give me coffee! I need coffee!” While I was making it, more customers would come in saying, “The front desk said the café wasn’t open, but I smell coffee!” Eventually, people started asking, “Can you make a latte? How about a cappuccino?” No! We don’t have milk! Some even say “If you can make it with a milk substitute, that'd be great too!” People were crazy for coffee! Then one guy said, “Why are you running a café with no milk?” Well, you have a very good point, sir. I can’t argue with that 😭.

I was surprised by how calm I stayed and how well my youngest daughter handled the situation, but this wasn’t fair! It was embarrassing, and we couldn’t keep going like this! So, I went to the café on a weekday to talk to the owner. He seemed to be showing up on weekdays, but the staff said there were still moments of confusion due to poor communication. I didn’t want to lecture my boss, but it seemed his drinking was out of hand, so in the end, I was scolding him, “No more going out drinking!” before leaving.

And that’s how I ended up being entrusted with shift scheduling and weekend supply pickup. How interesting.

Now things have calmed down. I think the boss is doing a good job. I constantly feel like I’m forgetting/missing something after work. I wonder why.



初めてRant, Complain, Talkのコミュニティに投稿だ!と思っていたら忙しくて投稿出来ず、パワーアップデーが来たので、報告だけでも!と思って少し書き直したら今度は投稿し忘れていました。仕方ないのでまた書き直しました😅





ディッシュウォッシャーを開けると泡まみれ のビーカーが入っていて。多分これだな。シンクにも格闘した様子が。これを知らずにディッシュウォッシャーをオンにすると、これまた大変なことになるんですよね 。何度も経験済みですが私のせいじゃありません。学んでください。

コミュニケーション用にスタッフ用のチャットルームを作ったり、スタッフに自己紹介のメールを送ったり、私は車の運転をしないので食品のピックアップ用にUberの登録をしたり…っていうか配達してもらえば済むことなんでは???と思ったのだけど、配達代払うならスタッフにということで、私か弟さんに頼むことにしたそうですが、弟さんは車の運転をするので良いですが、私に頼んでも結局はUberに払うことに😅 まあいいや。








朝行ったらミルクもサンドイッチもなくて、オーナーとも連絡が取れないので早めに閉店。来たと思えば二日酔いで手ぶらで来るし結局早めに閉店。カフェは博物館と続いているので、ミルクやサンドイッチの在庫がなくてオープン出来ないのにお客さんがどんどん入ってきてしまうのです。ミルクないからって言うのに「なくても良いからコーヒーいれて〜I need coffee! 」と言うお客さんが多くて。仕方ないので作っていると「フロントでカフェはオープンしてないって聞いたけどコーヒーの匂いがする!」と言いながら他のお客さんもどんどん入ってきてしまい、そのうち「ラテ出来る?カプチーノは?」と言う人も出てきて…だからミルクないって言ってるの!って言うか、オープンしてないって言うのに、「ノンデイリーのミルクはある?それでも良いから!」って、どんだけコーヒー必要なのよ?!?!?そのうち「ミルクないのに何でカフェなんかやってんだ?」と言うお客さんも出てきて。




That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




Some weeks are more frustrating than others .. like some bosses! Hopefully things will be more organized soon.

Thank you!
I have faith in my bosses. I wouldn't stick around otherwise. It's nice to know that my support is helping them somehow 😊

私はパワー系のおっかない男性の下で働くことが多かったので、それがいつもストレスで… ジンさんのボスは2人とも楽しそうでいいなぁと思って読んでましたが、楽しいだけというわけにもいかないのですね😂


