No call out nor any castigations intended, just a contemporary observation. Men and women are Yin and Yang contrasts whose Divine energies both must both be honoured, supported and allowed to breathe and grow in their Divine masculine and Divinely feminine magnificence. Like the powers of negative and positive polarities in a battery you need both to produce usable energy. The balance must be in place that praises and respects both powers, one over the other or one more than the other fails. Diminishing our differences and strengths instead of honouring and raising them plays into the hands of the divisive sub-human predator class. When the union of opposites is honoured the strength of that energy is magnified gloriously. Let's bind to that sublime reality and act in accordance with that natural flow rather than work against it. We can all see in social media and media propaganda in general the assault on that fundamental dynamic. The reasons are of military strategy to reduce, confuse and cause division amongst your enemy, it's Sun Tzu's Art of War 101. So reject it wholesale and carry on in alignment with natural Universal order and view the victorious results.
Understanding begins when cross dialogue between the sexes is both fostered and actively practised. Men don't understand women and vice versa, so coming to the table to reveal and discuss these unknowns brings about understanding. Which in turn returns fellowship, discourse and alignment to those realities. The goal is to be our best and get out of each other's way and when this is accomplished, milestones of progress are achieved. We need both sexes to come to the table and converse, exchange and grow resolving conflicts, misconceptions and mysteries which serve no one.
I'm gratified that my lighthearted piece elicited such a weighty response but alas, you're teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. I have been magnificently and divinely feminine for over six decades, and am well versed in Yin, Yang and honouring the union of opposites. That doesn't preclude poking a little fun at each other's foibles with no ill intent, unless one believes the narrative relentlessly
pushed by media that women are bitches and men are toxic and superfluous.
Fairplay, it was just a general alignment statement not directed at anyone in particular. Many have lost their way because of calculated misdirection at the hands of sub-human predators who view us all contemptuously as livestock. I resist and reject PSYOP that means to warp and distort our true and inherent natures.
As do I m'dear. We shall man the barricades together. We'll fight them on the beaches, we'll fight them in the streets and in the fields...:)
Aye, that we will. Cheers.