This is the easiest machine to talk to. Next week, when I'm reclined at therapy, I'll recommend we use an answering machine instead of a couch. I'm glad you got your sister with you. Sucks about the laws in Germany but at least they sent leopard tanks to Ukraine. Really, though, easiest machine ever. Hollywood has kinda been one big sex scandal for awhile now, I think you got a helluva book brewing. Yeah, surgery, fuckin life again, you know how it's always doing lifey things. Pura's gotta get a mass cut off her pancreas in June and I go in this Friday for option about restoring my hand. My dominant hand; writing hand, the one I draw with. Haven't been able to use for about 6 w[beep]
I wasn't done yet. Your machine hung up on me. Yeah, shittier than most shitty things, I've been one handed since February. Snapped a tendon in my elbow. That doesn't go in the book! Your sister's staying with you full time now, right? Give her our love, both you and Joy, too.