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RE: Your trash is your responsibility

Ugh. I hear you. And I know of a "superhero" we can call that will fix it all up except I think he retired or possibly died of alcohol and/or subaru exhaust poisoning.

p.s. I have never littered on purpose. Even when I was a grody smoker I carried my smelly ass butts with me until I found a proper receptacle where they could be appropriately dumped into a sanctioned preapocalyptic trash heap.

p.p.s. the humans make way too much packaging.


I think he retired or possibly died of alcohol and/or subaru exhaust poisoning

Alcohol couldn't kill me. Neither could YMF's poisonous fumes, despite my many experiments with hoses duct-taped to his exhaust pipe. What actually killed me was a laughter overdose. I was making a campfire one night and when I went to rip out some pages of the Gideon Bible I've been using for tinder ever since I stole it from a motel in Kentucky, I found myself staring at the book of Ecclesiastes, and after the second verse I just fucking lost it. The overwhelming sense of misery and suffering cracked me up, and it had me laughing so hard that my respiratory system went into full of arrest and I died. Good news, though: hell is a fucking rager of a party. And nobody down here litters.

P.S. Points for using the word grody.

Misery is pretty hilarious in hindsight, I agree.

Good to read your words again!
See you in hell.

P.S. How many points?

Six hundred and sixty-six.

Isn't that the number of the beast?

OOooo should I call it? Is that how we get ahold of you these days?

666 is Satan's number. I don't have a phone. Best way to get ahold of me is to just litter. I should arrive within the next few decades to clean it up.


Guess we won't be keeping in touch...

They left me speachless, I thought people from my region are jerks, apparently here are bigger.

For stinky butts I always have tissue to tuck them in until I get home.

Once my car was kissed by can as some smarty pants throw it out on highway, that could end up nasty.

Someone gave us brains, someone should give us manual with it.

Have to be smart enough to read the manual, though... 'Round these parts our education system just keeps getting worse and worse (along with our health care and housing costs and employment rates etc.) and there is a DIRECT correlation between this and the amount of garbage piling up in the streets and lots and parks.


Hope I didn't make you feel bad about having stinky butts. ;)

Have to be smart enough to read the manual, though...

No more excuses, they can use AI now!

education system

Thanks for saying this out loud!

Hope I didn't make you feel bad about having stinky butts. ;)

Hope i didn't sound like I'm explaining myself.:)