Rules are meant to be bent and broken :D.
It’s tricky indeed to go around and engage in as many posts as we can and be effective at other things in life and on hive. I skim read and try to gather salient points from a post without going through every word, knowing that I’ve got a few more to check out before signing off for a while. With that being said though, one of the things to keep in mind is that some people might not speak the language. For example I found one user that was commenting “nice post” or “nice pictures” on my posts and I was a little annoyed. I gave him a good look though and found out that he doesn’t speak English very well and saw my content and enjoyed the pictures but didn’t know everything I said. I felt better knowing that he was making an effort to be active and engage in the way that he can, which was limited. He could certainly translate it all with a translator and may do that but that’s a lot of effort. Point being, before I judge someone and take a negative action against them I’ve learned that it’s a good idea to look around and see what they are like. I also drop them a comment to give a tip at how to engage to be effective and it’s worked numerous times which is great!
Reading everyone's character is really needed in this case to avoid a little friction, but if in a post we find 5 people with comments like that it might be a little disturbing.
Yes.. I agree with the tips, and it's very well directed and far from failing.